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Soil Mechanics

Properties of Soils

Phase Diagram

Water Content

Void Ratio


Degree of Saturation

Air Content


Unit Weight

Specific gravity

Relaive Density (Id)

Some important relationShips

Method of Determination of water content

Oven Drying Method

Pycnometer Method

Calcium carbide Method/Rapid Moister meter method

Sand Bath method

Tortion balance moisture Meter method

Alcohol method

Determination of specific gravity of soil solids

Method of determinaton of insitu unit weight

Core-cutter method

sand Replacement method

Water displacement method

Grain size Distribution

Consistency of clays: Atterberg limits

Plasticity index (IP)

Relative Consistenscy or consistency index (Ic)

Liquidity index(IL)

Toughness index (It)

Shrinkage ratio (SR)

Stress-Strain curve for different consistency states

Soil classification

Soil Classification


Permiability of Soil

Darcy's Law

Constant head Permeability Test

Falling Head Permeability test

Kozney Karman Equation

Allen Hazen Equation


Capillary Permiability test

Permeabilty of starified soil

Coefficient of absolute permeability(K0)

Well Hydraulics

Specific yield(Sy)

Specific retension

Coefficient of transmissibility

Unconfined Aquifer

confined Aquifer

Sperical flow through well

Pumping in test

Open well (Recuperation test)

Values of Permeability

Compressibility and consolidation

Cofficient of Compressibility(av)

Cofficient of Compression(CC)

Over Coolidation ratio

Differential equation of 1-D Consolidation

Cofficent of volume Compresiblity

Comression modulus

Degree of consolidation

Time factor

Method to find Cv

Compession ratio

Total Settlement

Seepage Analysis

Seepage Pressure and seepage force

Effective Stresses

Quick Sand Condition

Laplace Equation of two dimensional flow and flow net

Seepage discharge (q)

Phreatic line

Compaction of soil

Optimum moisture content

Comparison of standard & modified Proctor test

Compection Equipments

Compection Tests

Stress Distribution of soil

Boussinesq's Theory

Westergaard's Theory

Boussinesq's Results

Westergaard's Results

Newmark's chart method

Approximate method

Equivalent load method

Trapezoidal method

Stress Isobar method

Shear strength of soil

Shear strength

Mohr Columb's Theory

Direct Shear stress

Triaxial shear test

Uncofined Compression test

Vane Shear test

Pore Pressure Parameter

Retaining wall/Earth Pressure Theories

Contrasting points of Active and passive pressures

earth pressure at rest

Active earth pressure

Passive earth pressure

Active earth pressure by Rankline Theory

Active earth pressure for cohesive Soil

Passive earth pressure for cohesive Soil

Stability analysis of slopes

Factor of safety w.r.t Shear strength (Fs)

Factor of safety w.r.t Shear Cohession (Fc)

Stability of Infinit slopes

Stability analysis of finite slopes

Sheet pile walls

Sheet Pile Walls Embeded in sands

sheet pile walls Embeded in clay

Shallow foundation and Bearing Capicity

Bearing capicity

Gross Pressure Intensity

Net Pressure Intensity

Net Ultimate bearing capicity

Net safe bearing capicity

Safe bearing capicity

Method to determine bearing capicity

Rankines method

Bells Theory

Fellinious Method

Prandtl method

Terzagi method

Skempton method

Meyorhoff's method

Effect of water table

Plate load test

Housels Approach

Standard Penetration test

Pecks Equations

IS Code method

Meyer-hoffs equation

Cone Penetration test

Deep Foundation

Bearing capicity of piles

Under Reamed pile

Group Action pile

Soil Stabilization

Stabilization of soils

Defferential free soil test

Soil Exploration

Soil sample and sampler

Sesmic method


Sudhanshu Civil

Ayachigram Road No-5 (W) ,Near Bariya Bus Stand, Muzaffarpur,Bihar 842001

LandMark- Little Feet Play School


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