Civil Lab IndexApr 1, 20201 min readUpdated: Jul 16, 20201. Tests on Cement1.1 Fineness1.2 Consistency1.3 Initial and final setting time1.4 Soundness 2. Tests on Aggregates2.1 Sieve analysis 2.2 Water absorption 2.3 Aggregate abrasion value2.4 Aggregate impact value2.5 Aggregate crushing value3. Tests on Fresh Concrete3.1 Workability 3.1.1 Slump3.1.2 Compacting factor3.1.3 Vee-Bee4. Tests on Hardened Concrete4.1 Non-destructive tests4.1.1 Rebound hammer4.1.2 Ultrasonic pulse velocity4.2 Compression test5. Tests on Soil5.1 Water content5.1.1 Oven drying method5.1.2 Calcium carbide method5.2 Particle size distribution5.3 Liquid limit5.4 Plastic limit5.5 Free swell index5.6 Specific gravity5.7 Maximum dry density and optimum moisture content5.8 In-situ dry density5.8.1 Core cutter method5.8.2 Sand replacement method7. Tests on Bitumen7.1 Bitumen content7.2 Specific gravity7.3 Marshall stability7.4 Penetration7.5 Flash point and fire point7.6 Softening point7.7 Ductility
1. Tests on Cement1.1 Fineness1.2 Consistency1.3 Initial and final setting time1.4 Soundness 2. Tests on Aggregates2.1 Sieve analysis 2.2 Water absorption 2.3 Aggregate abrasion value2.4 Aggregate impact value2.5 Aggregate crushing value3. Tests on Fresh Concrete3.1 Workability 3.1.1 Slump3.1.2 Compacting factor3.1.3 Vee-Bee4. Tests on Hardened Concrete4.1 Non-destructive tests4.1.1 Rebound hammer4.1.2 Ultrasonic pulse velocity4.2 Compression test5. Tests on Soil5.1 Water content5.1.1 Oven drying method5.1.2 Calcium carbide method5.2 Particle size distribution5.3 Liquid limit5.4 Plastic limit5.5 Free swell index5.6 Specific gravity5.7 Maximum dry density and optimum moisture content5.8 In-situ dry density5.8.1 Core cutter method5.8.2 Sand replacement method7. Tests on Bitumen7.1 Bitumen content7.2 Specific gravity7.3 Marshall stability7.4 Penetration7.5 Flash point and fire point7.6 Softening point7.7 Ductility