121. The aqueduct or superpassage type of works are generally used when
high flood drainage discharge is large and continues for a long time
122. An aggrading river is a silting river
123. Tortuosity of a meandering river is the ratio of curved length along the channel to the direct axial length of the river reach
124. The meander pattern of a river is developed by dominant discharge
125. The main cause of meandering is the extra turbulence generated by the
excess of river sediment during floods
126. Tortuosity of a meandering river is always greater than l
127. A meander increases the river length but a cut off reduces the river length
128. River training for depth is achieved by groynes and bandalling
129. Main purpose of mean water training for rivers is to preserve the channel in good shape by efficient disposal of suspended and bed load
130. If D is the depth of scour below original bed, then the width of launching apron is generally taken as 1.5 D
131 1) Levees are constructed parallel to river flow,
2) Spurs are constructed transverse to river flow.
132. A repelling groyne is aligned pointing upstream
133. A river training work is generally required when the river is meandering type
134. Length and width of a meander are pro portional to (discharge)¹/²
135. A river bend in alluvial soil is characterized by scouring on concave side and silting on convex side
a) Intensive irrigation should be avoided in areas susceptible to water logging.
b) Extensive irrigation should be adopted in areas susceptible to water logging
137. A land is known as waterlogged capillary fringe reaches the root zone of plants
138. Lining of irrigation channels decreases the waterlogging area
139. A runoff river plant is a low head scheme
140. The net speed under which the turbine reaches its peak efficiency is called
design speed