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Railway Engineering

Updated: Dec 29, 2020

Rail joint welded Rail

Long welded Rail

Ballest,Formation and sleepers

Ballast and Ballast cushion

Minimum depth of ballast cushion

Composite sleeper index

Sleeper density

Geomeric design of track

Different guages

safe speed on curves based on Martins Formula

Safe speed based on Super Elevation

Speed from the length of transition curve

Radius & Degree of curve

Versine of curve

Grade Compensation

Super Elevation (cant) (e)

Equiliberium Cant (e')

Equilibrium Speed or average Speed(Vav)

Maximum value of cant (emax)

Cant Deficiency(D)

Transition Curve (Cubic Parabola)

Extra lateral clearance on curves

Extra clearence on platform

Guage widening on curves

Points and crossing

Heel Divergence or heel clearance

Switch angle

Flange way clearence

Minimum length of tongue Rail

Distance between TNC & ANC

Number Angle of crossing

Cross over

Design of diamond Crossing

Track stresses

Dynamic Augment

Hammer blow effect

steam effect

Inertia of Reciprocating forces

Method of calculating logitudinal bending stress in rail

Rail wheel contact stresses

Formation Pressure

Track deterioration and maintainability of track

Airport,Dock,harbour & tunnelling engineering

Aeroplane component parts

Airport planning

Runway Design


Basic Runway Length

Correction for elevation,temperature and gradient

Runway Geometric Design

Airport Capicity and tunneling

Airpot capicity

Runway Capicity

Saturation Capicity

Taxiway Design

Turning radius

Design of exit taxiway Connecting Runway and parallel taxiway


Terminal Area and Airport layout

Airport Grading and drainage

Airport Grading

Airport Drainage

Harbour and Ports

Ports and dock

Tunnel and dock


Sudhanshu Civil

Ayachigram Road No-5 (W) ,Near Bariya Bus Stand, Muzaffarpur,Bihar 842001

LandMark- Little Feet Play School


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