1924. Early volume change ===> Concrete tecnology
1925. Earth ===> Surveying
1926. Earth pressure ===> Building Construction
1927. Earth pressure, ===> RCC
1928. Earth pressure, ===> Steel Structure
1929. Earth pressure, ===> Strenngth of Material
1930. Earth pressure, active -, at-rest ===> Soil Mechanics
1931. Earth pressure, active -, passive ===> Soil Mechanics
1932. Earth pressure, active ===> Soil Mechanics
1933. Earth road maintenance ===> Highway Engineering
1934. Earth sun distance correction ===> Surveying
1935. Earth surface ===> Surveying
1936. Earthquake resistant buildings ===> Building Construction
1937. Earthquakes type ===> Building Construction
1938. Earth's magnetic field ===> Physics XII
1939. Earthwork , ===> Highway Engineering
1940. Eaves board ===> Building Construction
1941. Eccentric loading, ===> Strenngth of Material
1942. Eccentric riveted connections, , ===> Steel Structure
1943. Eccentric stations ===> Surveying
1944. Eccentrically loaded columns, ===> Steel Structure
1945. Echo ===> Building Construction
1946. Echo sounding ===> Surveying
1947. Ecliptic ===> Surveying
1948. Economic analysis ===> Highway Engineering
1949. Economical section, ===> Fluid Mechanics
1950. Economics of particulate control, ===> Enviromental
1951. Economics of SCC ===> Concrete tecnology
1952. Eddy current ===> Physics XII
1953. Eddy viscosity, ===> Fluid Mechanics
1954. Eddystone light house ===> Concrete tecnology
1955. Edge detection filter ===> Surveying
1956. Edge failure ===> Highway Engineering
1957. EDM ===> Surveying
1958. EDM ===> Surveying
1959. EDM engineering ===> Surveying
1960. EDM geodetic ===> Surveying
1961. EDM geographical ===> Surveying
1962. EDM geological ===> Surveying
1963. EDM hydrographic ===> Surveying
1964. EDM location ===> Surveying
1965. EDM mine ===> Surveying
1966. EDM plane ===> Surveying
1967. EDM preliminary ===> Surveying
1968. EDM reconnaissance ===> Surveying
1969. EDM topographical ===> Surveying
1970. EDM total station ===> Surveying
1971. EDM underground ===> Surveying
1972. Education measures to road safety ===> Highway Engineering
1973. Effect ===> Concrete tecnology
1974. Effect of age , ===> Concrete tecnology
1975. Effect of carbonation ===> Concrete tecnology
1976. Effect of durability , ===> Concrete tecnology
1977. Effect of silicafume ===> Concrete tecnology
1978. Effect of water/cement ratio ===> Concrete tecnology
1979. Effective cohesion -, diameter ===> Soil Mechanics
1980. Effective cohesion -, pressure ===> Soil Mechanics
1981. Effective cohesion -, size ===> Soil Mechanics
1982. Effective cohesion -, stress principle ===> Soil Mechanics
1983. Effective cohesion ===> Soil Mechanics
1984. Effective height of wall ===> Building Construction
1985. Effective length ===> Steel Structure
1986. Effective length butt weld, ===> Steel Structure
1987. Effective length compression flange, ===> Steel Structure
1988. Effective length compression member, ===> Steel Structure
1989. Effective length fillet weld ===> Steel Structure
1990. Effective length of wall ===> Building Construction
1991. Effective length, ===> Strenngth of Material
1992. Effective modulus of ===> RCC
1993. Effective moment of inertia, ===> RCC
1994. Effective span, ===> RCC
1995. Effective span, cantilever beam, ===> RCC
1996. Effective thickness ===> Building Construction
1997. Effective width of flange, ===> RCC
1998. Effects , ===> Steel Structure
1999. Effects , dynamic ===> Steel Structure
2000. Effects , erection ===> Steel Structure
2001. Effects , temperature ===> Steel Structure
2002. Effects of creep ===> Concrete tecnology
2003. effects, ===> RCC
2004. Effects, ===> RCC
2005. Effects, creep, ===> RCC
2006. Efficiency of a centrifugal pump, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2007. Efficiency of a joint ===> Strenngth of Material
2008. Efficiency of a turbine, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2009. Efficiency of blow ===> Soil Mechanics
2010. Efficiency of riveted joints, ===> Steel Structure
2011. Efflorescence ===> Concrete tecnology
2012. Effluent disposal, ===> Enviromental
2013. Effluent standards, ===> Enviromental
2014. Efflux ===> Physics XI
2015. EFNARC , ===> Concrete tecnology
2016. Eidograph , ===> Surveying
2017. Einstein A. ===> Physics XII
2018. Einstein's photoelectric equation ===> Physics XII
2019. Elastic axial shortening, ===> RCC
2020. Elastic body ===> Physics XI
2021. Elastic constants ===> Physics XI
2022. Elastic constants table of ===> Physics XI
2023. Elastic constants, ===> Strenngth of Material
2024. Elastic deformation ===> Concrete tecnology
2025. Elastic force, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2026. Elastic limit, ===> Strenngth of Material
2027. Elastic method, ===> RCC
2028. Elastic method, analysism ===> RCC
2029. Elastic modulii, ===> Strenngth of Material
2030. Elastic potential energy ===> Physics XI
2031. Elasticity ===> Concrete tecnology
2032. Elasticity ===> Physics XI
2033. elasticity, ===> RCC
2034. Elasticity, ===> Strenngth of Material
2035. Elcctric current ===> Physics XII
2036. Elcctric current chemical effects ===> Physics XII
2037. Elcctric current magnetic field due to ===> Physics XII
2038. Elcctric current thermal effects ===> Physics XII
2039. Elcctromotive force See cmf ===> Physics XII
2040. Electric charge ===> Physics XII
2041. Electric circuit ===> Physics XII
2042. Electric current density ===> Physics XII
2043. Electric dipole ===> Physics XII
2044. Electric farce ===> Physics XII
2045. Electric field ===> Physics XII
2046. Electric field charge distribution ===> Physics XII
2047. Electric field duc to a plane charge shcet ===> Physics XII
2048. Electric field due to a charged conductar ===> Physics XII
2049. Electric field due to a dipole ===> Physics XII
2050. Electric field due to a line charge ===> Physics XII
2051. Electric field due to a spherical ===> Physics XII
2052. Electric field energy in ===> Physics XII
2053. Electric field flux of ===> Physics XII
2054. Electric field in a conductor ===> Physics XII
2055. Electric field induced ===> Physics XII
2056. Electric flux (flux of electric field) ===> Physics XII
2057. Electric potential ===> Physics XII
2058. Electric potential ===> Physics XII
2059. Electric potential energy ===> Physics XII
2060. Electrical curing ===> Concrete tecnology
2061. Electrical determination of moisture content ===> Concrete tecnology
2062. Electrical stabilization ===> Highway Engineering
2063. Electricity frictional ===> Physics XII
2064. Electro-chemical action ===> Concrete tecnology
2065. Electro-dialysis of phosphorus and nitrogen, ===> Enviromental
2066. Electrolysis ===> Physics XII
2067. Electrolysis Faraday's laws of ===> Physics XII
2068. Electromagnetic distance measurements ===> Surveying
2069. Electromagnetic energy , ===> Surveying
2070. Electromagnetic energy , radiation ===> Surveying
2071. Electromagnetic energy , spectral regions ===> Surveying
2072. Electromagnetic energy , spectrum ===> Surveying
2073. Electromagnetic energy , waves ===> Surveying
2074. Electromagnetic induction ===> Physics XII
2075. Electromagnetic spectrum ===> Physics XII
2076. Electromagnetic waves ===> Physics XII
2077. Electron capture ===> Physics XII
2078. Electron discovery of ===> Physics XII
2079. Electron measurement of charge ===> Physics XII
2080. Electron measurement of e/m ===> Physics XII
2081. Electron specific charge ===> Physics XII
2082. Electron spin angular momentum ===> Physics XII
2083. Electronic data recording ===> Surveying
2084. Electronic theodolite , ===> Surveying
2085. Electronic theodolite , features ===> Surveying
2086. Electro-osmosis ===> Soil Mechanics
2087. Electrostatic (van de Graaff) generatar ===> Physics XII
2088. Electrostatic precipitators, ===> Enviromental
2089. Elementary particles ===> Physics XII
2090. Elements of intersection design ===> Highway Engineering
2091. Elevation , ===> Surveying
2092. Elliptical arch ===> Building Construction
2093. Elongation ===> Surveying
2094. Elongation Index ===> Concrete tecnology
2095. Elongation index ===> Highway Engineering
2096. Embankment construction ===> Highway Engineering
2097. Embankments , ===> Highway Engineering
2098. emf ===> Physics XII
2099. emf induced ===> Physics XII
2100. emf motional ===> Physics XII
2101. Emissive power ===> Physics XII
2102. Emissivity ===> Physics XII
2103. Emotions ===> Highway Engineering
2104. Emptying a tank, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2105. Emulsions ===> Highway Engineering
2106. Enamel paint ===> Building Construction
2107. Encoded data ===> Surveying
2108. End area formula ===> Surveying
2109. Energy ===> Physics XI
2110. Energy band ===> Physics XII
2111. Energy conservation principle ===> Physics XI
2112. Energy correction factor, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2113. Energy density in electric field ===> Physics XII
2114. Energy density in electric field with dielectric ===> Physics XII
2115. Energy density in magnetic field ===> Physics XII
2116. Energy elastic ===> Physics XI
2117. Energy equation, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2118. Energy in a capacitor ===> Physics XII
2119. Energy in an inductor ===> Physics XII
2120. Energy in electric field ===> Physics XII
2121. Energy in electromagnelic waves ===> Physics XII
2122. Energy in magnetic field ===> Physics XII
2123. Energy kinetic ===> Physics XI
2124. Energy mechanical ===> Physics XI
2125. Energy of distortion, ===> Strenngth of Material
2126. Energy potential , ===> Physics XI
2127. Energy rest mass ===> Physics XII
2128. Energy surface ===> Physics XI
2129. Energy thickness, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2130. Energy-balance equation ===> Surveying
2131. Enforcement and accidents , ===> Highway Engineering
2132. Engine Carnot ===> Physics XII
2133. Engine Diesel ===> Physics XII
2134. Engine internal combustion ===> Physics XII
2135. Engine petrol ===> Physics XII
2136. Engine steam ===> Physics XII
2137. Engineering News Formula ===> Soil Mechanics
2138. English bond , ===> Building Construction
2139. English road ===> Highway Engineering
2140. Enlargement, sudden, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2141. Enoscope ===> Highway Engineering
2142. Entrained air ===> Concrete tecnology
2143. Entrained air influence on durability ===> Concrete tecnology
2144. Entrained air influence on strength ===> Concrete tecnology
2145. Entrance loss, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2146. Entropy ===> Physics XII
2147. Environment , ===> Highway Engineering
2148. Environment management plan , ===> Highway Engineering
2149. Environment rnitigation measures (ElA) ===> Highway Engineering
2150. Environmental audit ===> Highway Engineering
2151. Environmental engineer, ===> Enviromental
2152. Environmental impact assessment ===> Highway Engineering
2153. Environmental regulations ===> Highway Engineering
2154. Ephemeris ===> Surveying
2155. Ephemeris data ===> Surveying
2156. Ephimerides ===> Surveying
2157. Epoxy coated reinforcement ===> Concrete tecnology
2158. Epoxy coating , ===> Concrete tecnology
2159. Equation of : ===> Fluid Mechanics
2160. Equation of : Bernoulli’s ===> Fluid Mechanics
2161. Equation of : Continuity ===> Fluid Mechanics
2162. Equation of : Euler’s, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2163. Equation of : Hagen Poiseuille, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2164. Equation of : Momentum ===> Fluid Mechanics
2165. Equation of : Motion, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2166. Equation of : State, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2167. Equation of continuity ===> Physics XI
2168. Equation of time ===> Surveying
2169. Equator ===> Surveying
2170. Equatorial system ===> Surveying
2171. Equilateral arch ===> Building Construction
2172. Equilibrium ===> Physics XI
2173. Equilibrium cant ===> Surveying
2174. Equilibrium neutral ===> Physics XI
2175. Equilibrium of : ===> Fluid Mechanics
2176. Equilibrium rotational ===> Physics XI
2177. Equilibrium stable ===> Physics XI
2178. Equilibrium unstable ===> Physics XI
2179. Equinoctial coloure ===> Surveying
2180. Equipartition of energy ===> Physics XII
2181. Equipment segment ===> Surveying
2182. Equipotential line, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2183. Equipotential lines ===> Soil Mechanics
2184. Equipotential surface ===> Physics XII
2185. Equivalent bending moment, ===> RCC
2186. equivalent column, ===> RCC
2187. equivalent frame ===> RCC
2188. equivalent frame method, ===> RCC
2189. equivalent frame method, ===> RCC
2190. equivalent frame method, ralative stiffness columns, ===> RCC
2191. Equivalent pipe, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2192. Equivalent single wheel load (ESWL) ===> Highway Engineering
2193. ERC Chennai Trials , ===> Concrete tecnology
2194. Erection loads, ===> RCC
2195. Erosion ===> Concrete tecnology
2196. Erosion control ===> Highway Engineering
2197. Error ===> Surveying
2198. Error accidental ===> Surveying
2199. Error chaining ===> Surveying
2200. Error closing ===> Surveying
2201. Error compensating ===> Surveying
2202. Error cumulative , ===> Surveying
2203. Error due to inaccurate centring ===> Surveying
2204. Error horizontal axis ===> Surveying
2205. Error instrumental , ===> Surveying
2206. Error lateral collimation ===> Surveying
2207. Error natural , ===> Surveying
2208. Error personal , ===> Surveying
2209. Error sources ===> Surveying
2210. Error systematic ===> Surveying
2211. Error theodolite ===> Surveying
2212. Error types ===> Surveying
2213. Error vertical axis ===> Surveying
2214. Error vertical collimation ===> Surveying
2215. Error ===> Surveying
2216. Error accidental ===> Surveying
2217. Error bit ===> Surveying
2218. Error cumulative ===> Surveying
2219. Error distribution ===> Surveying
2220. Error mean square ===> Surveying
2221. Error phase ===> Surveying
2222. Error probable ===> Surveying
2223. Error random ===> Surveying
2224. Error residual ===> Surveying
2225. Error standard ===> Surveying
2226. Error systematic ===> Surveying
2227. Error true ===> Surveying
2228. Escape velocity ===> Physics XI
2229. Escrapment ===> Surveying
2230. Esters ===> Concrete tecnology
2231. Esters, ===> Enviromental
2232. Ether ===> Physics XI
2233. Ettringite ===> Concrete tecnology
2234. Euler’s equation of motion, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2235. Euler’s equation, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2236. Euler’s model law, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2237. Euler’s number, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2238. Euler’s theory, – limitations of, ===> Strenngth of Material
2239. Euler’s theory, ===> Strenngth of Material
2240. Evaluation of pavements , ===> Highway Engineering
2241. Evaporation ===> Physics XII
2242. Evaporation of water ===> Concrete tecnology
2243. Events ===> Building Construction
2244. Exceptional loads, ===> RCC
2245. Excess pore pressure ===> Soil Mechanics
2246. Exfoliated vermiculete ===> Concrete tecnology
2247. Exit gradient ===> Soil Mechanics
2248. Exit loss, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2249. Expanded clay ===> Concrete tecnology
2250. Expanded metal lath ===> Building Construction
2251. Expanded shale, slate ===> Concrete tecnology
2252. Expanded slag ===> Concrete tecnology
2253. Expansion index ===> Soil Mechanics
2254. Expansion joints , ===> Highway Engineering
2255. Expansion on freezing ===> Concrete tecnology
2256. Expansion, thermal ===> Physics XII
2257. Expansive cement ===> Concrete tecnology
2258. Experimental method for : ===> Fluid Mechanics
2259. Exposed aggregate look ===> Concrete tecnology
2260. Exposure ===> Surveying
2261. Exposure condition ===> Concrete tecnology
2262. Exposure interval ===> Surveying
2263. Exposure station ===> Surveying
2264. Expressways ===> Highway Engineering
2265. Extensibility of concrete ===> Concrete tecnology
2266. Extension of reinforcement, ===> RCC
2267. Extension of reinforcement, continuous beams, ===> RCC
2268. External focussing telescope ===> Surveying
2269. External mouthpiece, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2270. External vibrator ===> Concrete tecnology
2271. External wind pressure, ===> Steel Structure
2272. Extra Rapid hardening Cement ===> Concrete tecnology
2273. Extreme weather concreting ===> Concrete tecnology
2274. Eye ===> Physics XI
2275. Eye and object correction ===> Surveying
2276. Eye sight ===> Highway Engineering
2277. Eyepiece ===> Surveying
2278. Face changing ===> Surveying
2279. Face left ===> Surveying
2280. Face right ===> Surveying
2281. Facing ===> Building Construction
2282. Factor of safety ===> Strenngth of Material
2283. Factor of safety , ===> Highway Engineering
2284. Factor of safety, ===> Steel Structure
2285. Factor of safety, general, ===> Steel Structure
2286. Factor of safety, timber ===> Steel Structure
2287. Factored (design), ===> RCC
2288. Factors affecting capacity ===> Highway Engineering
2289. Factors for, ===> RCC
2290. Fahrenheit ===> Physics XII
2291. Failure criterion ===> Soil Mechanics
2292. Failure envelopes ===> Soil Mechanics
2293. Failure of a column, ===> Strenngth of Material
2294. Failure of pavements ===> Highway Engineering
2295. Failure of riveted joints, ===> Strenngth of Material
2296. Falling sphere method, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2297. Falling weight deflectometer ===> Highway Engineering
2298. False colour composites ===> Surveying
2299. False stations ===> Surveying
2300. Farad ===> Physics XII
2301. Faraday constant ===> Physics XII
2302. Faraday dark space ===> Physics XII
2303. Faraday, unit of charge ===> Physics XII
2304. Faraday's induction ===> Physics XII
2305. Faraday's law of electromagnetic ===> Physics XII
2306. Faraday's laws of electrolysis ===> Physics XII
2307. Fast needle method ===> Surveying
2308. Fastenings ===> Building Construction
2309. Fatal accidents ===> Highway Engineering
2310. Fathom ===> Surveying
2311. Fathometer ===> Surveying
2312. Fathoms ===> Surveying
2313. Fatigue ===> Concrete tecnology
2314. Fatigue failure ===> Highway Engineering
2315. Fatigue, ===> RCC
2316. Feasibility study ===> Highway Engineering
2317. Feature identifier ===> Surveying
2318. Features digital planimeter ===> Surveying
2319. Features electronic theodolite ===> Surveying
2320. Features range finder ===> Surveying
2321. Features total station ===> Surveying
2322. Fellinious directional angles ===> Soil Mechanics
2323. Fender piles ===> Building Construction
2324. Feret’s law ===> Concrete tecnology
2325. Fergusson’s percentage unit system ===> Surveying
2326. Fermion ===> Physics XII
2327. Ferrocement ===> Concrete tecnology
2328. Ferromagnetism ===> Physics XII
2329. Ferry-berges equation, ===> RCC
2330. Fertilizer industry, ===> Enviromental
2331. Fetch length ===> Steel Structure
2332. Fibre reinforced concrete ===> Concrete tecnology
2333. Fibre reinforced concrete bulking ===> Concrete tecnology
2334. Fibre reinforced concrete crushed ===> Concrete tecnology
2335. Fibre reinforced concrete grading zones ===> Concrete tecnology
2336. Fibre reinforced concrete size ===> Concrete tecnology
2337. Fibrous particles in hydration ===> Concrete tecnology
2338. Fibrous plaster boards ===> Building Construction
2339. Fiducial marks ===> Surveying
2340. Fiducial marks ===> Surveying
2341. Field astronomy ===> Surveying
2342. Field book , ===> Surveying
2343. Field checks in triangulation ===> Surveying
2344. Field compaction control ===> Soil Mechanics
2345. Field compaction methods ===> Soil Mechanics
2346. Field density measurement ===> Soil Mechanics
2347. Field density test ===> Highway Engineering
2348. Figure adjustment ===> Surveying
2349. Fill-Box ===> Concrete tecnology
2350. Filler ===> Highway Engineering
2351. Filler joists, ===> Steel Structure
2352. Fillet weld, ===> Steel Structure
2353. Filling ability ===> Concrete tecnology
2354. Filter design · ===> Highway Engineering
2355. Filtering , ===> Surveying
2356. Filters ===> Building Construction
2357. Filters, ===> Enviromental
2358. Final aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology
2359. Finallocation survey ===> Highway Engineering
2360. Fine aggregate, ===> RCC
2361. Fine aggregates ===> Highway Engineering
2362. Fineness modulus , ===> Building Construction
2363. Fineness modulus, ===> RCC
2364. Fineness of cement , ===> Concrete tecnology
2365. Fineness test of cement ===> Concrete tecnology
2366. Fines in SCC ===> Concrete tecnology
2367. Finishing coat ===> Building Construction
2368. Finishing of concrete ===> Concrete tecnology
2369. Fire protection ===> Building Construction
2370. Fire resistance ===> Concrete tecnology
2371. First law of thermodynamics ===> Physics XII
2372. First point of aries ===> Surveying
2373. First point of libra ===> Surveying
2374. Fission ===> Physics XII
2375. Fission reactor ===> Physics XII
2376. Fitting methods ===> Soil Mechanics
2377. Five-centered arch ===> Building Construction
2378. Fixed beams, ===> Strenngth of Material
2379. Fixed bed systems, ===> Enviromental
2380. Fixed delay ===> Highway Engineering
2381. Fixed hair method ===> Surveying
2382. Fixtures for doors, windows ===> Building Construction
2383. Fizeau method ===> Physics XI
2384. Fizeau method measuring speed of light ===> Physics XI
2385. Flag poles ===> Surveying
2386. Flag stone flooring ===> Building Construction
2387. Flakiness Index ===> Concrete tecnology
2388. Flakiness index ===> Highway Engineering
2389. Flakiness test ===> Highway Engineering
2390. Flaky aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology
2391. flanged beams, ===> RCC
2392. Flanged coupling, ===> Strenngth of Material
2393. Flare triangulation ===> Surveying
2394. Flash and fire point test , ===> Highway Engineering
2395. Flash set ===> Concrete tecnology
2396. Flashing signals ===> Highway Engineering
2397. Flat arch ===> Building Construction
2398. Flat roof ===> Building Construction
2399. Flat slab , ===> Building Construction
2400. flat slabs, ===> RCC
2401. Flat slabs, ===> RCC
2402. Flemish bond ===> Building Construction
2403. Flexible pavements ===> Highway Engineering
2404. Flexural strength ===> Concrete tecnology
2405. Flight ===> Surveying
2406. Flight planning ===> Surveying
2407. Flight strips , ===> Surveying
2408. Float of an activity ===> Building Construction
2409. Floatation ===> Physics XI
2410. Floatation, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2411. floating body, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2412. Floating body, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2413. Floating car method ===> Highway Engineering
2414. Floating marks ===> Surveying
2415. Floating triangulation ===> Surveying
2416. Floats ===> Surveying
2417. Floats double ===> Surveying
2418. Floats rod ===> Surveying
2419. Floats submerged ===> Surveying
2420. Floats subsurface ===> Surveying
2421. Floats surface ===> Surveying
2422. Flocculation ===> Concrete tecnology
2423. Flocculent structure ===> Soil Mechanics
2424. Floor hardner ===> Concrete tecnology
2425. Floors , ===> Building Construction
2426. Florentine arch ===> Building Construction
2427. Flow ===> Physics XI
2428. Flow channel ===> Soil Mechanics
2429. Flow critical velocity ===> Physics XI
2430. Flow equation of continuities ===> Physics XI
2431. Flow index ===> Soil Mechanics
2432. Flow irrotational ===> Physics XI
2433. Flow line ===> Soil Mechanics
2434. Flow lines of ===> Physics XI
2435. Flow net ===> Soil Mechanics
2436. Flow net, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2437. Flow of a fluid ===> Physics XI
2438. Flow parameters ===> Highway Engineering
2439. Flow ratio, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2440. Flow Reynolds number ===> Physics XI
2441. Flow steady ===> Physics XI
2442. Flow streamline ===> Physics XI
2443. Flow table test , ===> Concrete tecnology
2444. Flow through : ===> Fluid Mechanics
2445. Flow through : branched pipe, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2446. Flow through : nozzle, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2447. Flow through : orifice, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2448. Flow through : parallel pipes, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2449. Flow through : syphon, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2450. Flow tube of ===> Physics XI
2451. Flowing concrete ===> Concrete tecnology
2452. Fluid coupling, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2453. Fluid properties, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2454. Fluid system, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2455. Fluidized bed systems, ===> Enviromental
2456. Fluids, Newtonian, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2457. Fluids, non-Newtonian, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2458. Fluorescence ===> Physics XII
2459. Fluorescence microscopy ===> Concrete tecnology
2460. Fluorides, ===> Enviromental
2461. Flush door ===> Building Construction
2462. Flush pointing ===> Building Construction
2463. Flux luminosity ===> Physics XI
2464. Flux of electric field ===> Physics XII
2465. Flux of magnetic field ===> Physics XII
2466. Flux radiant ===> Physics XI
2467. Fly ash ===> Concrete tecnology
2468. Fly ash class C ===> Concrete tecnology
2469. Fly ash class F ===> Concrete tecnology
2470. Fly ash classification ===> Concrete tecnology
2471. Fly ash composition ===> Concrete tecnology
2472. Fly ash concrete properties ===> Concrete tecnology
2473. Fly ash fineness ===> Concrete tecnology
2474. Fly ash High volume (HVFA) ===> Concrete tecnology
2475. Fly ash hydration ===> Concrete tecnology
2476. Flying shores ===> Building Construction
2477. Foam concrete , ===> Concrete tecnology
2478. Foamed slag ===> Concrete tecnology
2479. Focal length of a spherical mirror ===> Physics XI
2480. Focus ===> Physics XI
2481. Focus first ===> Physics XI
2482. Focus of a lens ===> Physics XI
2483. Focus of a spherical mirror ===> Physics XI
2484. Focus second ===> Physics XI
2485. Focussing ===> Surveying
2486. Focussing eyepiece ===> Surveying
2487. Focussing objective ===> Surveying
2488. Focussing prism ===> Surveying
2489. footing on rock, ===> RCC
2490. footing, ===> RCC
2491. Footings ===> Building Construction
2492. Footover bridges ===> Highway Engineering
2493. Footpath , ===> Highway Engineering
2494. Foot-step bearing, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2495. Force ===> Physics XI
2496. Force centrifugal ===> Physics XI
2497. Force centripetal ===> Physics XI
2498. Force conservative ===> Physics XI
2499. Force constant ===> Physics XI
2500. Force due to contact ===> Physics XI
2501. Force due to spring ===> Physics XI
2502. Force electromagnatic ===> Physics XI
2503. Force frictional ===> Physics XI
2504. Force gravitational ===> Physics XI
2505. Force inertial ===> Physics XI
2506. Force nonconservative ===> Physics XI
2507. Force normal , ===> Physics XI
2508. Force nuclear ===> Physics XI
2509. Force pseudo ===> Physics XI
2510. Force spring ===> Physics XI
2511. Force weak ===> Physics XI
2512. Force coeff, ===> Steel Structure
2513. Force electric ===> Physics XII
2514. Force gravitational ===> Physics XII
2515. Force lines of ===> Physics XII
2516. Force magnetic, bet ween currents ===> Physics XII
2517. Force: ===> Fluid Mechanics
2518. Force: buoyant, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2519. Force: drag, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2520. Force: lift, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2521. Forced Oscillation ===> Physics XI
2522. Forced vortex, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2523. Fore and aft overlap ===> Surveying
2524. Fore bearing ===> Surveying
2525. Fore sight ===> Surveying
2526. Forecast of traffic ===> Highway Engineering
2527. Form work , ===> Building Construction
2528. Form work permeable , ===> Concrete tecnology
2529. Form work removal ===> Concrete tecnology
2530. Form work strepping time ===> Concrete tecnology
2531. Form work vibrator ===> Concrete tecnology
2532. Formation ===> Highway Engineering
2533. Formula – Johnson’s, – I.S.Code, ===> Strenngth of Material
2534. Formula – Johnson’s, – straight line, ===> Strenngth of Material
2535. Formula – Johnson’s, ===> Strenngth of Material
2536. Forward overlap ===> Surveying
2537. Foucault measuring speed of light ===> Physics XI
2538. Foundation, deep -, machine ===> Soil Mechanics
2539. Foundation, deep -, pile ===> Soil Mechanics
2540. Foundation, deep -, raft ===> Soil Mechanics
2541. Foundation, deep -, well ===> Soil Mechanics
2542. Foundation, deep ===> Soil Mechanics
2543. Foundation, shallow -, well ===> Soil Mechanics
2544. Foundation, shallow ===> Soil Mechanics
2545. Foundations ===> Building Construction
2546. Frame of reference ===> Physics XI
2547. Frame of reference inertial ===> Physics XI
2548. Frame of reference noninertial ===> Physics XI
2549. Framed conections, ===> Steel Structure
2550. Framed conections, riveted, ===> Steel Structure
2551. Framed conections, welded, ===> Steel Structure
2552. Frames, ===> Strenngth of Material
2553. Framing joint ===> Building Construction
2554. Framing system ===> Surveying
2555. Francis turbine, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2556. Francis’s formula, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2557. Fraunhofer diffraction ===> Physics XI
2558. Free electron ===> Physics XII
2559. Free lime ===> Concrete tecnology
2560. Free liquid jets, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2561. Free needle method ===> Surveying
2562. Free speed ===> Highway Engineering
2563. Free surface ===> Soil Mechanics
2564. Free vortex, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2565. Free-body diagram ===> Physics XI
2566. Freeway , ===> Highway Engineering
2567. Freezing ===> Concrete tecnology
2568. Freezing cycle ===> Concrete tecnology
2569. Freezing of fresh concrete ===> Concrete tecnology
2570. French method of pavement design ===> Highway Engineering
2571. French roads ===> Highway Engineering
2572. Frequency ===> Physics XI
2573. Frequency angular ===> Physics XI
2574. Frequency audible ===> Physics XI
2575. Frequency fundamental , ===> Physics XI
2576. Frequency harmonic ===> Physics XI
2577. Frequency natural ===> Physics XI
2578. Frequency normal ===> Physics XI
2579. Frequency overtone , ===> Physics XI
2580. Frequency pitch of sound ===> Physics XI
2581. Frequency resonant ===> Physics XI
2582. Frequency domain filtering ===> Surveying
2583. Frequency of vibrator ===> Concrete tecnology
2584. Fresh concrete ===> Concrete tecnology
2585. Fresnel biprism ===> Physics XI
2586. Fresnel diffraction ===> Physics XI
2587. Friction ===> Highway Engineering
2588. Friction , ===> Physics XI
2589. Friction , kinetic ===> Physics XI
2590. Friction , laws of , ===> Physics XI
2591. Friction , static ===> Physics XI
2592. Friction circle method ===> Soil Mechanics
2593. Friction drag, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2594. Friction factor, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2595. Friction in pumping ===> Concrete tecnology
2596. Frictional stresses ===> Highway Engineering
2597. Fringes ===> Physics XI
2598. Frog , ===> Building Construction
2599. Frontage roads ===> Highway Engineering
2600. Frost action ===> Concrete tecnology
2601. Frost action heave ===> Concrete tecnology
2602. Frost action protection ===> Concrete tecnology
2603. Froude model law, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2604. Froude number, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2605. Froude’s transition curve ===> Surveying
2606. Fudicial edge ===> Surveying
2607. Full chord ===> Surveying
2608. Fullers grading curve ===> Concrete tecnology
2609. Fungicidal ===> Concrete tecnology
2610. Furnaces, ===> Enviromental
2611. Fusion latent heat of ===> Physics XII
2612. Fusion nuclear ===> Physics XII
2613. Gabion wall ===> Highway Engineering
2614. Gable window ===> Building Construction
2615. Gain of strength ===> Concrete tecnology
2616. Gale’s traverse table ===> Surveying
2617. Galileo system ===> Surveying
2618. Galvanised Iron corrugated sheets ===> Building Construction
2619. Galvanized corrugated iron, ===> Steel Structure
2620. Galvanized corrugated iron, sheets ===> Steel Structure
2621. Galvanizing ===> Concrete tecnology
2622. Galvanizing, , ===> Steel Structure
2623. Galvanometer ===> Physics XII
2624. Gamma decay ===> Physics XII
2625. Gamma ray ===> Physics XI
2626. Gamma ray ===> Physics XII
2627. Gamma-ray ===> Concrete tecnology
2628. Gantry girder, ===> Steel Structure
2629. Gap grading ===> Concrete tecnology
2630. Garden wall bonds ===> Building Construction
2631. Gas concrete ===> Concrete tecnology
2632. Gas constant, universal, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2633. Gate ===> Physics XII
2634. Gate AND ===> Physics XII
2635. Gate NAND ===> Physics XII
2636. Gate NOT ===> Physics XII
2637. Gate OR ===> Physics XII
2638. Gate ХOR ===> Physics XII
2639. Gates, logic ===> Physics XII
2640. Gauge pressure, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2641. Gauged brick arch ===> Building Construction
2642. Gaussian probability ===> RCC
2643. Gaussian probability distribution, ===> RCC
2644. Gauss's law ===> Physics XII
2645. Gauss's law derivation from Coulomb's law ===> Physics XII
2646. Gauss's law for magnetism ===> Physics XII
2647. Gear-wheel pump, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2648. Gel , ===> Concrete tecnology
2649. Gel , alkali silica ===> Concrete tecnology
2650. Gel , intrinsic strength ===> Concrete tecnology
2651. Gel , pores ===> Concrete tecnology
2652. Gel , porosity ===> Concrete tecnology
2653. Gel , unlimited swelling ===> Concrete tecnology
2654. Gel , water ===> Concrete tecnology
2655. Gel/space ratio ===> Concrete tecnology
2656. Gel/space ratio composition ===> Concrete tecnology
2657. Gel/space ratio content ===> Concrete tecnology
2658. Gel/space ratio fineness ===> Concrete tecnology
2659. Gel/space ratio ggbs , ===> Concrete tecnology
2660. General shear failure ===> Soil Mechanics
2661. Generalization ===> Surveying
2662. Geocentric horizon ===> Surveying
2663. Geocoding ===> Surveying
2664. Geodetic quadrilateral adjustment ===> Surveying
2665. Geodetic survey ===> Surveying
2666. Geodetic surveys ===> Surveying
2667. Geodimeter ===> Surveying
2668. Geographic Information System , ===> Surveying
2669. Geographic Information System , applications ===> Surveying
2670. Geographic Information System , capabilities/functionalities ===> Surveying
2671. Geographic Information System , data for ===> Surveying
2672. Geographic Information System , data structure ===> Surveying
2673. Geographic Information System , error sources in ===> Surveying
2674. Geographic Information System , hardware ===> Surveying
2675. Geographic Information System , software ===> Surveying
2676. Geographic Information System , subsystems ===> Surveying
2677. Geographical information system ===> Surveying
2678. Geographical survey ===> Surveying
2679. Geological survey ===> Surveying
2680. Geomagnetic poles ===> Physics XII
2681. Geometric corrections ===> Surveying
2682. Geometric design , ===> Highway Engineering
2683. Geometric design of hill roads ===> Highway Engineering
2684. Geometric dilution of precision ===> Surveying
2685. Geometric similarity, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2686. Geometrical optics ===> Physics XI
2687. Geometrical strairs ===> Building Construction
2688. Geophysical explorations ===> Soil Mechanics
2689. Geopolymer Concrete , ===> Concrete tecnology
2690. Georeferencing ===> Surveying
2691. Geostationary satellite ===> Surveying
2692. Gerge-Lutz equation ===> RCC
2693. Gerge-Lutz equation for crack width, ===> RCC
2694. Ghat tracer ===> Surveying
2695. Girder (see beams, crane gantry girder, plate girder), , ===> Steel Structure
2696. Give way sign ===> Highway Engineering
2697. Glare vision ===> Highway Engineering
2698. Glass partitions ===> Building Construction
2699. Glazed doors ===> Building Construction
2700. Global positioning system ===> Surveying
2701. Global positioning system accuracy , ===> Surveying
2702. Global positioning system applications ===> Surveying
2703. Global positioning system error sources ===> Surveying
2704. Global positioning system oeriew ===> Surveying
2705. Global positioning system surveying techniques ===> Surveying
2706. Global positioning system system time ===> Surveying
2707. Global positioning system uses ===> Surveying
2708. Global warming ===> Highway Engineering
2709. Glonass system ===> Surveying
2710. Going of steps ===> Building Construction
2711. Gorge ===> Surveying
2712. Governing of turbines, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2713. Grade , ===> Surveying
2714. Grade compensation ===> Highway Engineering
2715. Grade contours ===> Surveying
2716. Grade resistance ===> Highway Engineering
2717. Grade separated facilities , ===> Highway Engineering
2718. Grader ===> Highway Engineering
2719. Grades of concrete ===> Concrete tecnology
2720. Grades of concrete, ===> RCC
2721. Gradient ===> Highway Engineering
2722. Gradienter ===> Surveying
2723. Grading curve ===> Concrete tecnology
2724. Grading importance ===> Concrete tecnology
2725. Grading importance pumping ===> Concrete tecnology
2726. Grading importance slump ===> Concrete tecnology
2727. Grading importance void content ===> Concrete tecnology
2728. Grading importance workability ===> Concrete tecnology
2729. Grading limits ===> Concrete tecnology
2730. Grading limits (aggregates), ===> RCC
2731. Grading of aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology
2732. Grading of aggregates ===> Building Construction
2733. Grading of aggregates, ===> RCC
2734. Grading of cement ===> Concrete tecnology
2735. Grading of soils ===> Highway Engineering
2736. Grading zones ===> Concrete tecnology
2737. Grading/gradation , ===> Highway Engineering
2738. Gradually varied flow, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2739. Grain size ===> Soil Mechanics
2740. Grain size distribution ===> Highway Engineering
2741. Grains of timber, ===> Steel Structure
2742. Granite ===> Concrete tecnology
2743. Granular soils ===> Highway Engineering
2744. Graphical adjustment of closing error ===> Surveying
2745. Graphical elements ===> Surveying
2746. Graphical entity ===> Surveying
2747. Graphical method of plane tabling ===> Surveying
2748. Graphical method, – principal stresses, ===> Strenngth of Material
2749. Graphical method, ===> Strenngth of Material
2750. Gravei roads ===> Highway Engineering
2751. Gravimetric method ===> Concrete tecnology
2752. Gravitation law of ===> Physics XI
2753. Gravitational constant G ===> Physics XI
2754. Gravitational field ===> Physics XI
2755. Gravitational potential energy , ===> Physics XI
2756. Gravitational ===> Physics XI
2757. Gravity force, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2758. Gravity specific, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2759. Great circle ===> Surveying
2760. Greek roads ===> Highway Engineering
2761. Greenshield's model ===> Highway Engineering
2762. Grey level thresholding ===> Surveying
2763. Grid bearing ===> Surveying
2764. Grid cells ===> Surveying
2765. grid foundation ===> RCC
2766. Grid iron system ===> Surveying
2767. Grid meridian ===> Surveying
2768. Griffith’s hypothesis ===> Concrete tecnology
2769. Grillage footing ===> Steel Structure
2770. Grillage footing combined, ===> Steel Structure
2771. Grillage footing independent, ===> Steel Structure
2772. Grillage foundations ===> Building Construction
2773. Grinding clinker ===> Concrete tecnology
2774. Grit removal, ===> Enviromental
2775. Grooved ===> Building Construction
2776. Grooving tools ===> Soil Mechanics
2777. Ground granulated blast furnace slag ggbs ===> Concrete tecnology
2778. Ground principle point ===> Surveying
2779. Ground water ===> Soil Mechanics
2780. Groundwater ===> Highway Engineering
2781. Group index ===> Soil Mechanics
2782. Group index method ===> Highway Engineering
2783. Grouting agents ===> Concrete tecnology
2784. GTM Screen Stability ===> Concrete tecnology
2785. Guard rails ===> Highway Engineering
2786. Guard stake ===> Surveying
2787. Guest’s theory, ===> Strenngth of Material
2788. Guiding signs ===> Highway Engineering
2789. Gunite ===> Concrete tecnology
2790. Gussested base, ===> Steel Structure
2791. Gypsum content , ===> Concrete tecnology
2792. Gypsum reaction ===> Concrete tecnology
2793. Gyration, radius, ===> Strenngth of Material
2794. Haematite ===> Concrete tecnology
2795. Hagen-Poiseuille formula, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2796. Haigh’s theory, ===> Strenngth of Material
2797. Hairpin bend ===> Highway Engineering
2798. Half marks ===> Surveying
2799. Half space landing ===> Building Construction
2800. Half-life ===> Physics XII
2801. Halides, ===> Enviromental
2802. Hall effect ===> Physics XII
2803. Halved joints ===> Building Construction
2804. Hammer and Fennel tacheometer ===> Surveying
2805. Hammer dressed stone ===> Building Construction
2806. Hammers ===> Building Construction
2807. Hand compaction ===> Concrete tecnology
2808. Hand level ===> Surveying
2809. Hand mixing ===> Concrete tecnology
2810. Hand rail ===> Building Construction
2811. Hand signals ===> Surveying
2812. Hand signals chaining ===> Surveying
2813. Hands off velocity ===> Surveying
2814. Hankison’s formula, ===> Steel Structure
2815. Hard burnt magnesite ===> Concrete tecnology
2816. Hardness, ===> Enviromental
2817. Hardy Cross Method, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2818. Harvard compaction test ===> Soil Mechanics
2819. Hauled container systems, ===> Enviromental
2820. Haunches of arches ===> Building Construction
2821. Haydite ===> Concrete tecnology
2822. Hazardous waste ===> Enviromental
2823. Hazardous waste characterization, ===> Enviromental
2824. Hazardous waste management, ===> Enviromental
2825. Hazen’s formula ===> Soil Mechanics
2826. HDM-III model ===> Highway Engineering
2827. Head light sight distance ===> Highway Engineering
2828. Head loss due to friction, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2829. Head, effective -, hydraulic ===> Soil Mechanics
2830. Head, effective -, piezometric ===> Soil Mechanics
2831. Head, effective -, position ===> Soil Mechanics
2832. Head, effective -, total ===> Soil Mechanics
2833. Head, effective -, velocity ===> Soil Mechanics
2834. Head, effective ===> Soil Mechanics
2835. Header , ===> Building Construction
2836. Header bond ===> Building Construction
2837. Headway ===> Highway Engineering
2838. Heal engine ===> Physics XII
2839. Heart wood, ===> Steel Structure
2840. Heat ===> Physics XII
2841. Heat a form of energy ===> Physics XII
2842. Heat and work ===> Physics XII
2843. Heat capacity ===> Physics XII
2844. Heat mechanical equivalent of ===> Physics XII
2845. Heat of hydration ===> Concrete tecnology
2846. Heat of hydration cement contents ===> Concrete tecnology
2847. Heat of hydration cement type ===> Concrete tecnology
2848. Heat of hydration determination ===> Concrete tecnology
2849. Heat of hydration pure compounds ===> Concrete tecnology
2850. Heat pump ===> Physics XII
2851. Heat removal, ===> Enviromental
2852. Heat transfer ===> Physics XII
2853. Heating ===> Building Construction
2854. Heavy metal removal, ===> Enviromental
2855. Heavy vehicles ===> Highway Engineering
2856. Height distortion ===> Surveying
2857. Height of instrument , ===> Surveying
2858. Height of instrument method ===> Surveying
2859. Height/diameter ratio ===> Concrete tecnology
2860. Heisenberg. uncertainty principle ===> Physics XII
2861. Helical reinforcement, ===> RCC
2862. Helical spring, ===> Strenngth of Material
2863. Helical stairs ===> Building Construction
2864. Heliographs ===> Surveying
2865. Heliotropes ===> Surveying
2866. Helium-Neon laser ===> Physics XII
2867. Helmert formula ===> Surveying
2868. Henry, unit of inductance ===> Physics XII
2869. Hexagonal aluminate hydrates ===> Concrete tecnology
2870. Hierarchy of travei choices ===> Highway Engineering
2871. High accident locations ===> Highway Engineering
2872. High alkali content ===> Concrete tecnology
2873. High alumina cement ===> Building Construction
2874. High alumina cement ===> Concrete tecnology
2875. high alumina cement strength ===> Concrete tecnology
2876. High density concrete ===> Concrete tecnology
2877. High early strength cement ===> Concrete tecnology
2878. High pass filter ===> Surveying
2879. High performance concrete ===> Concrete tecnology
2880. High pressure steam curing ===> Concrete tecnology
2881. High range water reducers ===> Concrete tecnology
2882. High strength bolts, ===> Steel Structure
2883. High strength cement ===> Concrete tecnology
2884. High strength concrete ===> Concrete tecnology
2885. High strength concrete cracking ===> Concrete tecnology
2886. High strength concrete micro cracking , ===> Concrete tecnology
2887. High temperature ===> Concrete tecnology
2888. High tensile steel, ===> Steel Structure
2889. Highest hourly volume ===> Highway Engineering
2890. Highway and environment ===> Highway Engineering
2891. Highway capacity ===> Highway Engineering
2892. Highway design ===> Highway Engineering
2893. Highway lighting ===> Highway Engineering
2894. Highway maintenance ===> Highway Engineering
2895. Highway mast lighting system ===> Highway Engineering
2896. Highway planning , ===> Highway Engineering
2897. Highway research board ===> Highway Engineering
2898. Highway safety ===> Highway Engineering
2899. Hiley formula ===> Soil Mechanics
2900. Hilfs method ===> Soil Mechanics
2901. Hill road alignment ===> Highway Engineering
2902. Hill roads ===> Highway Engineering
2903. Hinges ===> Building Construction
2904. Hip rafter ===> Building Construction
2905. Histogram ===> Concrete tecnology
2906. Histogram equalization ===> Surveying
2907. Hoe ===> Highway Engineering
2908. Hold fasts ===> Building Construction
2909. Holes ===> Physics XII
2910. Hollow block partitions ===> Building Construction
2911. Homologous points ===> Surveying
2912. Honeycomb structure ===> Soil Mechanics
2913. Hong Kong Study ===> Concrete tecnology
2914. Hooke’s law ===> Physics XI
2915. Hooke’s Law, ===> Strenngth of Material
2916. hoop compression, ===> RCC
2917. hoop force, ===> RCC
2918. Hoop stress, ===> Strenngth of Material
2919. hoop tension, ===> RCC
2920. Horizon ===> Surveying
2921. Horizon celestial ===> Surveying
2922. Horizon glass ===> Surveying
2923. Horizon system ===> Surveying
2924. Horizon dip of ===> Surveying
2925. Horizon distance to visible ===> Surveying
2926. Horizon glass ===> Surveying
2927. Horizon mirror ===> Surveying
2928. Horizontal alignment ===> Highway Engineering
2929. Horizontal base subtence method ===> Surveying
2930. Horizontal circle assembly ===> Surveying
2931. Horizontal control ===> Surveying
2932. Horizontal curve ===> Surveying
2933. Horizontal curves ===> Highway Engineering
2934. Horizontal equivalent ===> Surveying
2935. Horizontal stave ===> Surveying
2936. Horizontal stiffeners, ===> Steel Structure
2937. Horse power ===> Physics XI
2938. Horse-shoe arch ===> Building Construction
2939. Hot rnix ===> Highway Engineering
2940. Hot weather concreting ===> Concrete tecnology
2941. Hot-wire instruments ===> Physics XII
2942. Hour angle ===> Surveying
2943. Hour angle system ===> Surveying
2944. Hour circles ===> Surveying
2945. Hourly traffic volume ===> Highway Engineering
2946. Housed joint , ===> Building Construction
2947. Human behavior ===> Highway Engineering
2948. Human factors ===> Highway Engineering
2949. Humidification ===> Building Construction
2950. Humidity ===> Concrete tecnology
2951. Humidity ===> Physics XII
2952. Humidity relative ===> Physics XII
2953. Hunter’s short base method ===> Surveying
2954. Huygens ===> Physics XI
2955. Huygens construction of wavefront ===> Physics XI
2956. Huygens principle ===> Physics XI
2957. Hvorslev shear parameters ===> Soil Mechanics
2958. Hydration of cement ===> Concrete tecnology
2959. Hydration, ===> RCC
2960. Hydraulic : ===> Fluid Mechanics
2961. Hydraulic : accumulator, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2962. Hydraulic : coupling, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2963. Hydraulic : crane, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2964. Hydraulic : efficiency, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2965. Hydraulic : intensifier, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2966. Hydraulic : jump, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2967. Hydraulic : lift, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2968. Hydraulic : press, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2969. Hydraulic : ram, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2970. Hydraulic : torque converter, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2971. Hydraulic cement, ===> RCC
2972. hydraulic co-efficients, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2973. Hydraulic co-efficients, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2974. Hydraulic design ===> Highway Engineering
2975. Hydraulic gradient ===> Soil Mechanics
2976. Hydraulic gradient line, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2977. Hydraulic jump, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2978. Hydraulic mean depth, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2979. Hydraulic mean radius, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2980. Hydraulic potential ===> Soil Mechanics
2981. Hydraulic structure ===> Concrete tecnology
2982. Hydrides, ===> Enviromental
2983. Hydro-dynamic model ===> Highway Engineering
2984. Hydrodynamically : ===> Fluid Mechanics
2985. Hydrodynamically : rough surface, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2986. Hydrodynamically : smooth surface, ===> Fluid Mechanics
2987. Hydrogen atom, Bohr's model ===> Physics XII
2988. Hydrogen bond ===> Soil Mechanics
2989. Hydrogen spectra ===> Physics XII
2990. Hydrogen sulphide, ===> Enviromental
2991. Hydrographic survey ===> Surveying
2992. Hydrographic survey ===> Surveying
2993. Hydrography ===> Surveying
2994. Hydrologic cycle, ===> Enviromental
2995. Hydrological analysis ===> Highway Engineering
2996. Hydrolysis ===> RCC
2997. Hydrometer analysis ===> Soil Mechanics
2998. Hydrophobic cement ===> Concrete tecnology
2999. Hydrosphere, ===> Enviromental
3000. Hydrostatic force on : ===> Fluid Mechanics
3001. Hydrostatic force on : curved surface, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3002. Hydrostatic force on : plane surface, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3003. Hydrostatic paradox, I ===> Fluid Mechanics
3004. Hydrostatic pressure ===> Soil Mechanics
3005. Hydrostatic pressure, ===> Steel Structure
3006. Hygroscopic water ===> Soil Mechanics
3007. Hyperopia ===> Physics XI
3008. Hypotenusal allowance ===> Surveying
3009. Hypsometry ===> Surveying
3010. Hystercsis ===> Physics XII
3011. Ice as mixing water ===> Concrete tecnology
3012. Ice crystals , ===> Concrete tecnology
3013. Ideal alignment ===> Highway Engineering
3014. Ideal flow, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3015. Ideal fluid, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3016. Ideal gas equation ===> Physics XII
3017. Ideal gas temperature scale ===> Physics XII
3018. Ideal grading curve ===> Concrete tecnology
3019. Ideal plastic fluid, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3020. Ideal remote sensing system ===> Surveying
3021. Ideal transition curve ===> Surveying
3022. IFOV ===> Surveying
3023. Igneous rock ===> Highway Engineering
3024. Igneous rocks ===> Concrete tecnology
3025. Illite ===> Soil Mechanics
3026. Illuminance ===> Physics XI
3027. Illuminating power ===> Physics XI
3028. Illumination ===> Highway Engineering
3029. Ilmenite ===> Concrete tecnology
3030. Image ===> Surveying
3031. Image classification ===> Surveying
3032. Image defects of ===> Physics XI
3033. Image element ===> Surveying
3034. Image enhancement ===> Surveying
3035. Image magnification ===> Surveying
3036. Image rectification ===> Surveying
3037. Image reduction ===> Surveying
3038. Image restoration ===> Surveying
3039. Image transformation ===> Surveying
3040. Image virtual ===> Physics XI
3041. Imaging ===> Surveying
3042. Immediate deflection, ===> RCC
3043. immediate, ===> RCC
3044. Immersion vibrator ===> Concrete tecnology
3045. Impact loading, – load, ===> Strenngth of Material
3046. Impact loading, ===> Strenngth of Material
3047. Impact of jets, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3048. Impact value ===> Concrete tecnology
3049. Impact, ===> RCC
3050. Impact, ===> Steel Structure
3051. Impact, factor, ===> Steel Structure
3052. Impact, load, ===> Steel Structure
3053. Impedance ===> Physics XII
3054. Impeller, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3055. Impermeable concrete ===> Concrete tecnology
3056. Impırity donor ===> Physics XII
3057. Impırity ассeptar ===> Physics XII
3058. Imposed floor loads, ===> RCC
3059. Improvements in raw materials, ===> Enviromental
3060. Impulse ===> Physics XI
3061. Impulse of a torque ===> Physics XI
3062. Impulse turbine, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3063. Impulsive force ===> Physics XI
3064. Impurities in aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology
3065. Impurities in effluents and undesirable waste characteristics, ===> Enviromental
3066. Impurities in water ===> Concrete tecnology
3067. inclination index error , ===> Surveying
3068. inclination index error , parallax ===> Surveying
3069. inclination index error , refraction , ===> Surveying
3070. inclination of end readings ===> Surveying
3071. Inclined loads, ===> Strenngth of Material
3072. Inclined manometer, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3073. Inclined stirrups, ===> RCC
3074. Inclined venturimeter, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3075. Incompressible flow, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3076. Increasing bearing pressure of soil ===> Building Construction
3077. independent ===> RCC
3078. Independent coordinates ===> Surveying
3079. Independent footing, ===> RCC
3080. Independent footing, ===> Steel Structure
3081. index ===> Highway Engineering
3082. Index correction , ===> Surveying
3083. Index glass ===> Surveying
3084. Index map ===> Surveying
3085. Index mirror ===> Surveying
3086. Index properties ===> Soil Mechanics
3087. Index, compression -, consistency ===> Soil Mechanics
3088. Index, compression -, density ===> Soil Mechanics
3089. Index, compression -, flow ===> Soil Mechanics
3090. Index, compression -, liquidity ===> Soil Mechanics
3091. Index, compression -, plasticity ===> Soil Mechanics
3092. Index, compression -, swelling ===> Soil Mechanics
3093. Index, compression -, toughness ===> Soil Mechanics
3094. Index, compression ===> Soil Mechanics
3095. Indian clinometer ===> Surveying
3096. Indian co-ordinate system ===> Surveying
3097. Indian road congress (IRC) ===> Highway Engineering
3098. Indian Scenario of SCC ===> Concrete tecnology
3099. Indicator diagram, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3100. Inductance mutual ===> Physics XII
3101. Inductance self ===> Physics XII
3102. Induction coil ===> Physics XII
3103. Induction electromagnetic ===> Physics XII
3104. Induction mutual ===> Physics XII
3105. Induction of charge ===> Physics XII
3106. Induction self ===> Physics XII
3107. Inductive circ uit ===> Physics XII
3108. Inductor ádeal inductor) ===> Physics XII
3109. Inductor ádeal inductor) energy stored in ===> Physics XII
3110. Industrial processes and typical particulate control methods, ===> Enviromental
3111. Industrial siting based on environmental considerations, ===> Enviromental
3112. Inelastic body ===> Physics XI
3113. Inertia ===> Physics XI
3114. Inertia force, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3115. Inertial frame ===> Physics XI
3116. Inertial mass ===> Physics XI
3117. Inertial surveying system ===> Surveying
3118. Influence ===> Concrete tecnology
3119. Influence ===> Concrete tecnology
3120. Influence factors, Boussinesq -, rectangular load ===> Soil Mechanics
3121. Influence factors, Boussinesq -, uniform circular load ===> Soil Mechanics
3122. Influence factors, Boussinesq -, Westergaard ===> Soil Mechanics
3123. Influence factors, Boussinesq ===> Soil Mechanics
3124. Influence high alumina cement ===> Concrete tecnology
3125. Influence line for bending, ===> RCC
3126. influence on alkali-silica reaction ===> Concrete tecnology
3127. Influence on carbonation ===> Concrete tecnology
3128. Influence on carbonation ===> Concrete tecnology
3129. Influence on chloride mg ress ===> Concrete tecnology
3130. Influence on corrosion ===> Concrete tecnology
3131. Influence on creep ===> Concrete tecnology
3132. influence on durability ===> Concrete tecnology
3133. Influence on durability ===> Concrete tecnology
3134. Influence on durability ===> Concrete tecnology
3135. Influence on Modulus of elasticity ===> Concrete tecnology
3136. influence on permeability ===> Concrete tecnology
3137. Influence on plastic shinkage cracks ===> Concrete tecnology
3138. Influence on pulse velocity , ===> Concrete tecnology
3139. Influence on shrinkage ===> Concrete tecnology
3140. influence on strength ===> Concrete tecnology
3141. Influence on strength ===> Concrete tecnology
3142. influence on sulphate resistance ===> Concrete tecnology
3143. influence specific gravity of cement ===> Concrete tecnology
3144. Informatory signs ===> Highway Engineering
3145. Infra red radiation curing ===> Concrete tecnology
3146. Infra-red spectrometer ===> Concrete tecnology
3147. Infuence chart ===> Soil Mechanics
3148. Initial setting time ===> Concrete tecnology
3149. Initial tangent modulus ===> Concrete tecnology
3150. In-site tests ===> Concrete tecnology
3151. Insoluble residue ===> Concrete tecnology
3152. Instantaneous recovery ===> Concrete tecnology
3153. Instrument and signal correction ===> Surveying
3154. Insulation of concrete , ===> Concrete tecnology
3155. Insulation of sound ===> Building Construction
3156. Insulator ===> Physics XII
3157. Intelligent transport system (ITS) , ===> Highway Engineering
3158. Intemational roughness ===> Highway Engineering
3159. Intensity loudness of sound ===> Physics XI
3160. Intensity of earthquake ===> Building Construction
3161. Intensity of electromagnetic waves ===> Physics XII
3162. Interaction diagrams, ===> RCC
3163. Interaction diagrams, axial load and uniaxial ===> RCC
3164. Interaction diagrams, bending, ===> RCC
3165. Interchange types ===> Highway Engineering
3166. Interchanges , ===> Highway Engineering
3167. Interface, aggregate-cement micro structure ===> Concrete tecnology
3168. Interference ===> Physics XI
3169. Interference coherent sources ===> Physics XI
3170. Interference constructive ===> Physics XI
3171. Interference destructive ===> Physics XI
3172. Interference from thin film ===> Physics XI
3173. Interference of sound ===> Physics XI
3174. Interference of light double-slit experiment ===> Physics XI
3175. Intergreen time ===> Highway Engineering
3176. Intergrinding ===> Concrete tecnology
3177. Interlocking ===> Concrete tecnology
3178. Intermediate sight ===> Surveying
3179. Intermediate sight distance ===> Highway Engineering
3180. Intermediate stiffeners, ===> Steel Structure
3181. Intermittent butt weld, ===> Steel Structure
3182. Internal air pressure, ===> Steel Structure
3183. Internal combustion engine ===> Physics XII
3184. Internal friction ===> Soil Mechanics
3185. Internal friction in pumping ===> Concrete tecnology
3186. Internal mouthpiece, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3187. Internal stresses due to shrinkage ===> Concrete tecnology
3188. International atomic time ===> Surveying
3189. Interparticle force ===> Soil Mechanics
3190. Interpreted data ===> Surveying
3191. Intersection ===> Highway Engineering
3192. Intersection lntersection delay study ===> Highway Engineering
3193. Intersection design , ===> Highway Engineering
3194. Intersection method ===> Surveying
3195. Intervalometer ===> Surveying
3196. Intrados ===> Building Construction
3197. Intrinsic equation ===> Surveying
3198. Intrinsic strength ===> Concrete tecnology
3199. Inventory ===> Highway Engineering
3200. Inverse square law in photometry ===> Physics XI
3201. Inverted manometers, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3202. Inverted staff ===> Surveying
3203. Inward radial flow turbine, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3204. Ionization potential ===> Physics XII
3205. IRC method of Flexible pavement design ===> Highway Engineering
3206. IRC method of rigid pavement design ===> Highway Engineering
3207. Iron oxide ===> Concrete tecnology
3208. Iron shots ===> Concrete tecnology
3209. Irreversible process ===> Physics XII
3210. Irrotational flow, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3211. IRS T cement ===> Concrete tecnology
3212. I-section, ===> Strenngth of Material
3213. Islands , ===> Highway Engineering
3214. Isobar ===> Soil Mechanics
3215. Isobaric process ===> Physics XII
3216. Isobars ===> Physics XII
3217. Isocentre ===> Surveying
3218. Isochrones ===> Soil Mechanics
3219. Isoclinic lines ===> Surveying
3220. Isogonic lines ===> Surveying
3221. isolated L-beams, ===> RCC
3222. Isothermal process ===> Fluid Mechanics
3223. Isothermal process ===> Physics XII
3224. Isotones ===> Physics XII
3225. Isotopes ===> Physics XII
3226. Jack arch ===> Building Construction
3227. Jack arch, Joints, ===> Steel Structure
3228. Jack arch, ===> Steel Structure
3229. Jack arch, bolted, ===> Steel Structure
3230. Jack arch, disc-dowelled, ===> Steel Structure
3231. Jack arch, framed, ===> Steel Structure
3232. Jack arch, riveted, ===> Steel Structure
3233. Jack arch, timber, ===> Steel Structure
3234. Jack arch, welded, ===> Steel Structure
3235. Jaderin’s method ===> Surveying
3236. Jambs , ===> Building Construction
3237. Jayakar Committee ===> Highway Engineering
3238. Jeffcott tacheometer ===> Surveying
3239. Jet propulsion, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3240. Jet ratio, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3241. Jewel box ===> Surveying
3242. Jodhpur, Mini-compactor ===> Soil Mechanics
3243. Jodhpur, Mini-compactor Permeameter ===> Soil Mechanics
3244. Johnson’s formula, ===> Strenngth of Material
3245. Joint fillers ===> Highway Engineering
3246. Joint sealant ===> Concrete tecnology
3247. Joint sealers ===> Highway Engineering
3248. Joints in concrete ===> Concrete tecnology
3249. Joints in concrete pavements , ===> Highway Engineering
3250. Joints in stone masonry ===> Building Construction
3251. Joints, – riveted, ===> Strenngth of Material
3252. Joints, – welded, ===> Strenngth of Material
3253. Joints, ===> Strenngth of Material
3254. Joule's calorimeter ===> Physics XII
3255. Joule's law of heating ===> Physics XII
3256. J-ring ===> Concrete tecnology
3257. Junction laws of Kirchlıoff ===> Physics XII
3258. Junction, p-n ===> Physics XII
3259. Junctions ===> Building Construction
3260. Junctions ===> Highway Engineering
3261. Kaar-hongnest equation, ===> RCC
3262. Kaiga Nuclear Power Plant ===> Concrete tecnology
3263. Kankar roads ===> Highway Engineering
3264. Kaolinite ===> Soil Mechanics
3265. Kaplan turbine, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3266. Karman constant, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3267. Karman-Prandtl formula, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3268. Kelly ball test ===> Concrete tecnology
3269. Kelvin, unit of temperature ===> Physics XII
3270. Kelvin-Plank second law of thermodynamics ===> Physics XII
3271. Kepler’s laws , ===> Physics XI
3272. Kernel, – of hollow circular section, ===> Strenngth of Material
3273. Kernel, – of hollow rectangular section, ===> Strenngth of Material
3274. Kernel, ===> Strenngth of Material
3275. Ketones, ===> Enviromental
3276. Kiln ===> Concrete tecnology
3277. Kinematic positioning ===> Surveying
3278. Kinematic surveying ===> Surveying
3279. Kinematic viscosity ===> Soil Mechanics
3280. Kinematic viscosity, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3281. Kinematics , ===> Physics XI
3282. Kinetic energy ===> Physics XI
3283. Kinetic energy of a rotating body , ===> Physics XI
3284. Kinetic energy correction factor, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3285. Kinetic energy, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3286. Kinetic head, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3287. Kinetic interpretation of temperature ===> Physics XII
3288. Kinetic theary of gases ===> Physics XII
3289. King closer , ===> Building Construction
3290. King post truss ===> Building Construction
3291. Kirchhoffs la ws ===> Physics XII
3292. Kirchhoffs law of radiation ===> Physics XII
3293. Knotting ===> Building Construction
3294. Kozeny basic parabola ===> Soil Mechanics
3295. Kozeny permeability formula ===> Soil Mechanics
3296. Kyanizing, ===> Steel Structure
3297. Laboratory mexer ===> Concrete tecnology
3298. Lacing (latticing), ===> Steel Structure
3299. Lacing (latticing), design, ===> Steel Structure
3300. Lacing (latticing), double, ===> Steel Structure
3301. Lacing (latticing), single, ===> Steel Structure
3302. Lagrangian method, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3303. Laitance ===> Concrete tecnology
3304. Lambe’s hypothesis (structure) ===> Soil Mechanics
3305. Lambe’s stress path ===> Soil Mechanics
3306. Lambert cosine law ===> Physics XI
3307. Laminar boundary layer, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3308. Laminar flow, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3309. Laminar sub-layer ===> Fluid Mechanics
3310. Land content SCC ===> Concrete tecnology
3311. Land farming, ===> Enviromental
3312. Land features ===> Surveying
3313. Land uses ===> Highway Engineering
3314. Landfilling with solid wastes, ===> Enviromental
3315. Landings, stairs ===> Building Construction
3316. Landscaping ===> Highway Engineering
3317. Landslide ===> Highway Engineering
3318. Lanes ===> Highway Engineering
3319. Lap joint, – weld, ===> Strenngth of Material
3320. Lap joint, ===> Strenngth of Material
3321. Lap splice, ===> RCC
3322. Laplace equation ===> Soil Mechanics
3323. Laplace equation, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3324. Large orifice, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3325. Laser ===> Physics XII
3326. Laser helium-neon ===> Physics XII
3327. Laser uses ===> Physics XII
3328. Latent heat ===> Physics XII
3329. Lateral earth pressure, ===> Steel Structure
3330. Lateral earth pressure, retaining walls, ===> Steel Structure
3331. Lateral strain, ===> Strenngth of Material
3332. Latitude ===> Surveying
3333. Latitude determination ===> Surveying
3334. Latitude , ===> Surveying
3335. Laws of ===> Surveying
3336. Laws of accidental errors ===> Surveying
3337. Laws of thermodynamics first law ===> Physics XII
3338. Laws of thermodynamics second law ===> Physics XII
3339. Laws of thermodynamics zeroth law ===> Physics XII
3340. Laws of weight ===> Surveying
3341. Layers ===> Highway Engineering
3342. L-beams, ===> RCC
3343. L-Box ===> Concrete tecnology
3344. L-Box ===> Concrete tecnology
3345. LC circuit ===> Physics XII
3346. LCR circuit ===> Physics XII
3347. LCR circuit resonance in ===> Physics XII
3348. Lea and Nurse method ===> Concrete tecnology
3349. Leached ===> Concrete tecnology
3350. Lead ===> Enviromental
3351. Lead line ===> Surveying
3352. Leading edge, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3353. Leads ===> Building Construction
3354. Leaf springs, ===> Strenngth of Material
3355. Lean-to-roof ===> Building Construction
3356. Le-chatelier test ===> Concrete tecnology
3357. Ledged and braced door ===> Building Construction
3358. Ledges ===> Building Construction
3359. Legends ===> Surveying
3360. Lehmann’s method ===> Surveying
3361. Lemniscate curve ===> Surveying
3362. Length contraction ===> Physics XII
3363. Length gauge ===> Concrete tecnology
3364. Length of curve ===> Surveying
3365. Lengthening joints ===> Building Construction
3366. Lens ===> Physics XI
3367. Lens concave ===> Physics XI
3368. Lens convergent ===> Physics XI
3369. Lens convex ===> Physics XI
3370. Lens divergent ===> Physics XI
3371. Lens in contact ===> Physics XI
3372. Lens lens maker’s formula ===> Physics XI
3373. Lens power of ===> Physics XI
3374. Lens stereoscope ===> Surveying
3375. Lenz's law ===> Physics XII
3376. Leveis of service ===> Highway Engineering
3377. Leveis of urban transport planning ===> Highway Engineering
3378. Level ===> Surveying
3379. Level abney hand ===> Surveying
3380. Level automatic ===> Surveying
3381. Level cooke’s reversible ===> Surveying
3382. Level cushing’s ===> Surveying
3383. Level digital ===> Surveying
3384. Level dumpy ===> Surveying
3385. Level hand ===> Surveying
3386. Level line , ===> Surveying
3387. Level surface ===> Surveying
3388. Level tilting ===> Surveying
3389. Level tube ===> Surveying
3390. Level types ===> Surveying
3391. Level wye ===> Surveying
3392. Level surface , ===> Surveying
3393. Level tube , ===> Surveying
3394. Level tube , sensitivity of ===> Surveying
3395. Level vial ===> Surveying
3396. leveling ===> Surveying
3397. Levelling ===> Surveying
3398. Levelling approximate ===> Surveying
3399. Levelling barometric ===> Surveying
3400. Levelling borrow pit ===> Surveying
3401. Levelling check ===> Surveying
3402. Levelling checks in ===> Surveying
3403. Levelling differential ===> Surveying
3404. Levelling difficulties ===> Surveying
3405. Levelling errors ===> Surveying
3406. Levelling fly ===> Surveying
3407. Levelling for grading ===> Surveying
3408. Levelling head assembly ===> Surveying
3409. Levelling longitudinal ===> Surveying
3410. Levelling precise ===> Surveying
3411. Levelling principles ===> Surveying
3412. Levelling profile ===> Surveying
3413. Levelling reciprocal ===> Surveying
3414. Levelling simple ===> Surveying
3415. Levelling staff ===> Surveying
3416. Levelling trigonometric ===> Surveying
3417. Levelling head ===> Surveying
3418. Levelling head assembly ===> Surveying
3419. Levelling staff ===> Surveying
3420. Levelling staff invar precision ===> Surveying
3421. Levelling staff self-reading ===> Surveying
3422. Levelling staff sopwith ===> Surveying
3423. Levelling staff target ===> Surveying
3424. Levelling up ===> Surveying
3425. Lever arm factor, ===> RCC
3426. lever arm, ===> RCC
3427. Lewis ===> Building Construction
3428. LIDAR ===> Surveying
3429. Lift co-efficient, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3430. Lift, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3431. Light ===> Physics XI
3432. Light corpuscle theory ===> Physics XI
3433. Light diffraction ===> Physics XI
3434. Light photon theary of ===> Physics XII
3435. Light polarization ===> Physics XI
3436. Light speed of , ===> Physics XI
3437. Light speed of ===> Physics XII
3438. Light visible range ===> Physics XI
3439. Light wave theory ===> Physics XI
3440. Lighting system ===> Highway Engineering
3441. Lightweight aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology
3442. Lightweight concrete ===> Concrete tecnology
3443. Lignosulphonates ===> Concrete tecnology
3444. Lime ===> Concrete tecnology
3445. Lime plaster ===> Building Construction
3446. Lime saturation factor ===> Concrete tecnology
3447. Lime stabilisation ===> Soil Mechanics
3448. Lime stabilization ===> Highway Engineering
3449. Limit analysis, ===> RCC
3450. Limit stale of collapse, ===> RCC
3451. Limit stale of collapse, flexure, ===> RCC
3452. Limit state design, ===> RCC
3453. Limit state of serviceability, ===> RCC
3454. Limit state of serviceability, cracking ===> RCC
3455. Limit state of serviceability, deflection, ===> RCC
3456. Limit, Atterberg -, consistency ===> Soil Mechanics
3457. Limit, Atterberg -, liquid ===> Soil Mechanics
3458. Limit, Atterberg -, plastic ===> Soil Mechanics
3459. Limit, Atterberg -, shrinkage ===> Soil Mechanics
3460. Limit, Atterberg ===> Soil Mechanics
3461. Limiting values of, ===> RCC
3462. Limiting values of, factors, ===> RCC
3463. Limiting values of, percentage of steel reinf., ===> RCC
3464. Line ===> Surveying
3465. Line base , ===> Surveying
3466. Line check ===> Surveying
3467. Line data ===> Surveying
3468. Line drop out ===> Surveying
3469. Line isoclinic ===> Surveying
3470. Line isogonic ===> Surveying
3471. Line of optimums ===> Soil Mechanics
3472. Line of sight ===> Surveying
3473. Line of telescope , ===> Surveying
3474. Line ranger ===> Surveying
3475. Line stake ===> Surveying
3476. Line subsidiary ===> Surveying
3477. Line tie ===> Surveying
3478. Linear deformation, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3479. Linear expansion coefficient of ===> Physics XII
3480. Linear momentum ===> Physics XI
3481. Linear translation, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3482. Line-in-polygon ===> Surveying
3483. Lines of force (field lines) electric ===> Physics XII
3484. Lines of force (field lines) magnetic ===> Physics XII
3485. Lining in ===> Surveying
3486. Lining rods ===> Surveying
3487. Linkages ===> Soil Mechanics
3488. Linked traffic signals ===> Highway Engineering
3489. Linoleum flooring ===> Building Construction
3490. Linseed oil ===> Concrete tecnology
3491. Lintels ===> Building Construction
3492. Lintels ===> RCC
3493. Lintels area of steel, ===> RCC
3494. Lintels characteristic, ===> RCC
3495. Lintels erection loads, ===> RCC
3496. Lintels exceptional loads, ===> RCC
3497. Lintels factored (design) loads, ===> RCC
3498. Lintels floors, ===> RCC
3499. Lintels imposed loads, ===> RCC
3500. Lintels normal loads, ===> RCC
3501. Lintels overall depth, ===> RCC
3502. Lintels permanent load, ===> RCC
3503. Lintels seismic load, ===> RCC
3504. Lintels snow load, ===> RCC
3505. Lintels transfer of loads, ===> RCC
3506. Lintels transient load ===> RCC
3507. Lintels wind load, ===> RCC
3508. Lintels, ===> Steel Structure
3509. Liquid limit ===> Highway Engineering
3510. Liquid limit ===> Soil Mechanics
3511. Lithosphere, ===> Enviromental
3512. Live loads ===> Building Construction
3513. Load bearing piles ===> Building Construction
3514. Load test , ===> Building Construction
3515. Load test on bearing plate -, on pile ===> Soil Mechanics
3516. Load test on bearing plate ===> Soil Mechanics
3517. Loads ===> Building Construction
3518. loads, ===> RCC
3519. Loads, ===> Steel Structure
3520. Loads, breaking, ===> Steel Structure
3521. Loads, dead, ===> Steel Structure
3522. Loads, impact, ===> Steel Structure
3523. Loads, live, ===> Steel Structure
3524. Loads, seismic, ===> Steel Structure
3525. Loads, snow, ===> Steel Structure
3526. Loads, ultimate, ===> Steel Structure
3527. Loads, wind, ===> Steel Structure
3528. Local acceleration, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3529. Local attraction ===> Surveying
3530. Local attraction detection ===> Surveying
3531. Local attraction elimination ===> Surveying
3532. Local buckling, ===> Steel Structure
3533. Local shear failure ===> Soil Mechanics
3534. Locating sounding ===> Surveying
3535. location of N.A., ===> RCC
3536. location of neutral axis, ===> RCC
3537. Location of route ===> Highway Engineering
3538. Lock gates, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3539. Logic gates ===> Physics XII
3540. Long chord ===> Surveying
3541. Long columns, ===> RCC
3542. Long columns, ===> Strenngth of Material
3543. Longitude ===> Surveying
3544. Longitude determination ===> Surveying
3545. Longitudinal drain ===> Highway Engineering
3546. Longitudinal joints , ===> Highway Engineering
3547. Longitudinal overlap ===> Surveying
3548. Longitudinal stiffeners, ===> Steel Structure
3549. Longitudinal wave ===> Concrete tecnology
3550. Longitudinal, strain, – stress, ===> Strenngth of Material
3551. Longitudinal, strain, ===> Strenngth of Material
3552. Loose needle method ===> Surveying
3553. Los Angeles test ===> Concrete tecnology
3554. Los angle's abrasion test ===> Highway Engineering
3555. Loss of head due to : ===> Fluid Mechanics
3556. Loss of head due to : entrance, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3557. Loss of head due to : exit, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3558. Loss of head due to : friction ===> Fluid Mechanics
3559. Loss of head due to : obstruction, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3560. Loss of head due to : sudden contraction, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3561. Loss of head due to : sudden enlargement, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3562. Loss of slump ===> Concrete tecnology
3563. Loss on heating test ===> Highway Engineering
3564. Loss on ignition , ===> Concrete tecnology
3565. Losses, major, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3566. Losses, minor ===> Fluid Mechanics
3567. Lost time ===> Highway Engineering
3568. Loudon’s formula ===> Soil Mechanics
3569. Low alkali cement ===> Concrete tecnology
3570. Low cost roads ===> Highway Engineering
3571. Low heat cement ===> Concrete tecnology
3572. Low pass filter ===> Surveying
3573. Lower bound method ===> RCC
3574. Lower critical velocity ===> Soil Mechanics
3575. LR circuit ===> Physics XII
3576. Lucknow road plan ===> Highway Engineering
3577. Lug angles, ===> Steel Structure
3578. Lumen , ===> Highway Engineering
3579. Luminosity ===> Physics XI
3580. Luminous intensity ===> Physics XI
3581. Luminous signals ===> Surveying
3582. Lunar day ===> Surveying
3583. Lux , ===> Highway Engineering
3584. Lyman ===> Physics XII
3585. Macadam roads ===> Highway Engineering
3586. Macaulay’s method, ===> Strenngth of Material
3587. Mach angle, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3588. Mach cone, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3589. Mach model law, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3590. Mach number ===> Fluid Mechanics
3591. Machine foundations ===> Building Construction
3592. Machinery for roads ===> Highway Engineering
3593. Macro-defect-free cement ===> Concrete tecnology
3594. Magnesium oxide ===> Concrete tecnology
3595. Magnesium phosphate cement ===> Concrete tecnology
3596. Magnesium sulphate ===> Concrete tecnology
3597. Magnetic ===> Surveying
3598. Magnetic anamolies ===> Surveying
3599. Magnetic declination ===> Surveying
3600. Magnetic dip ===> Surveying
3601. Magnetic dipole moment ===> Physics XII
3602. Magnetic field due to a circular curent ===> Physics XII
3603. Magnetic field due to a current ===> Physics XII
3604. Magnetic field due to a long wire ===> Physics XII
3605. Magnetic field due to a magnetic dipole ===> Physics XII
3606. Magnetic field due to a solenoid ===> Physics XII
3607. Magnetic field due to a toroid ===> Physics XII
3608. Magnetic field due to changing electric field ===> Physics XII
3609. Magnetic field due to earth ===> Physics XII
3610. Magnetic flux ===> Physics XII
3611. Magnetic meridian ===> Surveying
3612. Magnetic method ===> Concrete tecnology
3613. Magnetic suseeptibility ===> Physics XII
3614. Magnetite , ===> Concrete tecnology
3615. Magnetization curve ===> Physics XII
3616. Magnetization vector ===> Physics XII
3617. Magnetizing field intensity (H) ===> Physics XII
3618. Magnets ===> Physics XII
3619. Magnification angular ===> Physics XI
3620. Magnification by a spherical mirror ===> Physics XI
3621. Magnification lateral ===> Physics XI
3622. Magnification transverse ===> Physics XI
3623. Magnifier ===> Physics XI
3624. Magnifying power of a compound microscope ===> Physics XI
3625. Magnifying power of a Galilean telescope ===> Physics XI
3626. Magnifying power of a simple microscope ===> Physics XI
3627. Magnifying power of a terrestrial telescope ===> Physics XI
3628. Magnifying power of an astronomical telescope ===> Physics XI
3629. Magnitude of earthquake ===> Building Construction
3630. Magnus effect, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3631. Main survey line ===> Surveying
3632. Maintenance of ===> Highway Engineering
3633. Maintenance of bituminous roads ===> Highway Engineering
3634. Maintenance of concrete roads ===> Highway Engineering
3635. Maintenance of drainage ===> Highway Engineering
3636. Maintenance of earth roads ===> Highway Engineering
3637. Maintenance of gravei roads ===> Highway Engineering
3638. Maintenance of hill roads ===> Highway Engineering
3639. Maintenance of pavements , ===> Highway Engineering
3640. Maintenance of roads , ===> Highway Engineering
3641. Maintenance of shoulder and slopes ===> Highway Engineering
3642. Maintenance of WBM roads ===> Highway Engineering
3643. Major compounds ===> Concrete tecnology
3644. Major district roads ===> Highway Engineering
3645. Major unit processes in effluent treatment, ===> Enviromental
3646. Malamine ===> Concrete tecnology
3647. Mallet , ===> Building Construction
3648. Management of maintenance ===> Highway Engineering
3649. Mandatory signs ===> Highway Engineering
3650. Manganese, ===> Enviromental
3651. Man-made sources, ===> Enviromental
3652. Manning's formula ===> Highway Engineering
3653. Manometer single-tube, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3654. Manometer U-tube, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3655. Manometer, differential, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3656. Manometer, inclined, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3657. Manometric efficiency, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3658. Manometric head, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3659. Mansard roof ===> Building Construction
3660. Manual component separation, ===> Enviromental
3661. Manufacture of cement ===> Concrete tecnology
3662. Map ===> Surveying
3663. Map algebra ===> Surveying
3664. Map index ===> Surveying
3665. Map layers ===> Surveying
3666. Map overlay analysis ===> Surveying
3667. Map photographic ===> Surveying
3668. Map stereo-topographic ===> Surveying
3669. Map topographic ===> Surveying
3670. Mapematics ===> Surveying
3671. Maps of India ===> Surveying
3672. Marigram ===> Surveying
3673. Markings , ===> Highway Engineering
3674. Marsh cone , ===> Concrete tecnology
3675. Marshall method of mix design ===> Highway Engineering
3676. Marshall stability ===> Highway Engineering
3677. Mason’s tools , ===> Building Construction
3678. Masonry brick - composite ===> Building Construction
3679. Masonry brick - stone ===> Building Construction
3680. Masonry brick ===> Building Construction
3681. Masonry cement ===> Concrete tecnology
3682. Masonry structures, ===> Steel Structure
3683. Masonry structures, chimneys, ===> Steel Structure
3684. Masonry structures, dams, ===> Steel Structure
3685. Masonry structures, general conditions of stability, ===> Steel Structure
3686. Masonry structures, retaining walls, ===> Steel Structure
3687. masonry wall, ===> RCC
3688. Mass concrete ===> Concrete tecnology
3689. Mass density, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3690. Mass diagram ===> Surveying
3691. Mass excess ===> Physics XII
3692. Mass haul diagram ===> Highway Engineering
3693. Mass loss ===> Concrete tecnology
3694. Mass number ===> Physics XII
3695. Mass, moving ===> Physics XII
3696. Mass, specific gravity ===> Soil Mechanics
3697. Mat foundation ===> Soil Mechanics
3698. mat foundation, ===> RCC
3699. Materiais for embankment ===> Highway Engineering
3700. Material survey ===> Highway Engineering
3701. Matter wave ===> Physics XII
3702. Maturity ===> Concrete tecnology
3703. Maximum aggregate size ===> Concrete tecnology
3704. Maximum aggregate size nfluence on strength ===> Concrete tecnology
3705. Maximum aggregate size shrinkage ===> Concrete tecnology
3706. Maximum aggregate size surface area ===> Concrete tecnology
3707. Maximum aggregate size workability ===> Concrete tecnology
3708. Maximum principal stress theory, – shear strain energy theory, ===> Strenngth of Material
3709. Maximum principal stress theory, – shear stress theory, ===> Strenngth of Material
3710. Maximum principal stress theory, – strain energy theory, ===> Strenngth of Material
3711. Maximum principal stress theory, – strain theory, ===> Strenngth of Material
3712. Maximum principal stress theory, ===> Strenngth of Material
3713. Maxwell displacement current ===> Physics XII
3714. Maxwell distribution of molecular ===> Physics XII
3715. Maxwell velocity ===> Physics XII
3716. Maxwell's equations ===> Physics XII
3717. Mcleod method ===> Highway Engineering
3718. Mean anomaly ===> Surveying
3719. Mean principal base ===> Surveying
3720. Mean sea level ===> Surveying
3721. Mean sea level ===> Surveying
3722. Mean solar day ===> Surveying
3723. Mean strength ===> Concrete tecnology
3724. Measurement of angles ===> Surveying
3725. Measurement of angles discharge ===> Surveying
3726. Measurement of angles velocity ===> Surveying
3727. Measures of central tendency ===> Highway Engineering
3728. Mechanical analysis ===> Soil Mechanics
3729. Mechanical efficiency ===> Fluid Mechanics
3730. Mechanical equivalent of heat ===> Physics XII
3731. Mechanical parking ===> Highway Engineering
3732. Mechanical properties of aggregates ===> Concrete tecnology
3733. Mechanical properties, ===> Steel Structure
3734. Mechanical properties, high tensile steel, ===> Steel Structure
3735. Mechanical properties, mild steel, ===> Steel Structure
3736. Mechanical stabilisation ===> Soil Mechanics
3737. Mechanical stabilization ===> Highway Engineering
3738. Mechanical ventilation ===> Building Construction
3739. Mechanical volume reduction, ===> Enviromental
3740. Mechanical widening ===> Highway Engineering
3741. Mechanism of action of superplasticizer , ===> Concrete tecnology
3742. Mechanism of creep ===> Concrete tecnology
3743. Mechanism of shrinkage ===> Concrete tecnology
3744. Median filter ===> Surveying
3745. Medians , ===> Highway Engineering
3746. Medical wastes—infectious and pathological, ===> Enviromental
3747. Mehra's method ===> Highway Engineering
3748. Mekenomter ===> Surveying
3749. Mekometer ===> Surveying
3750. Melamine ===> Concrete tecnology
3751. Membrane forming curing ===> Concrete tecnology
3752. Mercury, ===> Enviromental
3753. Merging ===> Highway Engineering
3754. Meridian ===> Surveying
3755. Meridian , ===> Surveying
3756. Meridian , arbitrary ===> Surveying
3757. Meridian , convergence ===> Surveying
3758. Meridian , grid ===> Surveying
3759. Meridian , magnetic ===> Surveying
3760. Meridian , true ===> Surveying
3761. meridional thrust, ===> RCC
3762. meridional thrust, ===> RCC
3763. Meta-centre, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3764. meta-centric height, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3765. Meta-centric height, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3766. Metakaolin ===> Concrete tecnology
3767. Metal (modern) connectors in, ===> Steel Structure
3768. Metal stairs ===> Building Construction
3769. Metamorphosis, ===> Enviromental
3770. Metastable state ===> Physics XII
3771. Meter, orifice, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3772. Meter, venturi, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3773. Method of correlates ===> Surveying
3774. Method of design ===> RCC
3775. Method of design upper bound method, ===> RCC
3776. Method of design working stress method, ===> RCC
3777. Method of differences ===> Surveying
3778. Method of equal shifts ===> Surveying
3779. Method of joints, – sections, ===> Strenngth of Material
3780. Method of joints, ===> Strenngth of Material
3781. Method of least squares ===> Surveying
3782. Method of selecting repeating ===> Fluid Mechanics
3783. Method of selecting repeating variables, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3784. Methodology for pollution control decisions, ===> Enviromental
3785. Methods for determination of ===> Fluid Mechanics
3786. Methods for determination of co-efficient of viscosity, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3787. methods of controlling, ===> RCC
3788. Methods of dimensional analysis, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3789. Methods of economic evaluation ===> Highway Engineering
3790. Metro ===> Highway Engineering
3791. Meyerhof analysis ===> Soil Mechanics
3792. Michelson measuring speed of light ===> Physics XI
3793. Michelson-Morley experiment ===> Physics XII
3794. Microcracking ===> Concrete tecnology
3795. Micrometer microscope ===> Surveying
3796. Microscope compound ===> Physics XI
3797. Microscope simple ===> Physics XI
3798. Microsilica ===> Concrete tecnology
3799. Middle quarter rule, ===> Strenngth of Material
3800. Middle third rule, ===> Strenngth of Material
3801. Mid-ordinate ===> Surveying
3802. Mid-ordinate rule ===> Surveying
3803. Mie scatter ===> Surveying
3804. Mild steel, ===> Steel Structure
3805. Mild steel, fusion welding quality, ===> Steel Structure
3806. Mild steel, ordinary quality, ===> Steel Structure
3807. Mild steel, standard quality, ===> Steel Structure
3808. Milestone charts ===> Building Construction
3809. Millikan nil-drop experiment. ===> Physics XII
3810. Mineral admixtures ===> Concrete tecnology
3811. Minimization of wastes at operating plants, ===> Enviromental
3812. Minimum mapping unit ===> Surveying
3813. Minimum radius of curve ===> Highway Engineering
3814. Minimum-maximum stretch ===> Surveying
3815. Mini-slump ===> Concrete tecnology
3816. Minor compounds ===> Concrete tecnology
3817. Minor losses in pipes, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3818. Mirror concave ===> Physics XI
3819. Mirror convex ===> Physics XI
3820. Mirror spherical ===> Physics XI
3821. Mirror stereoscope ===> Surveying
3822. Mises-Henky theory, ===> Strenngth of Material
3823. Mistake ===> Surveying
3824. Mistake , ===> Surveying
3825. Mix Composition of SCC ===> Concrete tecnology
3826. Mix design ===> Concrete tecnology
3827. Mix design ACI method ===> Concrete tecnology
3828. Mix design British method , ===> Concrete tecnology
3829. Mix design Indian standard method ===> Concrete tecnology
3830. Mix design Pumpable concrete ===> Concrete tecnology
3831. Mix design With fly ash ===> Concrete tecnology
3832. Mix design SCC ===> Concrete tecnology
3833. Mixers ===> Concrete tecnology
3834. Mixing length theory, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3835. Mixing of concrete ===> Concrete tecnology
3836. Mixing of concrete by hand ===> Concrete tecnology
3837. Mixing of concrete long time mixing ===> Concrete tecnology
3838. Mixing of concrete sequence of loading ===> Concrete tecnology
3839. Mixing of concrete with super plasticizers ===> Concrete tecnology
3840. Mixing SCC ===> Concrete tecnology
3841. Mode filter ===> Surveying
3842. Model analysis, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3843. Model laws, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3844. Model testing, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3845. Models ===> Highway Engineering
3846. Modem roads ===> Highway Engineering
3847. Moderator ===> Physics XII
3848. Modification factor for, ===> RCC
3849. modification, ===> RCC
3850. Modified Proctor test ===> Soil Mechanics
3851. Modified, ===> Steel Structure
3852. Modified, moment distribution method, ===> Steel Structure
3853. Modified, slope-deflection-method, ===> Steel Structure
3854. Modular ratio (short-term), ===> RCC
3855. Modulus of Elasticity ===> Concrete tecnology
3856. Modulus of Elasticity aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology
3857. Modulus of Elasticity concrete ===> Concrete tecnology
3858. Modulus of Elasticity dynamic modulus ===> Concrete tecnology
3859. Modulus of Elasticity static modulus ===> Concrete tecnology
3860. Modulus of elasticity, ===> RCC
3861. Modulus of elasticity, balanced section, ===> RCC
3862. Modulus of elasticity, cracked section ===> RCC
3863. Modulus of elasticity, gross, ===> RCC
3864. Modulus of elasticity, initial, ===> RCC
3865. Modulus of elasticity, secant, ===> RCC
3866. Modulus of elasticity, tangent, ===> RCC
3867. Modulus of rupture ===> Concrete tecnology
3868. Modulus of rupture, ===> RCC
3869. Modulus of subgrade reaction ===> Soil Mechanics
3870. Modulus, bulk, – of elasticity, ===> Strenngth of Material
3871. Modulus, bulk, – of rigidity, ===> Strenngth of Material
3872. Modulus, bulk, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3873. Modulus, bulk, ===> Strenngth of Material
3874. Mohr circle ===> Soil Mechanics
3875. Mohr envelope ===> Soil Mechanics
3876. Mohr’s circle, ===> Strenngth of Material
3877. Mohr’s strain circle, ===> Strenngth of Material
3878. Mohr’s theorem, ===> Strenngth of Material
3879. Mohr-Coulomb failure theory ===> Soil Mechanics
3880. Moisture ===> Concrete tecnology
3881. Moisture ===> Concrete tecnology
3882. Moisture content ===> Soil Mechanics
3883. Moisture free moisture ===> Concrete tecnology
3884. Moisture in aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology
3885. Moisture measurement ===> Concrete tecnology
3886. Moisture moisture movement ===> Concrete tecnology
3887. Molar heat capacity ===> Physics XII
3888. Molar heat capacity at canstant pressure ===> Physics XII
3889. Molar heat capacity at cunstant volume ===> Physics XII
3890. Molecular bonds ===> Soil Mechanics
3891. Moment area method, ===> Strenngth of Material
3892. Moment of inertia ===> Physics XI
3893. Moment of inertia of a disc ===> Physics XI
3894. Moment of inertia of a hollow cylinder ===> Physics XI
3895. Moment of inertia of a rectangular plate ===> Physics XI
3896. Moment of inertia of a ring , ===> Physics XI
3897. Moment of inertia of a rod ===> Physics XI
3898. Moment of inertia of a solid ===> Physics XI
3899. Moment of inertia, – resistances, ===> Strenngth of Material
3900. Moment of inertia, ===> Strenngth of Material
3901. moment of resistance, ===> RCC
3902. moment of resistance, ===> RCC
3903. Moment resistant connection, ===> Steel Structure
3904. Moment resistant connection, riveted, ===> Steel Structure
3905. Moment resistant connection, welded, ===> Steel Structure
3906. moment, ===> RCC
3907. moment, ===> RCC
3908. Momentum conservation of ===> Physics XI
3909. Momentum correction factor, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3910. Momentum equations ===> Fluid Mechanics
3911. Momentum of electromagnetic waves ===> Physics XII
3912. Momentum relativistic ===> Physics XII
3913. Momentum thickness, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3914. Montmorillonite ===> Soil Mechanics
3915. Moon ===> Surveying
3916. Morley ===> Physics XII
3917. Mortar ===> Building Construction
3918. Mortar bar test ===> Concrete tecnology
3919. Mortar segregation ===> Concrete tecnology
3920. Mortar shrinkage , ===> Concrete tecnology
3921. MORTH ===> Highway Engineering
3922. Mosaic ===> Surveying
3923. Mosaic flooring ===> Building Construction
3924. Moseley's law ===> Physics XII
3925. Most probable value ===> Surveying
3926. Motion ===> Physics XI
3927. Motional emf ===> Physics XII
3928. Motor ===> Physics XII
3929. Motor vehicle act ===> Highway Engineering
3930. Mountable curb ===> Highway Engineering
3931. Mouthpiece ===> Fluid Mechanics
3932. Mouthpiece Borda’s, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3933. Mouthpiece convergent-divergent, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3934. Mouthpiece external cylindrical, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3935. Movable hair method ===> Surveying
3936. Multipath error ===> Surveying
3937. Multiplex ===> Surveying
3938. Multiplier constant ===> Surveying
3939. Multiplying constant ===> Surveying
3940. Multistage pump, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3941. Multistoried parking ===> Highway Engineering
3942. Muschel curves ===> Fluid Mechanics
3943. Musical scale ===> Physics XI
3944. Mutual induction ===> Physics XII
3945. Myopia ===> Physics XI
3946. NAASRA roughness meter ===> Highway Engineering
3947. Nadir ===> Surveying
3948. Nadir point ===> Surveying
3949. Nagpur plan ===> Highway Engineering
3950. Nails ===> Building Construction
3951. NAND gate ===> Physics XII
3952. Naphthalene ===> Concrete tecnology
3953. Napier’s rule ===> Surveying
3954. Nappe, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3955. Narrow crested weir, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3956. National highway act ===> Highway Engineering
3957. National highway authority of India (NHAI) , ===> Highway Engineering
3958. National highway development project ===> Highway Engineering
3959. National highway engineers training institute ===> Highway Engineering
3960. National rural road development agency (NRRDA) ===> Highway Engineering
3961. National transport policy ===> Highway Engineering
3962. Natural aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology
3963. Natural asphalt ===> Highway Engineering
3964. Natural sand ===> Concrete tecnology
3965. Natural sources, ===> Enviromental
3966. Natural ventilation ===> Building Construction
3967. Nature of error ===> Surveying
3968. Nautical sextant ===> Surveying
3969. Navier-stokes equation, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3970. Navy navigational satellite system ===> Surveying
3971. Neap tide ===> Surveying
3972. Near point ===> Physics XI
3973. Needles , ===> Building Construction
3974. negative bending ===> RCC
3975. Negative slip, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3976. Neighbourhood functions ===> Surveying
3977. Net area, ===> Steel Structure
3978. Net area, tension flange, ===> Steel Structure
3979. Net area, tension members, ===> Steel Structure
3980. Net positive suction head, ===> Fluid Mechanics
3981. Networks ===> Building Construction
3982. Neutral axis factor, ===> RCC
3983. Neutral axis location, ===> RCC
3984. Neutral axis location, ordinary Portlant cement, ===> RCC
3985. Neutral axis, – layer, ===> Strenngth of Material
3986. Neutral axis, ===> Strenngth of Material
3987. Neutral pressures ===> Soil Mechanics
3988. Neutrino ===> Physics XII
3989. Neutron ===> Concrete tecnology
3990. New generation plasticizers for SCC ===> Concrete tecnology
3991. Newel ===> Building Construction
3992. Newmark chart ===> Soil Mechanics
3993. Newton corpuscle theory of light ===> Physics XI
3994. Newton law of gravitation , ===> Physics XI
3995. Newton’s law of motion ===> Physics XI
3996. Newton’s law of motion first law ===> Physics XI
3997. Newton’s law of motion second law ===> Physics XI
3998. Newton’s law of motion third law , ===> Physics XI
3999. Newton’s law of viscosity, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4000. Newtonian fluid, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4001. Newton's law of cooling ===> Physics XII
4002. Nikuradse’s experiment, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4003. Nippers ===> Building Construction
4004. Nitrogen compounds, ===> Enviromental
4005. Nitrogen cycle, ===> Enviromental
4006. Nitrogen removal by ion-exchange, ===> Enviromental
4007. Nodes ===> Physics XI
4008. Nodes ===> Surveying
4009. Nodes in pressure wave ===> Physics XI
4010. Noise ===> Building Construction
4011. Noise ===> Surveying
4012. Noise correction ===> Surveying
4013. Noise pollution ===> Highway Engineering
4014. Nominal load, ===> RCC
4015. Nominal shear stress, ===> RCC
4016. Non-destructive tests ===> Concrete tecnology
4017. Non-evaporable water ===> Concrete tecnology
4018. Non-newtonian fluids, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4019. Non-spatial data ===> Surveying
4020. Non-symmetrical distortions ===> Surveying
4021. Non-tilting mixer ===> Concrete tecnology
4022. Non-transit theodolite ===> Surveying
4023. Non-uniform acceleration theory ===> Highway Engineering
4024. Non-uniform flow ===> Fluid Mechanics
4025. Normal distribution ===> Concrete tecnology
4026. Normal equations ===> Surveying
4027. normal mode ===> Physics XI
4028. Normal tension ===> Surveying
4029. Normally consolidated soil ===> Soil Mechanics
4030. North Dakota cone method ===> Soil Mechanics
4031. North Dakota cone. test ===> Highway Engineering
4032. North star ===> Surveying
4033. Nosing , ===> Building Construction
4034. NOT gate ===> Physics XII
4035. Notches ===> Fluid Mechanics
4036. Notches rectangular, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4037. Notches stepped, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4038. Notches trapezoidal, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4039. Notches triangular, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4040. Nozzle, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4041. Nuclear ===> Physics XII
4042. Nuclear binding energy ===> Physics XII
4043. Nuclear energy ===> Physics XII
4044. Nuclear fission ===> Physics XII
4045. Nuclear force ===> Physics XII
4046. Nuclear fusion ===> Physics XII
4047. Nuclear radius ===> Physics XII
4048. Nuclear reactor ===> Physics XII
4049. Nuclear spin ===> Physics XII
4050. Nuclear stability ===> Physics XII
4051. Nucleus properties of ===> Physics XII
4052. Nuclide ===> Physics XII
4053. Number of photographs ===> Surveying
4054. Numbers, non-dimensional : ===> Fluid Mechanics
4055. Numbers, non-dimensional : Euler’s, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4056. Numbers, non-dimensional : Froude’s, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4057. Numbers, non-dimensional : Mach ===> Fluid Mechanics
4058. Numbers, non-dimensional : Reynold’s, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4059. Numbers, non-dimensional : Weber’s, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4060. Nutation ===> Surveying
4061. Nutrient removal, ===> Enviromental
4062. Object ===> Physics XI
4063. Object virtual ===> Physics XI
4064. Objective ===> Surveying
4065. Objective focussing ===> Surveying
4066. Oblique mortise and tenon joint ===> Building Construction
4067. Oblique mortise and tenon joint ===> Building Construction
4068. Oblique photograph ===> Surveying
4069. Oblique shouldered joint ===> Building Construction
4070. Oblique, ===> Strenngth of Material
4071. Observation equation ===> Surveying
4072. Obstacles ===> Surveying
4073. Obstacles to chaining ===> Surveying
4074. Obstacles to laying curves ===> Surveying
4075. Odour, ===> Enviromental
4076. Offset , ===> Surveying
4077. Offset , limiting length of ===> Surveying
4078. Offset , oblique ===> Surveying
4079. Offset , perpendicular ===> Surveying
4080. Offset , swing ===> Surveying
4081. Offset , taking of ===> Surveying
4082. Offset rod ===> Surveying
4083. Off-street parking ===> Highway Engineering
4084. Ogee weir, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4085. Ohm's law ===> Physics XII
4086. Oil bound distemper ===> Building Construction
4087. Oil paint ===> Building Construction
4088. Oil-drop experiment ===> Physics XII
4089. Oil-well cement ===> Concrete tecnology
4090. Olefin hydrocarbons of ethylene series, ===> Enviromental
4091. Omitted measurements ===> Surveying
4092. Omnimeter ===> Surveying
4093. one way ===> RCC
4094. One-dimensional flow, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4095. One-way street , ===> Highway Engineering
4096. Onnes H K ===> Physics XII
4097. On-site handling and storage of solid waste, ===> Enviromental
4098. On-street parking ===> Highway Engineering
4099. On-the-fly ambiguity resolution technique ===> Surveying
4100. Opal ===> Concrete tecnology
4101. Opaline chert ===> Concrete tecnology
4102. Opaque signals ===> Surveying
4103. Open end test ===> Soil Mechanics
4104. Open graded mix ===> Highway Engineering
4105. Open newel stair ===> Building Construction
4106. Operating characteristics of vehicles ===> Highway Engineering
4107. Operational ===> Surveying
4108. Operational control segment ===> Surveying
4109. Operational space segment , ===> Surveying
4110. Optical ===> Surveying
4111. Optical fibre ===> Physics XI
4112. Optical fibre instrument ===> Physics XI
4113. Optical fibre path ===> Physics XI
4114. Optical plummet ===> Surveying
4115. Optical square ===> Surveying
4116. Optical theodolite ===> Surveying
4117. Optics geometrical ===> Physics XI
4118. Optimum moisture content ===> Highway Engineering
4119. Optimum time of reverberation ===> Building Construction
4120. Optimum time of reverberation ===> Building Construction
4121. Optimum water content ===> Soil Mechanics
4122. OR gate ===> Physics XII
4123. Oraganised data ===> Surveying
4124. Ordinary portland cement ===> Concrete tecnology
4125. Organ pipes ===> Physics XI
4126. Organic impurities ===> Concrete tecnology
4127. Organizing the pollution prevention programme, ===> Enviromental
4128. Orientation , ===> Surveying
4129. Orientation , by back ray ===> Surveying
4130. Orientation , by three points ===> Surveying
4131. Orientation , by two points ===> Surveying
4132. Orientation , of total station , ===> Surveying
4133. Orifice meter, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4134. Orifice plate, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4135. Orifice type viscometer, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4136. Orifices : ===> Fluid Mechanics
4137. Orifices : large, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4138. Orifices : small, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4139. Orifices : sub-merged, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4140. Origin of planes ===> Soil Mechanics
4141. Origin-destination study ===> Highway Engineering
4142. Orimet ===> Concrete tecnology
4143. Ornamental brick work ===> Building Construction
4144. Orthophotos ===> Surveying
4145. Oscillation ===> Physics XI
4146. Oscillation forced ===> Physics XI
4147. Oscillation, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4148. Oscillator circuit ===> Physics XII
4149. Other district roads ===> Highway Engineering
4150. outside the flange, ===> RCC
4151. Outward flow reaction turbine, ===> Fluid Mechanics
4152. Oven dry density , ===> Concrete tecnology
4153. Over consolidated, soil ===> Soil Mechanics
4154. Overall efficiency ===> Fluid Mechanics
4155. Overhanging beams, ===> Strenngth of Material
4156. Overhanging cliff ===> Surveying
4157. Overlap ===> Surveying
4158. Overlays ===> Highway Engineering
4159. Overseas road note ===> Highway Engineering
4160. Overtaking sight distance ===> Highway Engineering
4161. Overtaking zone ===> Highway Engineering
4162. Over-vibration ===> Concrete tecnology
4163. Oxide composition ===> Concrete tecnology
4164. Oxides of nitrogen, ===> Enviromental
4165. Oxygen absorbed from permanganate, ===> Enviromental
4166. Ozone layer ===> Physics XII
4167. Ozone, ===> Enviromental