101.Garret's diagrams have been drawn for a trapezoidal channel with side slope
•1/2H: IV
102.Lacey's regime scour depth is given by
where q is discharge per unit width and f is silt factor
103.According to Lacey's theory, the silt supporting eddies are generated from
bottom as well as sides of channel
104. According to Lacey, the bed slope is given by
105.As per Lacey's theory, the silt factor is directly proportional to square root of
average particle size
106.As per Lacey's regime theory, the flow velocity is proportional to
107. Wetted perimeter of a regime channel for a discharge of 64 cumecs as per Lacey's theory will be 38 m
108. Which of the following canal structures is used to remove surplus water from an irrigation channel into a natural drain ?
canal escape
109. For a proportional outlet, the flexibility is 1
110. The sensitivity of a rigid module is zero
111. Which of the following is a flexible outlet ?
Kennedy's gauge outlet
112. A straight glacis type fall with a baffle platform and a baffle wall is called
inglis fall
113. Which of the following types of falls use parabolic glacis for energy dissipation ? Montague type fall
114. In a Sarda type fall, rectangular crest is used for discharge upto 14 cumecs
115. Which of the following can be used as a meter fall ?
vertical drop fall
116. Vertical drop fall is satisfactory for a height upto 1.5 m
117. Which of the following canal outlets maintains a constant discharge ?
rigid module
118. The ratio of rate of change of the dis charge of an outlet to the rate of change of the discharge of distributing channel is called flexibility
119. The drainage water intercepting the canal can be disposed of by passing the canal below the drainage in super passage and canal syphon
120. If the R.L's of canal bed level and high flood level of drainage are 212.0 m and
210.0 m respectively, then cross drainage work will be aqueduct