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Index-3 P to S

Updated: Dec 29, 2020

4168. Packer test ===> Soil Mechanics

4169. Painting ===> Building Construction

4170. Panaromic distortion ===> Surveying

4171. Pan-type mixer ===> Concrete tecnology

4172. Pappu’s theorem ===> Surveying

4173. Para-dichlorobenzene, ===> Enviromental

4174. Parallactic angle ===> Surveying

4175. Parallactic angle ===> Surveying

4176. Parallax ===> Surveying

4177. Parallax elimination ===> Surveying

4178. Parallax ===> Surveying

4179. Parallax absolute ===> Surveying

4180. Parallax angles ===> Surveying

4181. Parallax bar ===> Surveying

4182. Parallax equation ===> Surveying

4183. Parallax linear horizontal ===> Surveying

4184. Parallax measurement ===> Surveying

4185. Parallax stereoscopic ===> Surveying

4186. Parallel axes theorem ===> Physics XI

4187. Parallel plate micrometer ===> Surveying

4188. Paramagnetism ===> Physics XII

4189. Parapet wall ===> Building Construction

4190. Parapet wall ===> Highway Engineering

4191. Paraxial rays ===> Physics XI

4192. Parking ===> Highway Engineering

4193. Parking facilities ===> Highway Engineering

4194. Parking standards ===> Highway Engineering

4195. Parking study ===> Highway Engineering

4196. Parkways ===> Highway Engineering

4197. Parliamentary hinge ===> Building Construction

4198. Partial safety factors ===> RCC

4199. Partial safety factors collapse, ===> RCC

4200. Partial safety factors collapse, ===> RCC

4201. Partial safety factors serviceability, ===> RCC

4202. Partial safety factors strength of materials, ===> RCC

4203. Partially sub-merged orifice, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4204. Particle interference ===> Concrete tecnology

4205. Particle shape of aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology

4206. Particle size distribution ===> Highway Engineering

4207. Particle theory ===> Surveying

4208. Particle-size analysis ===> Soil Mechanics

4209. Particle-size curve ===> Soil Mechanics

4210. Particulates, ===> Enviromental

4211. Partitions ===> Building Construction

4212. Pascal law of pressure ===> Physics XI

4213. Pascal unit of pressure ===> Physics XI

4214. Pascal’s law, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4215. Paschen series ===> Physics XII

4216. Paschen's law ===> Physics XII

4217. Pass ===> Surveying

4218. Passenger car ===> Highway Engineering

4219. Passenger car equivalents ===> Highway Engineering

4220. Passenger car units-urban roads ===> Highway Engineering

4221. Passing ability ===> Concrete tecnology

4222. Passing sight distance ===> Highway Engineering

4223. Passivating layer ===> Concrete tecnology

4224. Passive state ===> Soil Mechanics

4225. Paste ===> Concrete tecnology

4226. Patching ===> Highway Engineering

4227. Pauli exclusion principle ===> Physics XII

4228. Pavement condition survey ===> Highway Engineering

4229. Pavement design ===> Highway Engineering

4230. Pavement design, flexible -, rigid ===> Soil Mechanics

4231. Pavement design, flexible ===> Soil Mechanics

4232. Pavement evaluation ===> Highway Engineering

4233. Pavement markings ===> Highway Engineering

4234. Pavement overlays , ===> Highway Engineering

4235. Pavement width ===> Highway Engineering

4236. pavements , ===> Highway Engineering

4237. pavements , ===> Highway Engineering

4238. Paving machine ===> Highway Engineering

4239. P-code ===> Surveying

4240. Pebble dash ===> Concrete tecnology

4241. Pedestrain traffic management measures ===> Highway Engineering

4242. Pedestrian ===> Highway Engineering

4243. Pedestrian behaviour ===> Highway Engineering

4244. Pedestrian characteristics ===> Highway Engineering

4245. Pedestrian crossings , ===> Highway Engineering

4246. Pedestrian leveIs of service ===> Highway Engineering

4247. Pedestrian precints ===> Highway Engineering

4248. Pedestrian precints ===> Highway Engineering

4249. Pedestrian provisions for ===> Highway Engineering

4250. Pedestrian safety ===> Highway Engineering

4251. Pedestrian signals ===> Highway Engineering

4252. Pedestrian volume study ===> Highway Engineering

4253. Pegs ===> Surveying

4254. Pel ===> Surveying

4255. Pelican crossing , ===> Highway Engineering

4256. Peltier effect ===> Physics XII

4257. Pelton wheel, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4258. Pendulam ===> Physics XI

4259. Pendulam physical ===> Physics XI

4260. Pendulam time period – ===> Physics XI

4261. Pendulam torsional ===> Physics XI

4262. Penetration macadam ===> Highway Engineering

4263. Penetration test ===> Concrete tecnology

4264. Penetration test ===> Highway Engineering

4265. Penetration test ===> Soil Mechanics

4266. Pentagraph , ===> Surveying

4267. Percent finer size ===> Soil Mechanics

4268. Percentage air voids ===> Soil Mechanics

4269. Perception distance ===> Highway Engineering

4270. Perception time ===> Highway Engineering

4271. Percussion drilling ===> Soil Mechanics

4272. Perforated cover plates, ===> Steel Structure

4273. Perihelion ===> Surveying

4274. Perimeter, wetted, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4275. Peripheral vision ===> Highway Engineering

4276. Perlite ===> Concrete tecnology

4277. Permanent adjustments , ===> Surveying

4278. Permanent adjustments , order of ===> Surveying

4279. Permanent deformation ===> Highway Engineering

4280. Permeability ===> Concrete tecnology

4281. Permeability concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

4282. Permeability -, coefficient of ===> Soil Mechanics

4283. Permeability -, factors affecting ===> Soil Mechanics

4284. Permeability -, field determination of ===> Soil Mechanics

4285. Permeability -, lab, determinations of ===> Soil Mechanics

4286. Permeability -, of stratified soil ===> Soil Mechanics

4287. Permeability ===> Physics XII

4288. Permeability ===> Soil Mechanics

4289. Permeability capillarity test ===> Soil Mechanics

4290. Permeability, ===> Steel Structure

4291. Permeability, normal, ===> Steel Structure

4292. Permeability, small, ===> Steel Structure

4293. Permeable formwork , ===> Concrete tecnology

4294. Permissible limits for solids, ===> RCC

4295. Permissible stress ===> Concrete tecnology

4296. permissible, ===> RCC

4297. Permittivity ===> Physics XII

4298. Permittivity relative ===> Physics XII

4299. Peroxyacetylenitrate (PAN), ===> Enviromental

4300. Perpend , ===> Building Construction

4301. Persian roads ===> Highway Engineering

4302. PERT ===> Building Construction

4303. Pesticides, ===> Enviromental

4304. Petrol engine ===> Physics XII

4305. pF value ===> Soil Mechanics

4306. pH ===> Concrete tecnology

4307. pH effect of carbonation ===> Concrete tecnology

4308. pH phenolphthalein ===> Concrete tecnology

4309. pH pore water ===> Concrete tecnology

4310. pH sea water ===> Concrete tecnology

4311. pH value, ===> Enviromental

4312. Phase ===> Physics XI

4313. Phase sudden change on reflection ===> Physics XI

4314. Phase error ===> Surveying

4315. Phenols, ===> Enviromental

4316. Phosphorus cycle, ===> Enviromental

4317. Phosphorus removal, ===> Enviromental

4318. Photo plumb point ===> Surveying

4319. Photo triangulation ===> Surveying

4320. Photochemical oxidants, ===> Enviromental

4321. Photocurrent ===> Physics XII

4322. Photoelectric effect ===> Physics XI

4323. Photoelectric effect ===> Physics XII

4324. Photoelectron ===> Physics XII

4325. Photogrammetric map ===> Surveying

4326. Photogrammetry, aerial ===> Surveying

4327. Photographic base ===> Surveying

4328. Photographic base maps ===> Surveying

4329. Photographic maps ===> Surveying

4330. Photo-interpretation ===> Surveying

4331. Photo-interpretation equipment ===> Surveying

4332. Photometer ===> Physics XI

4333. Photometry ===> Physics XI

4334. Photon ===> Physics XII

4335. Photon thcory of light ===> Physics XII

4336. Photons ===> Surveying

4337. Photo-theodolite ===> Surveying

4338. Phreatic line ===> Soil Mechanics

4339. Physical characteristics of vehicles ===> Highway Engineering

4340. Physical permeability ===> Soil Mechanics

4341. Physical quantity, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4342. Physical treatment, ===> Enviromental

4343. Picture control ===> Surveying

4344. Picture element ===> Surveying

4345. Piecewise stretch ===> Surveying

4346. Pier foundation ===> Building Construction

4347. Piers ===> Building Construction

4348. PIEV time ===> Highway Engineering

4349. Piezometer, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4350. Piezometric head ===> Soil Mechanics

4351. Piggy-back system ===> Highway Engineering

4352. Pigments ===> Building Construction

4353. Pigments ===> Concrete tecnology

4354. Pile foundation ===> Soil Mechanics

4355. Piles ===> Building Construction

4356. Piles foundation ===> Building Construction

4357. Pin connections, ===> Steel Structure

4358. Pin connections, advantages, ===> Steel Structure

4359. Pin connections, disadvantages, ===> Steel Structure

4360. Pin lewis ===> Building Construction

4361. Pins, ===> Steel Structure

4362. Piosson's distribution ===> Highway Engineering

4363. Pipe bend, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4364. Pipe Network, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4365. pipes ===> Concrete tecnology

4366. Pipes branched, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4367. Pipes for pumping ===> Concrete tecnology

4368. Pipes in parallel, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4369. Pipes in series, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4370. Pipes syphon, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4371. Pipette method ===> Soil Mechanics

4372. Piping ===> Soil Mechanics

4373. Pitch ===> Physics XI

4374. Pitch of rivets, ===> Strenngth of Material

4375. Pitched roofs ===> Building Construction

4376. Pi-theorem, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4377. Pitot-tube, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4378. Pixels , ===> Surveying

4379. Placement water content ===> Soil Mechanics

4380. Placing of concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

4381. Placing SCC ===> Concrete tecnology

4382. Planck ===> Physics XII

4383. Planck constant ===> Physics XII

4384. Planck-Kelvin second law of thermodynamics ===> Physics XII

4385. Plane table ===> Surveying

4386. Plane table description ===> Surveying

4387. Plane tabling ===> Surveying

4388. Plane tabling methods ===> Surveying

4389. Planets ===> Surveying

4390. Planimeter ===> Surveying

4391. Planimeter adjustments of ===> Surveying

4392. Planimeter constant of ===> Surveying

4393. Planimeter construction of ===> Surveying

4394. Planimeter digital ===> Surveying

4395. Planimeter theory of ===> Surveying

4396. Planimeter working of ===> Surveying

4397. Planning measures for safety ===> Highway Engineering

4398. Planning of roads ===> Highway Engineering

4399. Planning process for prevention of pollution, ===> Enviromental

4400. Plasma ===> Physics XII

4401. Plaster slab partitions ===> Building Construction

4402. Plastering ===> Building Construction

4403. Plastic equilibrium ===> Soil Mechanics

4404. Plastic failure ===> Soil Mechanics

4405. Plastic limit ===> Soil Mechanics

4406. Plastic method, ===> RCC

4407. Plastic method, lower bound method, ===> RCC

4408. Plastic method, upper bound method, ===> RCC

4409. Plastic settlement ===> Concrete tecnology

4410. Plastic shrinkage ===> Concrete tecnology

4411. Plasticity chart ===> Soil Mechanics

4412. Plasticity index ===> Highway Engineering

4413. Plasticity index ===> Soil Mechanics

4414. Plate bearing test ===> Highway Engineering

4415. Plate girder (riveted), ===> Steel Structure

4416. Plate girder (riveted), allowable stress in bending ===> Steel Structure

4417. Plate girder (riveted), allowable stress in shear, ===> Steel Structure

4418. Plate girder (riveted), angles, ===> Steel Structure

4419. Plate girder (riveted), area of flanges, ===> Steel Structure

4420. Plate girder (riveted), assumption in design, ===> Steel Structure

4421. Plate girder (riveted), bearing, ===> Steel Structure

4422. Plate girder (riveted), buckling of web, ===> Steel Structure

4423. Plate girder (riveted), connections, ===> Steel Structure

4424. Plate girder (riveted), curtailment of plates, ===> Steel Structure

4425. Plate girder (riveted), depth, ===> Steel Structure

4426. Plate girder (riveted), design of flanges, ===> Steel Structure

4427. Plate girder (riveted), design of web plate, ===> Steel Structure

4428. Plate girder (riveted), diagonal buckling of web, ===> Steel Structure

4429. Plate girder (riveted), economical depths, ===> Steel Structure

4430. Plate girder (riveted), elements, ===> Steel Structure

4431. Plate girder (riveted), flange angles to web, ===> Steel Structure

4432. Plate girder (riveted), flange plates to flange, ===> Steel Structure

4433. Plate girder (riveted), flange, ===> Steel Structure

4434. Plate girder (riveted), flanges, ===> Steel Structure

4435. Plate girder (riveted), gross, ===> Steel Structure

4436. Plate girder (riveted), horizontal, ===> Steel Structure

4437. Plate girder (riveted), net, ===> Steel Structure

4438. Plate girder (riveted), self-weight, ===> Steel Structure

4439. Plate girder (riveted), splice, ===> Steel Structure

4440. Plate girder (riveted), vertical, ===> Steel Structure

4441. Plate girder (riveted), web stiffeners, ===> Steel Structure

4442. Plate girder (riveted), web, ===> Steel Structure

4443. Plate girder (welded), ===> Steel Structure

4444. Plate level test ===> Surveying

4445. Plate load test ===> Soil Mechanics

4446. Plateau ===> Surveying

4447. Platen ===> Concrete tecnology

4448. Platforms ===> Surveying

4449. Platinum resistance thermometer ===> Physics XII

4450. Plinth ===> Building Construction

4451. Plotting the soundings ===> Surveying

4452. Plotting traverse survey ===> Surveying

4453. Plum concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

4454. Plumb bob , ===> Surveying

4455. Plumb line ===> Surveying

4456. Plumb rule ===> Building Construction

4457. Plumbing fork ===> Surveying

4458. PMGSY ===> Highway Engineering

4459. p-n junction ===> Physics XII

4460. p-n junction as a rectifier ===> Physics XII

4461. Pneumatic caissons ===> Building Construction

4462. Pneumatically projected concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

4463. point , ===> Surveying

4464. Point count method ===> Concrete tecnology

4465. Point data ===> Surveying

4466. Point location ===> Surveying

4467. Point of curve ===> Surveying

4468. Point of tangency ===> Surveying

4469. Point positioning ===> Surveying

4470. Pointed arch ===> Building Construction

4471. Pointers ===> Surveying

4472. Pointing ===> Building Construction

4473. Point-in-polygon ===> Surveying

4474. Poise, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4475. Poiseuille equation ===> Physics XI

4476. Poiseuille’s equation ===> Soil Mechanics

4477. Poission’s ratio ===> Soil Mechanics

4478. Poisson’s ratio ===> Concrete tecnology

4479. Poisson’s ratio ===> Physics XI

4480. Poisson’s ratio, ===> RCC

4481. Poisson’s ratio, ===> Strenngth of Material

4482. Poker vibrator ===> Concrete tecnology

4483. Polar axis ===> Surveying

4484. Polar distance ===> Surveying

4485. Polar material ===> Physics XII

4486. Polar Modulus, ===> Strenngth of Material

4487. Polar moment of inertia, ===> Strenngth of Material

4488. Polaris ===> Surveying

4489. Polarization of dielectrics ===> Physics XII

4490. Polaroids ===> Physics XI

4491. Pole star ===> Surveying

4492. Poles ===> Surveying

4493. Pollution , ===> Highway Engineering

4494. Pollution prevention ideas in plant operation, ===> Enviromental

4495. Pollution prevention strategies in plant design, ===> Enviromental

4496. Pollution problems of the petrochemical industry, ===> Enviromental

4497. PolyChlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), ===> Enviromental

4498. Polygon-on-polygon ===> Surveying

4499. Polymer bonding agent ===> Concrete tecnology

4500. Polymer concrete , ===> Concrete tecnology

4501. Polymer mortar ===> Concrete tecnology

4502. Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, ===> Enviromental

4503. Ponds and lagoons, ===> Enviromental

4504. Poorly graded soil ===> Soil Mechanics

4505. Population inversion ===> Physics XII

4506. Pore fillers ===> Concrete tecnology

4507. Pore pressure parameters ===> Soil Mechanics

4508. Porosity ===> Soil Mechanics

4509. Portland cement ===> Concrete tecnology

4510. Position determination principle ===> Surveying

4511. positive bending ===> RCC

4512. Positive column ===> Physics XII

4513. Post hole auger ===> Building Construction

4514. Pot holes , ===> Highway Engineering

4515. Potential change in rigid body motion ===> Physics XI

4516. Potential elastic ===> Physics XI

4517. Potential electric ===> Physics XII

4518. Potential energy, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4519. Potential energy, electric ===> Physics XII

4520. Potential excitation ===> Physics XII

4521. Potential flow, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4522. Potential function, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4523. Potential head, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4524. Potential ionization ===> Physics XII

4525. Potential of a spring ===> Physics XI

4526. Potential sparking ===> Physics XII

4527. Potentiometer ===> Physics XII

4528. Powder type SCC ===> Concrete tecnology

4529. Power in AC circuits ===> Physics XII

4530. Power in electric circuit ===> Physics XII

4531. Power shovel ===> Highway Engineering

4532. Power transmission : ===> Fluid Mechanics

4533. Power transmission : through nozzle, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4534. Power transmission : through pipes, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4535. Power transmitted by shafts, ===> Strenngth of Material

4536. Pozzolamic Materials ===> Concrete tecnology

4537. Pozzolanic activity ===> Concrete tecnology

4538. Pozzolema cement ===> Concrete tecnology

4539. Pradhan mantri gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY) ===> Highway Engineering

4540. Prandtl’s mixing length, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4541. Precast hollow blocks ===> Building Construction

4542. Precession ===> Surveying

4543. Precision ===> Surveying

4544. Preconsolidated soil ===> Soil Mechanics

4545. Preconsolidation pressure ===> Soil Mechanics

4546. Preliminary evaluation of the pollution prevention, ===> Enviromental

4547. Preliminary survey ===> Highway Engineering

4548. Pre-mix carpet ===> Highway Engineering

4549. Prepacked concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

4550. Preplaced aggregate concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

4551. Presbyopia ===> Physics XI

4552. Present serviceability index ===> Highway Engineering

4553. Pre-soaking of aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology

4554. Pressure ===> Physics XI

4555. Pressure atmospheric ===> Physics XI

4556. Pressure excess, in a soap bubble ===> Physics XI

4557. Pressure excess, inside a drop ===> Physics XI

4558. Pressure unit of ===> Physics XI

4559. Pressure variation with height ===> Physics XI

4560. Pressure bulb ===> Soil Mechanics

4561. Pressure deficiency ===> Soil Mechanics

4562. Pressure diagram ===> Fluid Mechanics

4563. Pressure drag, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4564. Pressure force, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4565. Pressure head, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4566. Pressure method ===> Concrete tecnology

4567. Pressure net ===> Soil Mechanics

4568. Pressure, consolidation -, effective ===> Soil Mechanics

4569. Pressure, consolidation -, excess hydrostatic ===> Soil Mechanics

4570. Pressure, consolidation -, intergranular ===> Soil Mechanics

4571. Pressure, consolidation -, neutral ===> Soil Mechanics

4572. Pressure, consolidation -, preconsolidation ===> Soil Mechanics

4573. Pressure, consolidation -, seepage ===> Soil Mechanics

4574. Pressure, consolidation -, uplift ===> Soil Mechanics

4575. Pressure, consolidation ===> Soil Mechanics

4576. Pressure: ===> Fluid Mechanics

4577. Pressure: absolute, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4578. Pressure: atmospheric, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4579. Pressure: gauge, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4580. Pressure: vacuum, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4581. Pre-stressed concrete ===> Highway Engineering

4582. Pre-timed signals ===> Highway Engineering

4583. Pre-treatment ===> Soil Mechanics

4584. Prevost theory of heat exchange ===> Physics XII

4585. Primary sedimentation, ===> Enviromental

4586. Primary treatment, ===> Enviromental

4587. Prime coat ===> Highway Engineering

4588. Prime vertical ===> Surveying

4589. Priming, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4590. Principal axes of section, ===> Steel Structure

4591. Principal base ===> Surveying

4592. Principal planes ===> Soil Mechanics

4593. Principal planes, – Strain, ===> Strenngth of Material

4594. Principal planes, – Stress, ===> Strenngth of Material

4595. Principal planes, ===> Strenngth of Material

4596. Principal rafter ===> Building Construction

4597. Principal stress ===> Soil Mechanics

4598. PrincipIes of intersection design ===> Highway Engineering

4599. Principle of complementary stresses, ===> Strenngth of Material

4600. Principle of conservation of : ===> Fluid Mechanics

4601. Principle of conservation of : energy, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4602. Principle of conservation of : momentum, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4603. Principle of least squares ===> Surveying

4604. Priorities in hazardous waste management, ===> Enviromental

4605. Prism ===> Physics XI

4606. Prism angle of minimum deviation ===> Physics XI

4607. Prism square ===> Surveying

4608. Prism test ===> Concrete tecnology

4609. Prismatic astrolabe ===> Surveying

4610. Prismatic compass ===> Surveying

4611. Prismoid ===> Surveying

4612. Prismoidal correction ===> Surveying

4613. Prismoidal formula ===> Surveying

4614. Probability curve ===> Surveying

4615. Process adiabatic ===> Physics XII

4616. Process cyclie ===> Physics XII

4617. Process design considerations, ===> Enviromental

4618. Process irreversible ===> Physics XII

4619. Process isobaric ===> Physics XII

4620. Process isothemal ===> Physics XII

4621. Process quasi-static ===> Physics XII

4622. Process reversible ===> Physics XII

4623. Processing techniques, ===> Enviromental

4624. Proctor needle ===> Soil Mechanics

4625. Proctor test, modified -, standard ===> Soil Mechanics

4626. Proctor test, modified ===> Soil Mechanics

4627. Proctor's compaction ===> Highway Engineering

4628. products ===> Surveying

4629. Products of hydration ===> Concrete tecnology

4630. Prohibitive signs ===> Highway Engineering

4631. Project cost ===> Building Construction

4632. Project preparation ===> Highway Engineering

4633. Projectile ===> Physics XI

4634. Projection systems ===> Surveying

4635. Prolate spheroid ===> Surveying

4636. Proof resilience, ===> Strenngth of Material

4637. Propagation of pressure waves, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4638. Proper time interval ===> Physics XII

4639. Properties of fluids, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4640. Propped cantilevers and beams, ===> Strenngth of Material

4641. Proximity analysis ===> Surveying

4642. Pseudo force ===> Physics XI

4643. Pseudo-kinematic technique ===> Surveying

4644. Pseudo-range ===> Surveying

4645. Pseudo-static surveying ===> Surveying

4646. Psychological widening ===> Highway Engineering

4647. Public trans~ort study ===> Highway Engineering

4648. Pull correction ===> Surveying

4649. Pull-out test ===> Concrete tecnology

4650. Pulse velocity ===> Concrete tecnology

4651. Pumice ===> Concrete tecnology

4652. Pumpability ===> Concrete tecnology

4653. Pumped concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

4654. Pumping concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

4655. Pumping concrete blockage ===> Concrete tecnology

4656. Pumping concrete distance ===> Concrete tecnology

4657. Pumping concrete friction ===> Concrete tecnology

4658. Pumping concrete height ===> Concrete tecnology

4659. Pumping in concrete ===> Highway Engineering

4660. Pumping, in laser ===> Physics XII

4661. Pumping-in test ===> Soil Mechanics

4662. Pumping-out test ===> Soil Mechanics

4663. Pumps ===> Concrete tecnology

4664. Pumps, ===> Enviromental

4665. Purlins, ===> Steel Structure

4666. Pycnometer ===> Soil Mechanics

4667. Pyrament cement ===> Concrete tecnology

4668. Quadrantal bearing ===> Surveying

4669. Quadrilateral ===> Surveying

4670. Quadrilateral with central station ===> Surveying

4671. Quality assurance , ===> Highway Engineering

4672. Quality control ===> Concrete tecnology

4673. Quality control , ===> Highway Engineering

4674. Quality management ===> Highway Engineering

4675. Quality of air , ===> Building Construction

4676. Quality of mixing water ===> Concrete tecnology

4677. Quantisation , ===> Surveying

4678. Quantization of angular momentum ===> Physics XII

4679. Quantization of charge ===> Physics XII

4680. Quantum mechanics ===> Physics XII

4681. Quantum numbers ===> Physics XII

4682. Quarter space landing ===> Building Construction

4683. Quartz ===> Concrete tecnology

4684. Quartzite ===> Concrete tecnology

4685. Quasi-static process ===> Physics XII

4686. Queen post truss ===> Building Construction

4687. Queen-closers , ===> Building Construction

4688. Quenching of slag ===> Concrete tecnology

4689. Queries ===> Surveying

4690. Queueing theory ===> Highway Engineering

4691. Quick condition ===> Soil Mechanics

4692. Quick sand ===> Soil Mechanics

4693. Quick setting cement ===> Concrete tecnology

4694. Quinke’s apparatus ===> Physics XI

4695. Quoin ===> Building Construction

4696. Q-value in nuclear reactions ===> Physics XII

4697. R.C.C. lintels ===> Building Construction

4698. R.C.C. stairs ===> Building Construction

4699. Radar ===> Surveying

4700. Radar distance measurement by ===> Surveying

4701. Radar principle ===> Surveying

4702. Radar ranging ===> Surveying

4703. Radar triangulation ===> Surveying

4704. Radial flow turbine, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4705. Radial line method ===> Surveying

4706. Radiant flux ===> Physics XI

4707. Radiation ===> Physics XII

4708. Radiation blackbody ===> Physics XII

4709. Radiation measurement of ===> Physics XII

4710. Radiation method ===> Surveying

4711. Radiation thermal ===> Physics XII

4712. Radii of curve , ===> Highway Engineering

4713. Radioactivity ===> Physics XII

4714. Radiometric ===> Surveying

4715. Radiometric corrections ===> Surveying

4716. Radiometric enhancement ===> Surveying

4717. Radius of curve ===> Surveying

4718. Radius of gyration ===> Physics XI

4719. Radius of relative stiffness ===> Highway Engineering

4720. Raft foundation ===> Building Construction

4721. raft foundation, ===> RCC

4722. Rafter ===> Building Construction

4723. Rafter, ===> Steel Structure

4724. Rafter, common, ===> Steel Structure

4725. Rafter, principal, ===> Steel Structure

4726. Rails, bottom - lock ===> Building Construction

4727. Rails, bottom ===> Building Construction

4728. Railway sleeper ===> Concrete tecnology

4729. Rainbow ===> Physics XI

4730. Raking bond ===> Building Construction

4731. Ramming ===> Concrete tecnology

4732. Ramp ===> Highway Engineering

4733. Ramp parking ===> Highway Engineering

4734. Random, rubble masonry ===> Building Construction

4735. Range ===> Surveying

4736. Range finder ===> Surveying

4737. Range finder barr and stroud ===> Surveying

4738. Range finding ===> Surveying

4739. Ranging direct ===> Surveying

4740. Ranging indirect ===> Surveying

4741. Ranging rod ===> Surveying

4742. Rankine theory, ===> Strenngth of Material

4743. Rankine’s analysis ===> Soil Mechanics

4744. Rankine’s formula, ===> Strenngth of Material

4745. Rankine’s theory ===> Building Construction

4746. Rankines method ===> Surveying

4747. Rapid hardening cement ===> Building Construction

4748. Rapid hardening cement ===> Concrete tecnology

4749. Rapid static surveying ===> Surveying

4750. Raster overlay capabilities ===> Surveying

4751. Rate of hydration ===> Concrete tecnology

4752. Rate of loading ===> Concrete tecnology

4753. Rationed prints ===> Surveying

4754. Ravelling ===> Highway Engineering

4755. Ravine ===> Surveying

4756. Raw meal ===> Concrete tecnology

4757. Rayleigh criterion ===> Physics XI

4758. Rayleigh scatter ===> Surveying

4759. Raymond pile ===> Building Construction

4760. RC circuit with DC source ===> Physics XII

4761. RC circuit with DC source with AC source ===> Physics XII

4762. Reactance ===> Physics XII

4763. Reaction time ===> Highway Engineering

4764. Reaction turbine, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4765. Reactive aggregates ===> Concrete tecnology

4766. Reactive powder concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

4767. Reactor, fission ===> Physics XII

4768. Ready mixed concrete , ===> Concrete tecnology

4769. Real fluid, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4770. Real remote sensing system ===> Surveying

4771. Rebated joint ===> Building Construction

4772. Rebhann method ===> Soil Mechanics

4773. Rebound hammer ===> Concrete tecnology

4774. Rebound hammer number ===> Concrete tecnology

4775. Recarbonation, ===> Enviromental

4776. Receiver errors ===> Surveying

4777. Reciprocal levelling ===> Surveying

4778. Reciprocal observation method , ===> Surveying

4779. Reciprocal ranging ===> Surveying

4780. Reclassification ===> Surveying

4781. Reconnaissance ===> Surveying

4782. Reconnaissance , ===> Surveying

4783. Reconnaissance survey ===> Highway Engineering

4784. Recovery of creep ===> Concrete tecnology

4785. Rectangular orifice, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4786. Rectangular plot method ===> Soil Mechanics

4787. Rectangular weir or notch, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4788. rectangular, ===> RCC

4789. Rectification ===> Surveying

4790. Rectification ===> Physics XII

4791. Rectifier p-n junction ===> Physics XII

4792. Rectifier vacuum-tube diode ===> Physics XII

4793. Recycling, ===> Enviromental

4794. Red signal ===> Highway Engineering

4795. Redi-set cement ===> Concrete tecnology

4796. Reduced bearing ===> Surveying

4797. Reducing waste harnessing process control systems, ===> Enviromental

4798. Reduction ===> Surveying

4799. Reduction of sounding ===> Surveying

4800. Reduction to centre ===> Surveying

4801. Reduction to mean sea level ===> Surveying

4802. Re-entrant curve ===> Highway Engineering

4803. Re-entrant mouthpiece, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4804. Reference data ===> Surveying

4805. Reference sheet ===> Surveying

4806. Reflectance , ===> Surveying

4807. Reflection of light, laws , ===> Physics XI

4808. Reflection of sound ===> Building Construction

4809. Reflection phase change at , ===> Physics XI

4810. Reflectors ===> Surveying

4811. Reflectors lambertian ===> Surveying

4812. Reflectors specular ===> Surveying

4813. Refraction ===> Surveying

4814. Refraction at plane surface ===> Physics XI

4815. Refraction at spherical surface ===> Physics XI

4816. Refractive index ===> Physics XI

4817. Refractory aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology

4818. Refractory concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

4819. Refrigerator ===> Physics XII

4820. Regeneration, ===> Enviromental

4821. Regulated set cement ===> Concrete tecnology

4822. Regulatory signs ===> Highway Engineering

4823. Rehabilitation of roads ===> Highway Engineering

4824. Reinforceçi concrete ===> Highway Engineering

4825. Reinforced brick work ===> Building Construction

4826. Reinforced concrete ===> Building Construction

4827. Reinforced concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

4828. Reinforced concrete corrosion ===> Concrete tecnology

4829. Reinforced concrete pavements ===> Highway Engineering

4830. Reinforced concrete sea water ===> Concrete tecnology

4831. Reinforcement ===> Building Construction

4832. Reinforcement ===> RCC

4833. Reinforcement bent-up, ===> RCC

4834. Reinforcement cold twisted, ===> RCC

4835. Reinforcement deformed, ===> RCC

4836. Reinforcement fixed beam, ===> RCC

4837. Reinforcement ideal material, ===> RCC

4838. Reinforcement lateral ties, ===> RCC

4839. Reinforcement maximum distance, ===> RCC

4840. Reinforcement maximum, ===> RCC

4841. Reinforcement mild steel bars, ===> RCC

4842. Reinforcement minimum, ===> RCC

4843. Reinforcement plain ===> RCC

4844. Reinforcement shear reinforcement, ===> RCC

4845. Reinforcement side face reinforcement, ===> RCC

4846. Reinforcement spacing, ===> RCC

4847. Reinforcement spiral, ===> RCC

4848. Reinforcement stability, ===> RCC

4849. Reinforcement stirrups, ===> RCC

4850. Reinforcement transverse reinforcement, ===> RCC

4851. Reinforcement types, ===> RCC

4852. Reinforcement vertical, ===> RCC

4853. reinforcement, ===> RCC

4854. Relalivity postulates ===> Physics XII

4855. Relationship between modulus of – S.F. and B.M. ===> Strenngth of Material

4856. Relationship between modulus of elasticity, ===> Strenngth of Material

4857. Relationship between speeds ===> Highway Engineering

4858. Relative density ===> Soil Mechanics

4859. Relative humidity ===> Concrete tecnology

4860. Relative humidity ===> Physics XII

4861. Relative positioning ===> Surveying

4862. Relative Slump flow SCC ===> Concrete tecnology

4863. Relativistic dynamics ===> Physics XII

4864. Relativistic mass ===> Physics XII

4865. Relativistic momentum ===> Physics XII

4866. Relief depiction ===> Surveying

4867. Relief displacement ===> Surveying

4868. Relieving arch ===> Building Construction

4869. Remote sensing ===> Surveying

4870. Remote sensing applications ===> Surveying

4871. Remote sensing in India ===> Surveying

4872. Remote sensing process ===> Surveying

4873. Removal of toxic and hazardous substances, ===> Enviromental

4874. Renovation of industrial effluents for reuse, ===> Enviromental

4875. Reoccupation technique ===> Surveying

4876. Repair ===> Concrete tecnology

4877. Repeatability ===> Highway Engineering

4878. Repeating variables, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4879. Reporting of accidents ===> Highway Engineering

4880. Repose line ===> Soil Mechanics

4881. Representative fraction ===> Surveying

4882. Reproducibility ===> Highway Engineering

4883. Resampling ===> Surveying

4884. Resection , ===> Surveying

4885. Resection , suitability of ===> Surveying

4886. Residual deformation ===> Concrete tecnology

4887. Resilience, – proof, ===> Strenngth of Material

4888. Resilience, ===> Strenngth of Material

4889. Resistance ===> Physics XII

4890. Resistance colour code ===> Physics XII

4891. Resistance combination in series, parallel ===> Physics XII

4892. Resistance of moment, ===> Strenngth of Material

4893. Resistivity ===> Physics XII

4894. Resistivity method ===> Soil Mechanics

4895. Resistivity temperature dependence ===> Physics XII

4896. Resistor, heat produced in ===> Physics XII

4897. Resolution ===> Surveying

4898. Resolution concepts ===> Surveying

4899. Resolution ground ===> Surveying

4900. Resolution limit of ===> Physics XI

4901. Resolution radiometric ===> Surveying

4902. Resolution spatial ===> Surveying

4903. Resolution spectral ===> Surveying

4904. Resolution temporal ===> Surveying

4905. Resolving power of a microscope ===> Physics XI

4906. Resolving power of a telesceope ===> Physics XI

4907. Resonance , ===> Physics XI

4908. Resonance in LCR circuit ===> Physics XII

4909. Resonant absorbers ===> Building Construction

4910. Resonant frequency method ===> Concrete tecnology

4911. Response time ===> Highway Engineering

4912. Rest mass ===> Physics XII

4913. Rest mass energy ===> Physics XII

4914. Restoring force ===> Physics XI

4915. Restrained slabs, ===> RCC

4916. Restrained slabs, active, ===> RCC

4917. Restrained slabs, backfill, ===> RCC

4918. Restrained slabs, base slab, ===> RCC

4919. Restrained slabs, counterfort, ===> RCC

4920. Restrained slabs, earth pressure, ===> RCC

4921. Restrained slabs, heel slab, ===> RCC

4922. Restrained slabs, ideal elastic-plastic, ===> RCC

4923. Restrained slabs, overturning, ===> RCC

4924. Restrained slabs, passive, ===> RCC

4925. Restrained slabs, sliding, ===> RCC

4926. Restrained slabs, stability, ===> RCC

4927. Restrained slabs, stem, ===> RCC

4928. Restrained slabs, strength, ===> RCC

4929. Restrained slabs, subsidence, ===> RCC

4930. Restrained slabs, surcharge, ===> RCC

4931. Restrained slabs, toe slab, ===> RCC

4932. Restrained slabs, vertical slab, ===> RCC

4933. Restrained slabs, vertical wall, ===> RCC

4934. Restrained slabs, width of base slab ===> RCC

4935. restrained, ===> RCC

4936. Retaining wall ===> Building Construction

4937. Retaining wall ===> Soil Mechanics

4938. retaining wall, ===> RCC

4939. Retaining walls , ===> Highway Engineering

4940. Retardation ===> Concrete tecnology

4941. Retardation ===> Surveying

4942. Retarding admixtures ===> Concrete tecnology

4943. Retempering ===> Concrete tecnology

4944. Retrogression of strength ===> Concrete tecnology

4945. Retroreflector ===> Surveying

4946. Return period, ===> Steel Structure

4947. Reverberation ===> Building Construction

4948. Reverse curve ===> Highway Engineering

4949. Reverse curve , ===> Surveying

4950. Reverse curve , elements of ===> Surveying

4951. Reversible process ===> Physics XII

4952. Reversing mixer ===> Concrete tecnology

4953. Revibration ===> Concrete tecnology

4954. Revolving doors ===> Building Construction

4955. Reyleigh’s method, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4956. Reynold’s experiment, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4957. Reynold’s model law, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4958. Reynold’s number ===> Soil Mechanics

4959. Reynold’s number, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4960. Reynolds number ===> Physics XI

4961. Reynolds Number, ===> Fluid Mechanics

4962. Rhyolite ===> Concrete tecnology

4963. Rice husk ash ===> Concrete tecnology

4964. Richardson-Dushman law ===> Physics XII

4965. Ridge ===> Building Construction

4966. Ridge line ===> Surveying

4967. Right ascension ===> Surveying

4968. Right ascension and declination system ===> Surveying

4969. Right of way ===> Highway Engineering

4970. Rigid bars ===> Surveying

4971. Rigid pavement ===> Soil Mechanics

4972. Rigid pavement construction ===> Highway Engineering

4973. Rigid pavements ===> Highway Engineering

4974. Rigidity modulus ===> Physics XI

4975. Ring roads ===> Highway Engineering

4976. Ring tension test ===> Concrete tecnology

4977. Rise and fall method ===> Surveying

4978. Riser ===> Building Construction

4979. Risk factor ===> Concrete tecnology

4980. Riveted connections, ===> Steel Structure

4981. Riveted connections, beams, ===> Steel Structure

4982. Riveted connections, eccentric, ===> Steel Structure

4983. Riveted joint, ===> Steel Structure

4984. Riveted joint, ===> Strenngth of Material

4985. Riveted joint, assumptions, ===> Steel Structure

4986. Riveted joint, butt, ===> Steel Structure

4987. Riveted joint, design procedure, ===> Steel Structure

4988. Riveted joint, edge distance, ===> Steel Structure

4989. Riveted joint, efficiency, ===> Steel Structure

4990. Riveted joint, failure, ===> Steel Structure

4991. Riveted joint, lap joint, ===> Steel Structure

4992. Riveted joint, percentage strength, ===> Steel Structure

4993. Riveted joint, pitch, ===> Steel Structure

4994. Riveted joint, specifications, ===> Steel Structure

4995. Riveted joint, strength, ===> Steel Structure

4996. Riveted joint, transmission of load, ===> Steel Structure

4997. Riveted joints, – design, ===> Strenngth of Material

4998. Riveted joints, – efficiency, ===> Strenngth of Material

4999. Riveted joints, – failure, ===> Strenngth of Material

5000. Riveted joints, – strength, ===> Strenngth of Material

5001. Riveted joints, ===> Strenngth of Material

5002. Rivets, ===> Steel Structure

5003. Rivets, arrangements, ===> Steel Structure

5004. Rivets, holes, ===> Steel Structure

5005. Rivets, types, ===> Steel Structure

5006. Rivets, working stress, ===> Steel Structure

5007. rms speed ===> Physics XII

5008. rms value in AC circuit ===> Physics XII

5009. Road aggregates ===> Highway Engineering

5010. Road design with safety ===> Highway Engineering

5011. Road inventory ===> Highway Engineering

5012. Road note , ===> Highway Engineering

5013. Road Note No. ===> Concrete tecnology

5014. Road oils ===> Highway Engineering

5015. Road safety audit ===> Highway Engineering

5016. Robot for quality control of cement ===> Concrete tecnology

5017. Rock permeability ===> Concrete tecnology

5018. Rocntgen ===> Physics XII

5019. Roemer measuring speed of light ===> Physics XI

5020. Role of traffic engineer ===> Highway Engineering

5021. Rolled steel section, ===> Steel Structure

5022. Roller compacted concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

5023. Rollers ===> Highway Engineering

5024. Rollers ===> Soil Mechanics

5025. Rolling ===> Physics XI

5026. Rolling friction ===> Physics XI

5027. Rolling doors ===> Building Construction

5028. Rolling period, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5029. Rolling resistance ===> Highway Engineering

5030. Roman cement ===> Concrete tecnology

5031. Roman roads ===> Highway Engineering

5032. Roof coverings , ===> Building Construction

5033. Roof trusses ===> Building Construction

5034. Roof trusses, ===> Steel Structure

5035. Roof trusses, bearing plate, ===> Steel Structure

5036. Roof trusses, bracing, ===> Steel Structure

5037. Roof trusses, covering ===> Steel Structure

5038. Roof trusses, dead load, ===> Steel Structure

5039. Roof trusses, economical spacing, ===> Steel Structure

5040. Roof trusses, live load, ===> Steel Structure

5041. Roof trusses, pitch, ===> Steel Structure

5042. Roof trusses, purlins, ===> Steel Structure

5043. Roof trusses, rise, ===> Steel Structure

5044. Roof trusses, shoe angles, ===> Steel Structure

5045. Roof trusses, slope, ===> Steel Structure

5046. Roof trusses, snow load, ===> Steel Structure

5047. Roof trusses, spacing, ===> Steel Structure

5048. Roof trusses, timber, ===> Steel Structure

5049. Roof trusses, wind load, ===> Steel Structure

5050. Roofs ===> Building Construction

5051. Root mean squarte deviation ===> Concrete tecnology

5052. Rotary drilling ===> Soil Mechanics

5053. Rotating cylinder method, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5054. Rotation angular acceleration ===> Physics XI

5055. Rotation angular velocity ===> Physics XI

5056. Rotation axis of ===> Physics XI

5057. Rotation kinematics of ===> Physics XI

5058. Rotation of a rigid body ===> Physics XI

5059. Rotation torque ===> Physics XI

5060. Rotation, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5061. Rotational flow, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5062. Rotational stress, – in a thin cylinder, ===> Strenngth of Material

5063. Rotational stress, – in a thin disc, ===> Strenngth of Material

5064. Rotational stress, ===> Strenngth of Material

5065. Rough boundary, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5066. Rough pipes resistance, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5067. Roughness ===> Highway Engineering

5068. Roughness of aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology

5069. Roughometer ===> Highway Engineering

5070. Round tubular structures, ===> Steel Structure

5071. Round tubular structures, members, ===> Steel Structure

5072. Round tubular structures, tube columns and compression ===> Steel Structure

5073. Round tubular structures, tubular sections ===> Steel Structure

5074. Roundabouts ===> Highway Engineering

5075. Route alignment ===> Highway Engineering

5076. Route location ===> Highway Engineering

5077. Route marker sign ===> Highway Engineering

5078. Route survey ===> Surveying

5079. RTIM model ===> Highway Engineering

5080. Rubber balloon method ===> Soil Mechanics

5081. Rubberised bitumen ===> Highway Engineering

5082. Rubble masonry ===> Building Construction

5083. Ruhmkorff s induction coil ===> Physics XII

5084. Rural road development plan ===> Highway Engineering

5085. Rural roads ===> Highway Engineering

5086. Rust volume ===> Concrete tecnology

5087. Rutherford's model of the atom ===> Physics XII

5088. Rutting of roads ===> Highway Engineering

5089. Rydberg constant ===> Physics XII

5090. Sabine formula ===> Building Construction

5091. Saddle ===> Surveying

5092. Saegmuller ===> Surveying

5093. safe, ===> RCC

5094. Safety , ===> Highway Engineering

5095. Safety audit ===> Highway Engineering

5096. Safety conscious planning ===> Highway Engineering

5097. Safety factor, ===> Strenngth of Material

5098. Sag correction ===> Surveying

5099. Sag curves ===> Highway Engineering

5100. Salient curve ===> Highway Engineering

5101. Samplers ===> Soil Mechanics

5102. Sampling ===> Soil Mechanics

5103. Sampling of aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology

5104. Sand ===> Concrete tecnology

5105. Sand bath method ===> Soil Mechanics

5106. Sand grading zone ===> Concrete tecnology

5107. Sand piles ===> Building Construction

5108. Sand replacement method ===> Soil Mechanics

5109. Sand saturated and surface dry ===> Concrete tecnology

5110. Sand standard sand ===> Concrete tecnology

5111. Sanitary landfills, ===> Enviromental

5112. Sap wood, ===> Steel Structure

5113. Sash door ===> Building Construction

5114. Sash window ===> Building Construction

5115. Satellite ===> Surveying

5116. Satellite clock corrections ===> Surveying

5117. Satellite constellation ===> Surveying

5118. Satellite data products ===> Surveying

5119. Satellite doppler ===> Surveying

5120. Satellite geostationary ===> Surveying

5121. Satellite stations ===> Surveying

5122. Satellite sun-synchronous ===> Surveying

5123. Satellite-related errors ===> Surveying

5124. Satellites geostationary ===> Physics XI

5125. Satellites ===> Physics XI

5126. Satellites ===> Surveying

5127. Satellite-to-user range ===> Surveying

5128. Saturation below ===> Highway Engineering

5129. Saturation line ===> Soil Mechanics

5130. Saturation stretch ===> Surveying

5131. Saturation vapour pressure ===> Physics XII

5132. Saw dust concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

5133. Scaffolding ===> Building Construction

5134. Scaffolds ===> Surveying

5135. Scalar ===> Physics XI

5136. Scale ===> Surveying

5137. Scale ===> Surveying

5138. Scale datum ===> Surveying

5139. Scale factor ===> Surveying

5140. Scale of tilted photograph ===> Surveying

5141. Scale of vertical photograph ===> Surveying

5142. Scale ratio for models, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5143. Scaling ===> Concrete tecnology

5144. Scan skew ===> Surveying

5145. Scanner , ===> Surveying

5146. Scanning electron microscope ===> Concrete tecnology

5147. Scanning system ===> Surveying

5148. scanning system ===> Surveying

5149. scanning system nautical ===> Surveying

5150. scanning system Sextant ===> Surveying

5151. scanning system sounding ===> Surveying

5152. scanning system super ===> Surveying

5153. Scattering ===> Surveying

5154. Schmidt hammer ===> Concrete tecnology

5155. Schrodinger's equation ===> Physics XII

5156. Scissor truss ===> Building Construction

5157. Scotish roads ===> Highway Engineering

5158. Scrap ===> Surveying

5159. Scraper ===> Highway Engineering

5160. Screening and communiting, ===> Enviromental

5161. Screw piles ===> Building Construction

5162. Screws ===> Building Construction

5163. Scrubbers, ===> Enviromental

5164. Scrubbing (absorption) equipment, ===> Enviromental

5165. Scrubbing ===> Enviromental

5166. Scrubbing of gaseous pollutants, ===> Enviromental

5167. Scrubbing techniques, ===> Enviromental

5168. Scuppers ===> Highway Engineering

5169. Sea water for mixing ===> Concrete tecnology

5170. Sea water for mixing for curing ===> Concrete tecnology

5171. Sea water for mixing salinity , ===> Concrete tecnology

5172. Seal coat , ===> Highway Engineering

5173. Searle ===> Physics XII

5174. Seat connections, ===> Steel Structure

5175. Seat connections, riveted, ===> Steel Structure

5176. Seat connections, stiffened, ===> Steel Structure

5177. Seat connections, unstiffened, ===> Steel Structure

5178. Secant formula ===> Steel Structure

5179. Second law of thermodynamics Claussius statement ===> Physics XII

5180. Second law of thermodynamics in terms of entropy ===> Physics XII

5181. Second law of thermodynamics Kelvin Planck statement ===> Physics XII

5182. Secondary quantity, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5183. Secondary treatment, ===> Enviromental

5184. Section modulus, ===> Strenngth of Material

5185. Sectioning ===> Surveying

5186. Sedimentary rocks ===> Highway Engineering

5187. Sedimentation analysis ===> Soil Mechanics

5188. Sedimentation method ===> Concrete tecnology

5189. Seebeck effect ===> Physics XII

5190. Seepage force ===> Soil Mechanics

5191. Seepage line ===> Soil Mechanics

5192. Seepage pressure ===> Soil Mechanics

5193. Segmental arch ===> Building Construction

5194. Segregation ===> Concrete tecnology

5195. Segregation resistance ===> Concrete tecnology

5196. Seismic load, ===> RCC

5197. Seismic load, assumptions, ===> RCC

5198. Seismic load, beams of varying depth, ===> RCC

5199. Seismic load, bond, ===> RCC

5200. Seismic load, characteristic, ===> RCC

5201. Seismic load, CP (simplified), ===> RCC

5202. Seismic load, critical section, ===> RCC

5203. Seismic load, deflection, ===> RCC

5204. Seismic load, distribution, ===> RCC

5205. Seismic load, equivalent, ===> RCC

5206. Seismic load, limit state of collapse, ===> RCC

5207. Seismic load, P, ===> RCC

5208. Seismic load, steel, ===> RCC

5209. Seismic load, stress block, ===> RCC

5210. Seismic method ===> Soil Mechanics

5211. Seismic waves ===> Building Construction

5212. Seismic zones of India ===> Building Construction

5213. Selective availability ===> Surveying

5214. Self compacting concrete, ===> Concrete tecnology

5215. Self levelling concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

5216. Self reducing tacheometer ===> Surveying

5217. Self weight of concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

5218. Self-inductance of a solencid ===> Physics XII

5219. Self-induction ===> Physics XII

5220. Semi-circular arch ===> Building Construction

5221. Semiconductor ===> Physics XII

5222. Semiconductor diode ===> Physics XII

5223. Semiconductor extrinsic ===> Physics XII

5224. Semiconductor intrinsic ===> Physics XII

5225. Semiconductor n-type ===> Physics XII

5226. Semiconductor p-type ===> Physics XII

5227. Semiconductors ===> Physics XII

5228. Semi-diameter correction ===> Surveying

5229. Semidry process ===> Concrete tecnology

5230. Semi-elliptical arch ===> Building Construction

5231. Sensible horizon ===> Surveying

5232. Sensitivity of bubble tube ===> Surveying

5233. Sensors ===> Surveying

5234. Sensors across track ===> Surveying

5235. Sensors active ===> Surveying

5236. Sensors along-track ===> Surveying

5237. Sensors framing system ===> Surveying

5238. Sensors hyperspectral ===> Surveying

5239. Sensors imaging ===> Surveying

5240. Sensors non-imaging ===> Surveying

5241. Sensors passive ===> Surveying

5242. Separation of boundary layer, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5243. Separation processes employed in pollution abatement, ===> Enviromental

5244. Serviceability index ===> Highway Engineering

5245. serviceability, ===> RCC

5246. servicesability, ===> RCC

5247. Setting ===> Concrete tecnology

5248. Setting out foundations ===> Building Construction

5249. Setting out of ===> Surveying

5250. setting out of ===> Surveying

5251. Setting out of bridges ===> Surveying

5252. Setting out of buildings ===> Surveying

5253. Setting out of culverts ===> Surveying

5254. Setting out of grade stakes ===> Surveying

5255. Setting out of inverts ===> Surveying

5256. Setting out of pipelines and sewers ===> Surveying

5257. Setting out of tunnels ===> Surveying

5258. Setting time ===> Concrete tecnology

5259. Setting time high alumina cement ===> Concrete tecnology

5260. Setting time of concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

5261. Setting time temperature ===> Concrete tecnology

5262. Setting up ===> Surveying

5263. Settlement ===> Concrete tecnology

5264. Settlement of fresh concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

5265. Settlement vacuum dewatered concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

5266. Settlement analysis ===> Highway Engineering

5267. Settlement, consolidation ===> Soil Mechanics

5268. Settling chambers, ===> Enviromental

5269. Sewage attack ===> Concrete tecnology

5270. Shafts, composite, ===> Strenngth of Material

5271. Shafts, torsion of, ===> Strenngth of Material

5272. Shallow foundations ===> Building Construction

5273. Shape of aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology

5274. Shape test ===> Highway Engineering

5275. Sharp-crested weir, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5276. Sharp-edged orifice, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5277. Shear box test ===> Soil Mechanics

5278. Shear centre, ===> Strenngth of Material

5279. Shear force, – for a simply supported beam, ===> Strenngth of Material

5280. Shear force, – for cantilevers, ===> Strenngth of Material

5281. Shear force, ===> Strenngth of Material

5282. Shear in strain energy, ===> Strenngth of Material

5283. Shear lag, ===> Steel Structure

5284. Shear modulus ===> Physics XI

5285. Shear modulus, ===> Strenngth of Material

5286. Shear strain rate, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5287. Shear strength -, consolidated-undrained ===> Soil Mechanics

5288. Shear strength -, drained ===> Soil Mechanics

5289. Shear strength -, undrained ===> Soil Mechanics

5290. Shear strength ===> Soil Mechanics

5291. Shear test ===> Highway Engineering

5292. Shear velocity, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5293. Shear, vane ===> Soil Mechanics

5294. Sheep foot roUer ===> Highway Engineering

5295. Sheet asphalt ===> Highway Engineering

5296. Sheet pile wall ===> Soil Mechanics

5297. Sheet piles ===> Building Construction

5298. Sheet piling ===> Soil Mechanics

5299. Shielding effect, ===> Steel Structure

5300. Shifting centre ===> Surveying

5301. Shinkage limit ===> Soil Mechanics

5302. SHM ===> Physics XI

5303. SHM amplitude – ===> Physics XI

5304. SHM and circular motion ===> Physics XI

5305. SHM angular ===> Physics XI

5306. SHM angular frequency ===> Physics XI

5307. SHM characteristics ===> Physics XI

5308. SHM composition of two ===> Physics XI

5309. SHM damped ===> Physics XI

5310. SHM energy consideration ===> Physics XI

5311. SHM equation of ===> Physics XI

5312. SHM frequency ===> Physics XI

5313. SHM phase ===> Physics XI

5314. SHM time period ===> Physics XI

5315. Shores ===> Building Construction

5316. short columns, ===> RCC

5317. Shoulders ===> Highway Engineering

5318. Shrinkage ===> Concrete tecnology

5319. Shrinkage autogenous ===> Concrete tecnology

5320. Shrinkage autorclaved concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

5321. Shrinkage carbonation ===> Concrete tecnology

5322. Shrinkage cement content ===> Concrete tecnology

5323. Shrinkage effects ===> Concrete tecnology

5324. Shrinkage water content ===> Concrete tecnology

5325. Shrinkage water/cement ratio ===> Concrete tecnology

5326. Shrinkage ===> Surveying

5327. Shrinkage factor ===> Surveying

5328. Shrinkage ratio ===> Soil Mechanics

5329. Shrinkage ratio ===> Surveying

5330. shrinkage, ===> RCC

5331. side cover, ===> RCC

5332. Side equation ===> Surveying

5333. Side overlap ===> Surveying

5334. Sidereal day ===> Surveying

5335. Sidereal year ===> Surveying

5336. Sieve analysis ===> Concrete tecnology

5337. Sieve analysis ===> Highway Engineering

5338. Sieve analysis ===> Soil Mechanics

5339. Sieve test ===> Concrete tecnology

5340. Sight distance ===> Surveying

5341. Sight distance , ===> Highway Engineering

5342. Sight rail ===> Surveying

5343. Sight rule ===> Surveying

5344. Sign convention a spherical surface ===> Physics XI

5345. Sign convention ===> Physics XI

5346. Sign convention for refraction at ===> Physics XI

5347. Sign convention in image tracing ===> Physics XI

5348. Signal hardware ===> Highway Engineering

5349. Signals ===> Highway Engineering

5350. Signals ===> Surveying

5351. Signals characteristics ===> Surveying

5352. Signals height ===> Surveying

5353. Signals luminous ===> Surveying

5354. Signals opaque ===> Surveying

5355. Signals phase of ===> Surveying

5356. Signals propagation errors ===> Surveying

5357. Signatures ===> Surveying

5358. Significant digits ===> Physics XI

5359. Signs ===> Highway Engineering

5360. Silica fume ===> Concrete tecnology

5361. Silica gel ===> Concrete tecnology

5362. Silicon tetraflouride ===> Concrete tecnology

5363. Silicon, clectronic structure of ===> Physics XII

5364. Sill ===> Building Construction

5365. Sill, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5366. Silt ===> Concrete tecnology

5367. Similarity : ===> Fluid Mechanics

5368. Similarity : Dynamic, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5369. Similarity : Geometric, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5370. Similarity : Kinematic, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5371. Similarity laws, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5372. Similitude, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5373. Simple bending, ===> Strenngth of Material

5374. Simple circular curve ===> Surveying

5375. Simple circular curve elements of ===> Surveying

5376. Simple manometer, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5377. Simple spatial objects ===> Surveying

5378. Simplex piles ===> Building Construction

5379. simply supported beam, ===> RCC

5380. simply supported, ===> RCC

5381. Simpson’s one-third rule ===> Surveying

5382. Simultancity ===> Physics XII

5383. Single column manometer, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5384. Single observation method , ===> Surveying

5385. Sink flow, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5386. Sintered fly ash ===> Concrete tecnology

5387. Site exploration ===> Soil Mechanics

5388. Site investigation ===> Soil Mechanics

5389. Skempton’s bearing capacity factors ===> Soil Mechanics

5390. Skempton’s pore pressure parameters ===> Soil Mechanics

5391. Sky light ===> Building Construction

5392. Slab base, ===> Steel Structure

5393. Slag cement ===> Concrete tecnology

5394. Slates, roof ===> Building Construction

5395. slender columns, ===> RCC

5396. Slip circle method ===> Soil Mechanics

5397. Slip of a pump, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5398. Slip-form paver ===> Concrete tecnology

5399. Slivers ===> Surveying

5400. Slop, stability of ===> Soil Mechanics

5401. Slope correction ===> Surveying

5402. Slope failure ===> Highway Engineering

5403. Slope stability analysis ===> Highway Engineering

5404. sloped, ===> RCC

5405. slopes ===> Highway Engineering

5406. Slot weld, ===> Steel Structure

5407. Slotted template method ===> Surveying

5408. Sludge dewatering, ===> Enviromental

5409. Sludge stabilization, ===> Enviromental

5410. Sludge thickening, ===> Enviromental

5411. Sludge treatment, utilization and disposal, ===> Enviromental

5412. Slump flow ===> Concrete tecnology

5413. Slump loss ===> Concrete tecnology

5414. Slump test ===> Building Construction

5415. Smart card license ===> Highway Engineering

5416. SmaU roundabout ===> Highway Engineering

5417. Smith ===> Surveying

5418. Smooth boundary, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5419. Smooth pipe resistance of, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5420. Snell’s law ===> Physics XI

5421. Snow load, ===> RCC

5422. Snow load, circular slabs, ===> RCC

5423. Snow load, dog-legged, ===> RCC

5424. Snow load, flat slabs, ===> RCC

5425. Snow load, geometrical, ===> RCC

5426. Snow load, Grashoff-Rankine, ===> RCC

5427. Snow load, IS : - method, ===> RCC

5428. Snow load, Marcus method, ===> RCC

5429. Snow load, moments, ===> RCC

5430. Snow load, open-newel, ===> RCC

5431. Snow load, open-well, ===> RCC

5432. Snow load, Pigeaud’s method, ===> RCC

5433. Snow load, quarter-turn, ===> RCC

5434. Snow load, spiral, ===> RCC

5435. Snow load, Westergaard’s method, ===> RCC

5436. Snow removal ===> Highway Engineering

5437. Soap and synthetic detergent industry, ===> Enviromental

5438. Sodium, ===> Enviromental

5439. Softening point test ===> Highway Engineering

5440. Software DIP ===> Surveying

5441. Software DIP GIS ===> Surveying

5442. Soi! tests ===> Highway Engineering

5443. Soil characteristics ===> Highway Engineering

5444. Soil classification ===> Soil Mechanics

5445. Soil engineering ===> Soil Mechanics

5446. Soil formation ===> Soil Mechanics

5447. Soil structure ===> Soil Mechanics

5448. Soil water ===> Soil Mechanics

5449. Soil-bitumen ===> Soil Mechanics

5450. Soil-cement ===> Soil Mechanics

5451. Solar attachment ===> Surveying

5452. Solar day ===> Surveying

5453. Solar day observations ===> Surveying

5454. Solar day system ===> Surveying

5455. Solar lighting system ===> Highway Engineering

5456. Solencid ===> Physics XII

5457. Solencid inductance of ===> Physics XII

5458. Solencid magnetic field in ===> Physics XII

5459. Solid wastes, ===> Enviromental

5460. Solidity ratio, ===> Steel Structure

5461. Solids removal, ===> Enviromental

5462. Solstice ===> Surveying

5463. Solubility test ===> Highway Engineering

5464. Sonic boom ===> Physics XI

5465. Sonic flow, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5466. Sonometer ===> Physics XI

5467. Sopwith telescopic staff ===> Surveying

5468. Sound ===> Physics XI

5469. Sound displacement wave ===> Physics XI

5470. Sound infrasonic ===> Physics XI

5471. Sound loudness ===> Physics XI

5472. Sound newton’s formula for speed ===> Physics XI

5473. Sound pitch ===> Physics XI

5474. Sound quality ===> Physics XI

5475. Sound speed ===> Physics XI

5476. Sound speed determination ===> Physics XI

5477. Sound ultrasonic ===> Physics XI

5478. Sound absorbents ===> Building Construction

5479. Sound insulation ===> Building Construction

5480. Sounding , ===> Surveying

5481. Sounding , boat ===> Surveying

5482. Sounding , equipment ===> Surveying

5483. Sounding , locating , ===> Surveying

5484. Sounding , plotting ===> Surveying

5485. Sounding , reduced ===> Surveying

5486. Sounding , reduction ===> Surveying

5487. Sounding , rod ===> Surveying

5488. Sounding , sextant ===> Surveying

5489. Soundings ===> Soil Mechanics

5490. Soundness ===> Concrete tecnology

5491. Soundness of aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology

5492. Soundness of cement , ===> Concrete tecnology

5493. Soundness test ===> Highway Engineering

5494. Source flow, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5495. Sources of air pollution, ===> Enviromental

5496. Sources of sludge, ===> Enviromental

5497. Sources of solid wastes, ===> Enviromental

5498. Space headway ===> Highway Engineering

5499. Space mark ===> Surveying

5500. Space mean speed , ===> Highway Engineering

5501. Space segment ===> Surveying

5502. spacing, ===> RCC

5503. Spalling , ===> Concrete tecnology

5504. Spandril ===> Building Construction

5505. spanning horizontally, ===> RCC

5506. Sparking potential ===> Physics XII

5507. Spatial data ===> Surveying

5508. SpaUing ===> Highway Engineering

5509. Special theory of relativity ===> Physics XII

5510. Specific creep ===> Concrete tecnology

5511. Specific energy curve, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5512. Specific energy, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5513. Specific gravity ===> Concrete tecnology

5514. Specific gravity of aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology

5515. Specific gravity of cement ===> Concrete tecnology

5516. Specific gravity of fly ash ===> Concrete tecnology

5517. Specific gravity test (bitumen) ===> Highway Engineering

5518. Specific gravity, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5519. Specific gravity, absolute -, apparent ===> Soil Mechanics

5520. Specific gravity, absolute -, bulk ===> Soil Mechanics

5521. Specific gravity, absolute -, mass ===> Soil Mechanics

5522. Specific gravity, absolute ===> Soil Mechanics

5523. Specific gravity-aggregates ===> Highway Engineering

5524. Specific heat capacity ===> Physics XII

5525. Specific latent heat ===> Physics XII

5526. Specific speed, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5527. Specific surface ===> Concrete tecnology

5528. Specific surface ===> Soil Mechanics

5529. Specific volume, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5530. Specific weight, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5531. Specifications, ===> Steel Structure

5532. Specifications, butt weld, ===> Steel Structure

5533. Specifications, fillet weld, ===> Steel Structure

5534. Specifications, lug angle, ===> Steel Structure

5535. Specifications, plug and slot weld. ===> Steel Structure

5536. Specifications, riveted joint, ===> Steel Structure

5537. Spectral ===> Surveying

5538. Spectral rationing ===> Surveying

5539. Spectral reflectance ===> Surveying

5540. Spectrometer ===> Physics XI

5541. Spectrometer ===> Surveying

5542. Spectrum ===> Physics XI

5543. Spectrum absorption ===> Physics XI

5544. Spectrum band – ===> Physics XI

5545. Spectrum continuous ===> Physics XI

5546. Spectrum emission ===> Physics XI

5547. Spectrum infrared ===> Physics XI

5548. Spectrum line – ===> Physics XI

5549. Spectrum pure and impure ===> Physics XI

5550. Spectrum ultraviolet ===> Physics XI

5551. Spectrum electromagnetic ===> Physics XII

5552. Spectrum of hydrogen atoms ===> Physics XII

5553. Speed ===> Physics XI

5554. Speed average ===> Physics XI

5555. Speed instantaneous ===> Physics XI

5556. Speed , ===> Highway Engineering

5557. Speed of light ===> Physics XI

5558. Speed ratio, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5559. Speed-density relationship ===> Highway Engineering

5560. Speed-volume relationship ===> Highway Engineering

5561. spherical (cone, load), ===> RCC

5562. Spherical ===> Surveying

5563. Spherical excess ===> Surveying

5564. Spherical excess , ===> Surveying

5565. Spherical shells, ===> Strenngth of Material

5566. Spherical triangle ===> Surveying

5567. Spherical triangle , ===> Surveying

5568. Spherical trigonometry ===> Surveying

5569. Spheroid ===> Surveying

5570. Spilling tensile strength , ===> Concrete tecnology

5571. Spiral compound curves ===> Highway Engineering

5572. Spiral curves ===> Highway Engineering

5573. Spiral stairs ===> Building Construction

5574. Spirals ===> Highway Engineering

5575. Spire test ===> Surveying

5576. Spirit level , ===> Surveying

5577. Splice, ===> Steel Structure

5578. Splice, columns, ===> Steel Structure

5579. Splice, flange, ===> Steel Structure

5580. Splice, web, ===> Steel Structure

5581. Spot levels ===> Surveying

5582. Spot speed study ===> Highway Engineering

5583. Sprayed concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

5584. Spread footing ===> Building Construction

5585. spread, ===> RCC

5586. Spring tide ===> Surveying

5587. Springs, – helical, ===> Strenngth of Material

5588. Springs, – leaf, ===> Strenngth of Material

5589. Springs, ===> Strenngth of Material

5590. Spur ===> Surveying

5591. square, ===> RCC

5592. Squeeze type pump ===> Concrete tecnology

5593. Stabilisation , ===> Highway Engineering

5594. Stabilisation, by aggregants -, by bitumen ===> Soil Mechanics

5595. Stabilisation, by aggregants -, by cement ===> Soil Mechanics

5596. Stabilisation, by aggregants -, by lime ===> Soil Mechanics

5597. Stabilisation, by aggregants -, by water-retentive chemicals ===> Soil Mechanics

5598. Stabilisation, by aggregants -, electrical ===> Soil Mechanics

5599. Stabilisation, by aggregants -, mechanical ===> Soil Mechanics

5600. Stabilisation, by aggregants ===> Soil Mechanics

5601. Stability coefficients ===> Soil Mechanics

5602. Stability during construction -, drawdown ===> Soil Mechanics

5603. Stability during construction -, steady seepage ===> Soil Mechanics

5604. Stability during construction ===> Soil Mechanics

5605. Stability number ===> Soil Mechanics

5606. Stability of : ===> Fluid Mechanics

5607. Stability of : floating bodies, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5608. Stability of embankments ===> Highway Engineering

5609. Stability of retaining wall ===> Soil Mechanics

5610. Stability of slope -, earth dams ===> Soil Mechanics

5611. Stability of slope -, finite slope ===> Soil Mechanics

5612. Stability of slope -, infinite slope ===> Soil Mechanics

5613. Stability of slope -, Swedish method ===> Soil Mechanics

5614. Stability of slope ===> Soil Mechanics

5615. Stability-MarshaU ===> Highway Engineering

5616. Stadia ===> Surveying

5617. Stadia diaphragm ===> Surveying

5618. Stadia interval ===> Surveying

5619. Stadia interval factor ===> Surveying

5620. Stadia method ===> Surveying

5621. Stadia rod ===> Surveying

5622. Stagnation density, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5623. Stagnation point, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5624. Stagnation pressure, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5625. Stagnation temperature, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5626. Stairs ===> Building Construction

5627. stairs, ===> RCC

5628. Stake ===> Surveying

5629. Stanchion, ===> Steel Structure

5630. Standard ASIM ===> Concrete tecnology

5631. Standard consistency ===> Concrete tecnology

5632. Standard deviation ===> Concrete tecnology

5633. Standard deviation ===> Highway Engineering

5634. Standard meridian ===> Surveying

5635. Standard Penetration test ===> Soil Mechanics

5636. Standard sand ===> Concrete tecnology

5637. Standards ===> Surveying

5638. Standing wave ===> Physics XI

5639. Standing wave, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5640. Star ===> Surveying

5641. Star at elongation ===> Surveying

5642. Star at horizon ===> Surveying

5643. Star at prime vertical ===> Surveying

5644. Stars ===> Surveying

5645. State highways ===> Highway Engineering

5646. Static cone test ===> Soil Mechanics

5647. Static formulae ===> Soil Mechanics

5648. Static modulus of elasticity , ===> Concrete tecnology

5649. Static positioning ===> Surveying

5650. Static Survey Technique ===> Surveying

5651. Station ===> Surveying

5652. Station ===> Surveying

5653. Station adjustment ===> Surveying

5654. Station description of ===> Surveying

5655. Station in levelling ===> Surveying

5656. Station intervisibility ===> Surveying

5657. Station main ===> Surveying

5658. Station marks ===> Surveying

5659. Station selection ===> Surveying

5660. Station subsidiary ===> Surveying

5661. Station tie ===> Surveying

5662. Stationary container systems, ===> Enviromental

5663. Stationary wave ===> Physics XI

5664. Stationary wave on a string ===> Physics XI

5665. Steady, flow, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5666. Steam curing ===> Concrete tecnology

5667. Steam curing at atmospheric pressure ===> Concrete tecnology

5668. Steam curing at high pressure ===> Concrete tecnology

5669. Steam curing cycle ===> Concrete tecnology

5670. Steam engine ===> Physics XII

5671. Steam point ===> Physics XII

5672. Stearic acid ===> Concrete tecnology

5673. Steel ===> Steel Structure

5674. Steel high tensile, ===> Steel Structure

5675. Steel mild steel ===> Steel Structure

5676. Steel piles ===> Building Construction

5677. Steel trusses ===> Building Construction

5678. Stefan constant ===> Physics XII

5679. Stefan-Boltzmann law ===> Physics XII

5680. Stefan's law ===> Physics XII

5681. Stepped footings ===> Building Construction

5682. Stepped notch, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5683. stepped, ===> RCC

5684. Step-up/down transformer ===> Physics XII

5685. Stereoautographs ===> Surveying

5686. Stereocomparator ===> Surveying

5687. Stereoplanigraphs ===> Surveying

5688. Stereoscopic fusion ===> Surveying

5689. Stereoscopic fusion pair , ===> Surveying

5690. Stereoscopic fusion parallax ===> Surveying

5691. Stereoscopic fusion plotting method ===> Surveying

5692. Stereoscopic fusion vision ===> Surveying

5693. Stern layer ===> Soil Mechanics

5694. Stero pair ===> Surveying

5695. Steroplotter ===> Surveying

5696. Steroscope ===> Surveying

5697. Stiffeners ===> Steel Structure

5698. Stiffeners angle, ===> Steel Structure

5699. Stiffeners bearing ===> Steel Structure

5700. Stiffeners intermediate, ===> Steel Structure

5701. Stilted arch ===> Building Construction

5702. Stimulated emission ===> Physics XII

5703. Stoke, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5704. Stoke’s law ===> Physics XI

5705. Stoke’s law , ===> Fluid Mechanics

5706. Stone arches ===> Building Construction

5707. Stone lintels ===> Building Construction

5708. Stone masonry ===> Building Construction

5709. Stone pavements ===> Highway Engineering

5710. Stone stairs ===> Building Construction

5711. Stopping potential ===> Physics XII

5712. Stopping sight distance ===> Highway Engineering

5713. Storage lane ===> Highway Engineering

5714. Storage-load transfer station, ===> Enviromental

5715. Straight line formula, ===> Strenngth of Material

5716. Strain ===> Concrete tecnology

5717. Strain ===> Physics XI

5718. Strain – compressive ===> Strenngth of Material

5719. Strain longitudinal ===> Physics XI

5720. Strain relation with stress ===> Physics XI

5721. Strain – shear, ===> Strenngth of Material

5722. Strain shearing ===> Physics XI

5723. Strain – tensile, ===> Strenngth of Material

5724. Strain – types of, ===> Strenngth of Material

5725. Strain volume ===> Physics XI

5726. Strain ===> Strenngth of Material

5727. Strain energy, ===> Strenngth of Material

5728. Strain, ===> RCC

5729. Straining beam ===> Building Construction

5730. strap, ===> RCC

5731. Strategies for pollution prevention, ===> Enviromental

5732. Strategy of pollution control, ===> Enviromental

5733. Stratosphere ===> Physics XII

5734. Streaking ===> Highway Engineering

5735. Stream function ===> Soil Mechanics

5736. Stream function , ===> Fluid Mechanics

5737. Stream measurements ===> Surveying

5738. Streamline ===> Physics XI

5739. Stream-lined body, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5740. Strength of a shaft, – riveted joint ===> Strenngth of Material

5741. Strength of a shaft, ===> Strenngth of Material

5742. Strength of concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

5743. Strength of concrete accelerated curing ===> Concrete tecnology

5744. Strength of concrete cement ===> Concrete tecnology

5745. Strength of concrete characteristic ===> Concrete tecnology

5746. Strength of concrete different ages ===> Concrete tecnology

5747. Strength of concrete vacuum dewatered ===> Concrete tecnology

5748. Strength of figure ===> Surveying

5749. Strength of fix ===> Surveying

5750. strength reduction, ===> RCC

5751. Strengthening of pavements ===> Highway Engineering

5752. Stress – compressive, ===> Strenngth of Material

5753. Stress – in a curved bar, ===> Strenngth of Material

5754. Stress – in unsymmetrical bending, ===> Strenngth of Material

5755. Stress – principal, ===> Strenngth of Material

5756. Stress – shear, ===> Strenngth of Material

5757. Stress – tensile, ===> Strenngth of Material

5758. Stress – thermal, ===> Strenngth of Material

5759. Stress – types of, ===> Strenngth of Material

5760. Stress ===> Physics XI

5761. Stress ===> Strenngth of Material

5762. Stress longitudinal ===> Physics XI

5763. Stress relation with strain ===> Physics XI

5764. Stress shearing ===> Physics XI

5765. Stress volume ===> Physics XI

5766. Stress strain relation ===> Concrete tecnology

5767. Stress, ===> Steel Structure

5768. Stress, bearing, ===> Steel Structure

5769. Stress, bending, ===> Steel Structure

5770. Stress, breaking, ===> Steel Structure

5771. Stress, compressive, ===> Steel Structure

5772. Stress, shear, ===> Steel Structure

5773. Stress, tensile, ===> Steel Structure

5774. Stress, ultimate, ===> Steel Structure

5775. Stress, working, ===> Steel Structure

5776. Stress, yielding, ===> Steel Structure

5777. Stresses in flexible pavements ===> Highway Engineering

5778. Stresses in rigid pavements ===> Highway Engineering

5779. Stress-strain relationship, ===> Steel Structure

5780. Striations ===> Physics XII

5781. String data ===> Surveying

5782. Stripping test ===> Highway Engineering

5783. Structural design ===> Highway Engineering

5784. Structural light-weight concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

5785. structural steel, ===> Steel Structure

5786. Structural water ===> Soil Mechanics

5787. Structure dispersed -, cohesive matrix ===> Soil Mechanics

5788. Structure dispersed -, oriented ===> Soil Mechanics

5789. Structure dispersed -, single grained ===> Soil Mechanics

5790. Structure dispersed ===> Soil Mechanics

5791. Strut, ===> Steel Structure

5792. Strut, angle, ===> Steel Structure

5793. Strut, continuous, ===> Steel Structure

5794. Strut, discontinuous, ===> Steel Structure

5795. Struts, – with lateral load, ===> Strenngth of Material

5796. Struts, ===> Strenngth of Material

5797. Style ===> Building Construction

5798. Sub-base ===> Highway Engineering

5799. Sub-chord ===> Surveying

5800. Sub-critical flow, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5801. Subgrade ===> Highway Engineering

5802. Subgrade ===> Soil Mechanics

5803. Subgrade reaction, modulus of ===> Soil Mechanics

5804. Sub-layer, laminar, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5805. Sub-merged bodies, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5806. sub-merged body, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5807. Sub-merged orifice, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5808. Sub-merged weir, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5809. Sub-sonic flow, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5810. Substitute frames, ===> RCC

5811. Sub-surface drainage ===> Highway Engineering

5812. Subsurface exploration ===> Soil Mechanics

5813. Subsystems of GIS ===> Surveying

5814. Subtense ===> Surveying

5815. Subtense bar ===> Surveying

5816. Subtense horizontal base ===> Surveying

5817. Subtense method ===> Surveying

5818. Subtense method horizontal base , ===> Surveying

5819. Subtense method vertical base ===> Surveying

5820. Subtense theodolite ===> Surveying

5821. Subways , ===> Highway Engineering

5822. Suction ===> Soil Mechanics

5823. Sudden contraction, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5824. Sudden enlargement, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5825. Sugar as retarding agent ===> Concrete tecnology

5826. Sulphate action ===> Concrete tecnology

5827. Sulphate resisting cement ===> Concrete tecnology

5828. Sulphonated formaldehyde ===> Concrete tecnology

5829. Sulphur capping ===> Concrete tecnology

5830. Sulphur infiltrated concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

5831. Sulphur oxides, ===> Enviromental

5832. Summer air conditioning ===> Building Construction

5833. Summer solstice ===> Surveying

5834. Summit curve ===> Highway Engineering

5835. Sun ===> Surveying

5836. Sun elevation correction ===> Surveying

5837. Sun-synchronous satellite ===> Surveying

5838. Super sulphated cement ===> Concrete tecnology

5839. Superconductivity ===> Physics XII

5840. Super-elevation ===> Highway Engineering

5841. Superelevation ===> Surveying

5842. Superplasticizer ===> Concrete tecnology

5843. Superplasticizer action ===> Concrete tecnology

5844. Superplasticizer classification ===> Concrete tecnology

5845. Superplasticizer compatibility ===> Concrete tecnology

5846. Superplasticizer dosage ===> Concrete tecnology

5847. Superplasticizer high performance concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

5848. Super-sonic flow, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5849. Suppressed weir, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5850. Surface course ===> Highway Engineering

5851. Surface dressing ===> Highway Engineering

5852. Surface hardeners ===> Concrete tecnology

5853. Surface phenomena ===> Surveying

5854. Surface retarder ===> Concrete tecnology

5855. Surface tension ===> Physics XI

5856. Surface tension ===> Soil Mechanics

5857. Surface tension excess pressure ===> Physics XI

5858. Surface tension surface energy ===> Physics XI

5859. Surface tension units , ===> Physics XI

5860. Surface tension force, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5861. Surface tension, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5862. Surface water drainage ===> Highway Engineering

5863. Surkhi ===> Concrete tecnology

5864. Survey ===> Surveying

5865. Survey aerial ===> Surveying

5866. Survey archaeological ===> Surveying

5867. Survey cadastral ===> Surveying

5868. Survey city ===> Surveying

5869. Survey classification of ===> Surveying

5870. Survey control ===> Surveying

5871. Survey defence ===> Surveying

5872. Survey line ===> Surveying

5873. Survey line main ===> Surveying

5874. Survey line tie ===> Surveying

5875. Surveying ===> Surveying

5876. Surveying chain , ===> Surveying

5877. Surveying character of work ===> Surveying

5878. Surveying classification ===> Surveying

5879. Surveying measurements ===> Surveying

5880. Surveying practice ===> Surveying

5881. Surveying principles ===> Surveying

5882. Surveying , ===> Highway Engineering

5883. Surveying ===> Surveying

5884. Surveyor compass ===> Surveying

5885. Surveys, geodetic ===> Surveying

5886. Suspended solids ===> Enviromental

5887. Suspended solids removal ===> Enviromental

5888. Swelling ===> Concrete tecnology

5889. Swinging telescope ===> Surveying

5890. symmetrical, ===> RCC

5891. Syphon, ===> Fluid Mechanics

5892. System of slab, ===> RCC

5893. Systematic ===> Surveying

5894. Systematic distortions ===> Surveying

5895. Systematic errors ===> Surveying

5896. Systematic errors , ===> Surveying

5897. Systems approach to transportation planning ===> Highway Engineering

5898. Szepessy direct reading technometer ===> Surveying


Sudhanshu Civil

Ayachigram Road No-5 (W) ,Near Bariya Bus Stand, Muzaffarpur,Bihar 842001

LandMark- Little Feet Play School


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