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Index-1 A to D

Updated: Dec 29, 2020

0001. AASHO test, modified -, standard ===> Soil Mechanics

0002. AASHO test, modified ===> Soil Mechanics

0003. Abbot compaction test ===> Soil Mechanics

0004. Aberration ===> Physics XI

0005. Aberration chromatic ===> Physics XI

0006. Aberration monochromatic ===> Physics XI

0007. Aberration spherical ===> Physics XI

0008. Abney hand level ===> Surveying

0009. Abram’s W/c ratio law ===> Concrete tecnology

0010. Abrasion ===> Concrete tecnology

0011. Abrasion of aggregate , ===> Concrete tecnology

0012. Abrasion of concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

0013. Abrasion of vacuum dewatering ===> Concrete tecnology

0014. Abrasion test ===> Highway Engineering

0015. Absolute parallax ===> Surveying

0016. Absolute positioning ===> Surveying

0017. Absolute pressure, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0018. Absolute scale of temperature ===> Physics XII

0019. Absolute temperature, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0020. Absolute volume ===> Concrete tecnology

0021. Absorbent material ===> Building Construction

0022. Absorption of aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology

0023. Absorption of sound ===> Building Construction

0024. Absorption, ===> Enviromental

0025. Absorptive power ===> Physics XII

0026. AC circuits ===> Physics XII

0027. AC circuits power in ===> Physics XII

0028. AC generator ===> Physics XII

0029. Accelerated curing ===> Concrete tecnology

0030. Accelerated strength ===> Concrete tecnology

0031. accelerating ===> Concrete tecnology

0032. accelerating classification ===> Concrete tecnology

0033. accelerating compatibility ===> Concrete tecnology

0034. accelerating dosage ===> Concrete tecnology

0035. accelerating mineral ===> Concrete tecnology

0036. accelerating retarding ===> Concrete tecnology

0037. accelerating waterproofing ===> Concrete tecnology

0038. accelerating workability ===> Concrete tecnology

0039. Accelerating Admixtures , ===> Concrete tecnology

0040. Accelerating plasticizors ===> Concrete tecnology

0041. Acceleration ===> Physics XI

0042. Acceleration ===> Surveying

0043. Acceleration angular , ===> Physics XI

0044. Acceleration average ===> Physics XI

0045. Acceleration centripetal ===> Physics XI

0046. Acceleration in circular motion ===> Physics XI

0047. Acceleration instantaneous ===> Physics XI

0048. Acceleration radial ===> Physics XI

0049. Acceleration tangential ===> Physics XI

0050. Acceleration : ===> Fluid Mechanics

0051. Acceleration : convective, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0052. Acceleration : local, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0053. Acceleration : total, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0054. Acceleration characteristics ===> Highway Engineering

0055. Acceleration due to gravity , ===> Physics XI

0056. Acceleration due to gravity , variation in ===> Physics XI

0057. Acceleration lane ===> Highway Engineering

0058. Accelerators , ===> Concrete tecnology

0059. Acceptable noise levels ===> Building Construction

0060. Accident costs ===> Highway Engineering

0061. Accident reporting , ===> Highway Engineering

0062. Accident study ===> Highway Engineering

0063. Accidental error ===> Surveying

0064. Accidents , ===> Highway Engineering

0065. Accommodation , ===> Physics XI

0066. Accuracy ===> Surveying

0067. Acetogenous shrinkage ===> Concrete tecnology

0068. Acetogenous shrinkage ===> Concrete tecnology

0069. Acid attack ===> Concrete tecnology

0070. Acid proof mastic flooring ===> Building Construction

0071. Acid resisting concrete , ===> Concrete tecnology

0072. Aclinic lines ===> Surveying

0073. Acoustic plaster ===> Building Construction

0074. Acoustics ===> Building Construction

0075. Acoustics of studios ===> Building Construction

0076. Activated sludge, ===> Enviromental

0077. Active earth pressure ===> Soil Mechanics

0078. Active Rankine state ===> Soil Mechanics

0079. Active system-remote sensing ===> Surveying

0080. Activities , ===> Building Construction

0081. Adaptive filter ===> Surveying

0082. Additive constant ===> Surveying

0083. Additives in biturnen ===> Highway Engineering

0084. Adiabatic process ===> Fluid Mechanics

0085. Adiabatic wall ===> Physics XII

0086. Adiabatie process ===> Physics XII

0087. Adiabatie process work done in ===> Physics XII

0088. Adjustment in triangulation ===> Surveying

0089. Admixtures ===> Concrete tecnology

0090. Admixtures, ===> RCC

0091. Admixtures, accelerating, ===> RCC

0092. Admixtures, air entraining, ===> RCC

0093. Admixtures, plasticizing ===> RCC

0094. Admixtures, retarding, ===> RCC

0095. Admixtures, water-reducing ===> RCC

0096. Adsorbed moisture ===> Soil Mechanics

0097. Adsorption, ===> Enviromental

0098. Advanced waste water treatment, ===> Enviromental

0099. Advantages of computers ===> Highway Engineering

0100. Aerated concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

0101. Aerial ===> Surveying

0102. Aerial photogrammetry , ===> Surveying

0103. Aerial photogrammetry , displacements in ===> Surveying

0104. Aerial photogrammetry , errors in ===> Surveying

0105. Aerial photograph , ===> Surveying

0106. Aerial photography ===> Surveying

0107. Aerial survey ===> Surveying

0108. Aerial survey procedure of ===> Surveying

0109. Aerial surveying ===> Surveying

0110. Aesthetics , ===> Highway Engineering

0111. Afflux, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0112. Age factor ===> Concrete tecnology

0113. Aggregate irnpact test ===> Highway Engineering

0114. Aggregate tests ===> Highway Engineering

0115. Aggregates ===> Building Construction

0116. Aggregates ===> Concrete tecnology

0117. Aggregates ===> RCC

0118. aggregates ===> RCC

0119. Aggregates abrasion test , ===> Concrete tecnology

0120. Aggregates absorption ===> Concrete tecnology

0121. Aggregates alkali reactivity test ===> Concrete tecnology

0122. Aggregates angular ===> Concrete tecnology

0123. Aggregates angularity ===> Concrete tecnology

0124. Aggregates artificial ===> Concrete tecnology

0125. Aggregates attrition test ===> Concrete tecnology

0126. Aggregates bond ===> Concrete tecnology

0127. Aggregates bone dry ===> Concrete tecnology

0128. Aggregates bulk density ===> Concrete tecnology

0129. Aggregates classification ===> Concrete tecnology

0130. Aggregates classification ===> RCC

0131. Aggregates coarse ===> RCC

0132. Aggregates crushing strength ===> Concrete tecnology

0133. Aggregates crushing value ===> Concrete tecnology

0134. Aggregates elongated ===> Concrete tecnology

0135. Aggregates fine ===> RCC

0136. Aggregates fineless modulus ===> Concrete tecnology

0137. Aggregates fineness -modulus ===> RCC

0138. Aggregates flaky ===> Concrete tecnology

0139. Aggregates gap graded ===> Concrete tecnology

0140. Aggregates glassy ===> Concrete tecnology

0141. Aggregates grading ===> Concrete tecnology

0142. Aggregates grading limits ===> RCC

0143. Aggregates heavy-weight ===> RCC

0144. Aggregates impact value ===> Concrete tecnology

0145. Aggregates impurities ===> RCC

0146. Aggregates irregular ===> Concrete tecnology

0147. Aggregates lightweight ===> Concrete tecnology

0148. Aggregates light-weight ===> RCC

0149. Aggregates mechanical properties ===> Concrete tecnology

0150. Aggregates modulus of elasticity ===> Concrete tecnology

0151. Aggregates natural ===> Concrete tecnology

0152. Aggregates natural, ===> RCC

0153. Aggregates normal weight, ===> RCC

0154. Aggregates other types, ===> RCC

0155. Aggregates refractory ===> Concrete tecnology

0156. Aggregates saturated and surface dry ===> Concrete tecnology

0157. Aggregates shape ===> Concrete tecnology

0158. Aggregates soundness ===> Concrete tecnology

0159. Aggregates specific gravity ===> Concrete tecnology

0160. Aggregates specific surface ===> Concrete tecnology

0161. Aggregates strength ===> Concrete tecnology

0162. Aggregates surface index ===> Concrete tecnology

0163. Aggregates texture ===> Concrete tecnology

0164. Aggregates thermal property ===> Concrete tecnology

0165. Aggregates unsound ===> Concrete tecnology

0166. Aggregates void content ===> Concrete tecnology

0167. Aglite ===> Concrete tecnology

0168. Agonic lines ===> Surveying

0169. Air base ===> Surveying

0170. Air borne sound ===> Building Construction

0171. Air changes ===> Building Construction

0172. Air conditioning , ===> Building Construction

0173. Air content ===> Soil Mechanics

0174. Air emissions inventory for environmental protection, ===> Enviromental

0175. Air entrained concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

0176. Air entrained concrete air context measurement ===> Concrete tecnology

0177. Air entrained concrete effect of mixing time ===> Concrete tecnology

0178. Air entrained concrete influence on wokrability ===> Concrete tecnology

0179. Air entraining agent ===> Concrete tecnology

0180. Air entraining cement ===> Concrete tecnology

0181. Air lift pump, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0182. Air Permeability ===> Concrete tecnology

0183. Air photo-interpretation keys ===> Surveying

0184. Air pollutants, ===> Enviromental

0185. Air pollution , ===> Highway Engineering

0186. Air quality, ===> Enviromental

0187. Air resistance ===> Highway Engineering

0188. Air station ===> Surveying

0189. Air vessels, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0190. Air voids ===> Soil Mechanics

0191. Air voids line ===> Soil Mechanics

0192. Alcohol method ===> Soil Mechanics

0193. Alcohols, ===> Enviromental

0194. Aldehydes, ===> Enviromental

0195. Algae ===> Concrete tecnology

0196. Alidade ===> Surveying

0197. Alidade assembly ===> Surveying

0198. Alignment of hill roads , ===> Highway Engineering

0199. Alignment-eontrolling points ===> Highway Engineering

0200. Alignrnent ===> Highway Engineering

0201. A-line ===> Soil Mechanics

0202. Aliphatic hydrocarbons of paraffin series, ===> Enviromental

0203. Alite ===> Concrete tecnology

0204. Alkali ===> Concrete tecnology

0205. Alkali aggregate reaction ===> Concrete tecnology

0206. Alkali silica reactivity ===> Concrete tecnology

0207. Alkali silicate gel ===> Concrete tecnology

0208. Alkalinity ===> Concrete tecnology

0209. Alkalinity, ===> Enviromental

0210. Alligator cracks ===> Highway Engineering

0211. All-in-aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology

0212. Allowable Stresses ===> Steel Structure

0213. Allowable Stresses beam, ===> Steel Structure

0214. Allowable Stresses bending ===> Steel Structure

0215. Allowable Stresses shear, ===> Steel Structure

0216. Allowable Stresses tension members, ===> Steel Structure

0217. Alpha decay ===> Physics XII

0218. Altemative urban transport systern ===> Highway Engineering

0219. Alternate depths, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0220. Alternating current ===> Physics XII

0221. Alternating current gencrator ===> Physics XII

0222. Altimeter ===> Surveying

0223. Altitude ===> Surveying

0224. Altitude measurement of ===> Surveying

0225. Altitude and azimuth system , ===> Surveying

0226. Altitude bubble ===> Surveying

0227. Alumina content ===> Building Construction

0228. Aluminium paint ===> Building Construction

0229. Aluminium powder, ===> Concrete tecnology

0230. Aluminous cement ===> Concrete tecnology

0231. American method of mix design ===> Concrete tecnology

0232. Ammeter ===> Physics XII

0233. Ammeter hot wire ===> Physics XII

0234. Ammonia stripping with air, ===> Enviromental

0235. Ampere definition of ===> Physics XII

0236. Ampere's law ===> Physics XII

0237. Amplifier triode as an ===> Physics XII

0238. Amplifier using transistor ===> Physics XII

0239. Amplitude ===> Physics XI

0240. Anallactic lens ===> Surveying

0241. Analysis of a compound weld, ===> Strenngth of Material

0242. Analysis of accident data ===> Highway Engineering

0243. Analysis of bars of varying – of composite sections, ===> Strenngth of Material

0244. Analysis of bars of varying ===> Strenngth of Material

0245. Analysis of bars of varying sections, ===> Strenngth of Material

0246. Analysis of speed data ===> Highway Engineering

0247. Analytical procedures for particulate and gaseous pollutants, ===> Enviromental

0248. Anchor bolt, ===> Steel Structure

0249. Anchor piles ===> Building Construction

0250. Anchorages of steel bars ===> RCC

0251. Anchorages of steel bars bends, ===> RCC

0252. Anchorages of steel bars compression ===> RCC

0253. Anchorages of steel bars hooks ===> RCC

0254. Anchorages of steel bars plain bars, ===> RCC

0255. Anchorages of steel bars plain steel bars, ===> RCC

0256. Anchorages of steel bars tension ===> RCC

0257. Anchorages of steel bars values ===> RCC

0258. AND gate ===> Physics XII

0259. Andesite ===> Concrete tecnology

0260. Angle adjustment ===> Surveying

0261. Angle equations ===> Surveying

0262. Angle of attack ===> Steel Structure

0263. Angle of internal friction ===> Soil Mechanics

0264. Angle of repose ===> Building Construction

0265. Angle of wall friction ===> Soil Mechanics

0266. Angstrom ===> Soil Mechanics

0267. Angular acceleration , ===> Physics XI

0268. Angular acceleration , relation with torque ===> Physics XI

0269. Angular deformation, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0270. Angular impulse ===> Physics XI

0271. Angular momentum ===> Physics XI

0272. Angular momentum ===> Physics XII

0273. Angular momentum quantization of ===> Physics XII

0274. Angular momentum quantum number ===> Physics XII

0275. Angular momentum quantum number orbital ===> Physics XII

0276. Angular momentum quantum number spin (spin quantum number) ===> Physics XII

0277. Angular momentum spin ===> Physics XII

0278. Angular speed ===> Physics XI

0279. Angular velocity of a rigid body ===> Physics XI

0280. Angularity Index ===> Concrete tecnology

0281. Angularity number ===> Concrete tecnology

0282. Animal wastes, ===> Enviromental

0283. Anionic ernulsion ===> Highway Engineering

0284. Antenna ===> Surveying

0285. Antineutrino ===> Physics XII

0286. Antinode , ===> Physics XI

0287. Antinode , in pressure wave ===> Physics XI

0288. Antinodes ===> Physics XI

0289. Apex distance ===> Surveying

0290. Aphelion ===> Surveying

0291. Apparent weight ===> Physics XI

0292. Appliances for lifting stones ===> Building Construction

0293. Applications of Bernoulli’s equation, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0294. Approaches to hazardous waste reduction, ===> Enviromental

0295. Appropriate radius of gyration, ===> Steel Structure

0296. approximate method, ===> RCC

0297. Approximate radii of gyration, ===> Steel Structure

0298. Apses of the orbit ===> Surveying

0299. Aquiclude ===> Soil Mechanics

0300. Aquifer, confined -, unconfined ===> Soil Mechanics

0301. Aquifer, confined ===> Soil Mechanics

0302. Arbitrary bearing ===> Surveying

0303. Arbitrary meridian ===> Surveying

0304. Arboriculture ===> Highway Engineering

0305. Archaeological Survey ===> Surveying

0306. Arches ===> Building Construction

0307. Archimedes’principle ===> Physics XI

0308. Arching in soils ===> Soil Mechanics

0309. Area by coordinate squares ===> Surveying

0310. Area by geometrical figures ===> Surveying

0311. Area by longitude ===> Surveying

0312. Area from coordinates , ===> Surveying

0313. Area from measurement by meridian distance ===> Surveying

0314. Area from measurement by planimeter ===> Surveying

0315. Area from offsets ===> Surveying

0316. Area moment method, ===> Strenngth of Material

0317. Area of footing ===> RCC

0318. Area of footing beam ===> RCC

0319. Area of footing beam, ===> RCC

0320. Area of footing column, ===> RCC

0321. Area of footing combined, ===> RCC

0322. Area of footing distribution, ===> RCC

0323. Area of footing independent ===> RCC

0324. Area of footing longitudinal (main) reinf. ===> RCC

0325. Area of footing maximum, ===> RCC

0326. Area of footing minimum, ===> RCC

0327. Area of footing reinforcement ===> RCC

0328. Area of footing transverse reinf. ===> RCC

0329. area of reinforcement, ===> RCC

0330. Area subdivision ===> Surveying

0331. Area traffic control (ATC) ===> Highway Engineering

0332. Areal data ===> Surveying

0333. Argillaceous material ===> Concrete tecnology

0334. Arnber ===> Highway Engineering

0335. Arnerican rnethod of flexible pavement design ===> Highway Engineering

0336. Aromatic hydrocarbons, ===> Enviromental

0337. Arrows ===> Surveying

0338. Arsenic ===> Enviromental

0339. Artificial aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology

0340. Artificial ventilation ===> Building Construction

0341. Arundel’s method ===> Surveying

0342. Asbestos cement sheets, ===> Steel Structure

0343. Asbestos cement sheets, corrugated, ===> Steel Structure

0344. Asbestos cement sheets, trafford, ===> Steel Structure

0345. Asbestos sheet partition ===> Building Construction

0346. Ash content test ===> Highway Engineering

0347. Ashlar masonry ===> Building Construction

0348. Asphalt ===> Highway Engineering

0349. Asphalt mastic flooring ===> Building Construction

0350. Aspirator pump ===> Physics XI

0351. Assumption made in the theory of ===> Strenngth of Material

0352. Assumption made in the theory of simple bending ===> Strenngth of Material

0353. Assumptions on vertical curve ===> Surveying

0354. Asterism ===> Surveying

0355. Astigmatisers ===> Surveying

0356. Astigmatism ===> Physics XI

0357. Astigmatism in images ===> Physics XI

0358. Astronomical corrections ===> Surveying

0359. Astronomical triangle ===> Surveying

0360. Astronomy ===> Surveying

0361. Atgrade intersection ===> Highway Engineering

0362. Atmosphere, ===> Enviromental

0363. Atmosphere, radiation in ===> Physics XII

0364. Atmospheric corrections ===> Surveying

0365. Atmospheric electricity ===> Physics XII

0366. Atmospheric pressure, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0367. Atmospheric sampling and analysis, ===> Enviromental

0368. Atmospheric scattering ===> Surveying

0369. Atmospheric windows ===> Surveying

0370. Atomic number ===> Physics XII

0371. Atomic time scale ===> Surveying

0372. Attendants ===> Surveying

0373. Atterberg limits ===> Highway Engineering

0374. Atterberg limits ===> Soil Mechanics

0375. Attracted traffic ===> Highway Engineering

0376. Attribute data ===> Surveying

0377. Auditorium, acoustics of ===> Building Construction

0378. Auger boring ===> Building Construction

0379. Augers ===> Soil Mechanics

0380. Autoclave ===> Concrete tecnology

0381. Automatic level ===> Surveying

0382. Autoreduction tacheometer ===> Surveying

0383. Autornobile Research Association of India (ARAT) ===> Highway Engineering

0384. Autumnal equinox ===> Surveying

0385. Auxiliary lanes ===> Highway Engineering

0386. Avalanche ===> Highway Engineering

0387. Average annual daily traffic (AADT) ===> Highway Engineering

0388. Average daily traffic ===> Highway Engineering

0389. Average ordinate rule ===> Surveying

0390. Average velocity ===> Fluid Mechanics

0391. Average-life ===> Physics XII

0392. Averaging filter ===> Surveying

0393. Axed brick arch ===> Building Construction

0394. Axially loaded column, ===> RCC

0395. Axially loaded columns, ===> Steel Structure

0396. Axis correction method ===> Surveying

0397. Axis of level tube , ===> Surveying

0398. Axis of telescope ===> Surveying

0399. Axis signal correction ===> Surveying

0400. Axle load ===> Highway Engineering

0401. Azimuth ===> Surveying

0402. Azimuth ===> Surveying

0403. Azimuth determination of ===> Surveying

0404. Back and fore sight distances ===> Surveying

0405. Back bearing ===> Surveying

0406. Back ray method ===> Surveying

0407. Back sight ===> Surveying

0408. Back water curve, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0409. Bacterial Concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

0410. Balanced (strap) footing , ===> Building Construction

0411. Balanced beam section ===> RCC

0412. Balanced failure of columns ===> RCC

0413. Balanced failure of columns long (slender), ===> RCC

0414. Balanced failure of columns short, ===> RCC

0415. Balancing a traverse ===> Surveying

0416. Balancing in ===> Surveying

0417. Ball mill ===> Concrete tecnology

0418. Balmer ===> Physics XII

0419. Baluster ===> Building Construction

0420. Band ===> Physics XII

0421. Band conduction ===> Physics XII

0422. Band ratioing ===> Surveying

0423. Band theary of solid ===> Physics XII

0424. Bar ===> RCC

0425. Bar bent-up, ===> RCC

0426. Bar charts ===> Building Construction

0427. Bar magnet ===> Physics XII

0428. Bar of uniform strength, – composite sections, ===> Strenngth of Material

0429. Bar of uniform strength, – varying sections, ===> Strenngth of Material

0430. Bar of uniform strength, ===> Strenngth of Material

0431. Bar spacing, ===> RCC

0432. Bar splicing, ===> RCC

0433. Barium plaster ===> Building Construction

0434. Barium, ===> Enviromental

0435. Barometer ===> Physics XI

0436. Barometer ===> Surveying

0437. Barometric levelling accuracy of ===> Surveying

0438. Barr and Stroud Range Finder ===> Surveying

0439. Barrier curb ===> Highway Engineering

0440. Barytes ===> Concrete tecnology

0441. Basalt fibre ===> Concrete tecnology

0442. Basalt fibre concrete , ===> Concrete tecnology

0443. Basalt fibre, ===> Concrete tecnology

0444. Base ===> Surveying

0445. Base course ===> Highway Engineering

0446. Base line ===> Surveying

0447. Base line measurement of ===> Surveying

0448. Base line site selection ===> Surveying

0449. Base measurement ===> Surveying

0450. Base parabola ===> Soil Mechanics

0451. Baseline , ===> Surveying

0452. Basement D.P.C. ===> Building Construction

0453. Bases for columns, ===> Steel Structure

0454. Bases for columns, gusseted, ===> Steel Structure

0455. Bases for columns, slab, ===> Steel Structure

0456. Basic capacity , ===> Highway Engineering

0457. basic requirements, ===> RCC

0458. Basic road pattems ===> Highway Engineering

0459. Bat of bricks ===> Building Construction

0460. Batching ===> Concrete tecnology

0461. Bathymetric curves ===> Surveying

0462. Batten plates, ===> Steel Structure

0463. Battery ===> Physics XII

0464. Battery charging of ===> Physics XII

0465. Battery combination in series, parallel ===> Physics XII

0466. Battery internal resistance ===> Physics XII

0467. Bay window ===> Building Construction

0468. Bazin’s formula ===> Fluid Mechanics

0469. Beacon lamps ===> Surveying

0470. Beaded pointing ===> Building Construction

0471. Beam connections, ===> Steel Structure

0472. Beam connections, framed ===> Steel Structure

0473. Beam connections, framed, ===> Steel Structure

0474. Beam connections, moment resistant, ===> Steel Structure

0475. Beam connections, moment resistant, ===> Steel Structure

0476. Beam connections, riveted, ===> Steel Structure

0477. Beam connections, sealed ===> Steel Structure

0478. Beam connections, stiffened seated ===> Steel Structure

0479. Beam connections, unstiffened seated, ===> Steel Structure

0480. Beam connections, welded, ===> Steel Structure

0481. Beam line method ===> Steel Structure

0482. Beam., R.C.C. - slab floor ===> Building Construction

0483. Beam., R.C.C. - steel ===> Building Construction

0484. Beam., R.C.C. - straining ===> Building Construction

0485. Beam., R.C.C. - wooden ===> Building Construction

0486. Beam., R.C.C. ===> Building Construction

0487. Beaman stadia arc ===> Surveying

0488. Beams, ===> RCC

0489. Beams, ===> Steel Structure

0490. Beams, built-up, ===> Steel Structure

0491. Beams, continuous reinforced, ===> RCC

0492. Beams, crane gantry girder, ===> Steel Structure

0493. Beams, doubly reinforced ===> RCC

0494. Beams, encased, ===> Steel Structure

0495. Beams, flanged reinforced, ===> RCC

0496. Beams, girder, ===> Steel Structure

0497. Beams, laterally supported, ===> Steel Structure

0498. Beams, laterally unsupported ===> Steel Structure

0499. Beams, L-beams ===> RCC

0500. Beams, main, ===> Steel Structure

0501. Beams, singly reinforced, ===> RCC

0502. Beams, subsidiary, ===> Steel Structure

0503. Beams, T-beams ===> RCC

0504. Beams, web buckling, ===> Steel Structure

0505. Beams, web crippling, ===> Steel Structure

0506. Beams, continuous, – columns, ===> Strenngth of Material

0507. Beams, continuous, – deflection of beams, ===> Strenngth of Material

0508. Beams, continuous, – fixed, ===> Strenngth of Material

0509. Beams, continuous, – propped, ===> Strenngth of Material

0510. Beams, continuous, ===> Strenngth of Material

0511. Bearing ===> Surveying

0512. Bearing adjustment ===> Surveying

0513. Bearing arbitrary ===> Surveying

0514. Bearing back ===> Surveying

0515. Bearing fore ===> Surveying

0516. Bearing forward ===> Surveying

0517. Bearing grid , ===> Surveying

0518. Bearing magnetic , ===> Surveying

0519. Bearing quadrantal , ===> Surveying

0520. Bearing reduced , ===> Surveying

0521. Bearing reverse ===> Surveying

0522. Bearing true ===> Surveying

0523. Bearing whole circle , ===> Surveying

0524. Bearing capacity -, allowable ===> Soil Mechanics

0525. Bearing capacity -, Meyerhof’s factors ===> Soil Mechanics

0526. Bearing capacity -, net safe ===> Soil Mechanics

0527. Bearing capacity -, net ultimate ===> Soil Mechanics

0528. Bearing capacity -, safe ===> Soil Mechanics

0529. Bearing capacity -, Terzaghi’s factors ===> Soil Mechanics

0530. Bearing capacity ===> Soil Mechanics

0531. bearing capacity of soil, ===> RCC

0532. Bearing capacity of soils ===> Building Construction

0533. Bearing joints ===> Building Construction

0534. Bearing piles ===> Building Construction

0535. bearing pressue in soil, ===> RCC

0536. Bearing pressure ===> Building Construction

0537. Bearing stiffeners, ===> Steel Structure

0538. Bearing stiffeners, allowable stress, ===> Steel Structure

0539. Bearing stiffeners, critical stress, ===> Steel Structure

0540. Bearing stiffeners, unsymmetrical, ===> Steel Structure

0541. Bearings : ===> Fluid Mechanics

0542. Bearings : collar, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0543. Bearings : foot-step, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0544. Bearings : journal, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0545. Beats ===> Physics XI

0546. Beeby’s equation, ===> RCC

0547. Behaviour ===> RCC

0548. Behaviour beams (singly reinforced), ===> RCC

0549. Behaviour columns ===> RCC

0550. Behaviour flat slabs, ===> RCC

0551. Behaviour flexure, ===> RCC

0552. Behaviour of pedestrians ===> Highway Engineering

0553. Behaviour one way slabs ===> RCC

0554. Behaviour shear, ===> RCC

0555. Behaviour short ===> RCC

0556. Behaviour two way slabs, ===> RCC

0557. behaviour, ===> RCC

0558. Belite ===> Concrete tecnology

0559. Bell’s equation ===> Soil Mechanics

0560. Bench mark ===> Surveying

0561. Bench mark arbitrary ===> Surveying

0562. Bench mark great trigonometric survey ===> Surveying

0563. Bench mark permanent ===> Surveying

0564. Bench mark temporary ===> Surveying

0565. Benching ===> Highway Engineering

0566. Bending (flexural) strength ===> RCC

0567. Bending (flexural) strength doubly reinforced beams, ===> RCC

0568. Bending (flexural) strength flanged beams, ===> RCC

0569. Bending (flexural) strength singly reinforced beams, ===> RCC

0570. bending moment , ===> RCC

0571. bending moment, ===> RCC

0572. Bending, – moment and shear force, ===> Strenngth of Material

0573. Bending, – moment, ===> Strenngth of Material

0574. Bending, – of curved bars, ===> Strenngth of Material

0575. Bending, – plane, ===> Strenngth of Material

0576. Bending, – stresses in beams, ===> Strenngth of Material

0577. bending, ===> RCC

0578. Bending, ===> Strenngth of Material

0579. Bends in steel bars, ===> RCC

0580. Benefit-cost analysis , ===> Highway Engineering

0581. Benefits from improved ambient air quality, ===> Enviromental

0582. Benefits from improved ambient water quality, ===> Enviromental

0583. Benefits of highways ===> Highway Engineering

0584. Benklernan Bearn ===> Highway Engineering

0585. Benzene, ===> Enviromental

0586. Bernoulli equation of fluid flow ===> Physics XI

0587. Bernoulli’s equation ===> Fluid Mechanics

0588. Bernoulli’s equation applications of, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0589. Bernoulli’s equation assumptions made, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0590. Bernoulli’s lemniscate curve ===> Surveying

0591. Bessel’s solution ===> Surveying

0592. Beta decay ===> Physics XII

0593. Bias ===> Surveying

0594. Biases ===> Surveying

0595. Bi-axial bending, ===> RCC

0596. Bicycle users ===> Highway Engineering

0597. Binary mathematics ===> Physics XII

0598. Binding energy of a nucleus ===> Physics XII

0599. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), ===> Enviromental

0600. Biogeochemical cycles, ===> Enviromental

0601. Biological characteristics of waste water, ===> Enviromental

0602. Biological nitrification and denitrification, ===> Enviromental

0603. Biological process ===> Concrete tecnology

0604. Biological processes for the recovery of conversion products from solid wastes, ===> Enviromental

0605. Biological treatment, ===> Enviromental

0606. Biological water quality parameters (Pathogens), ===> Enviromental

0607. Biosphere, ===> Enviromental

0608. Biot-Savart law ===> Physics XII

0609. Bishop’s method of stability ===> Soil Mechanics

0610. Bituminous concrete ===> Highway Engineering

0611. Bituminous overlays ===> Highway Engineering

0612. Bituminous paint ===> Building Construction

0613. Bituminous rnixing plant ===> Highway Engineering

0614. Biturnen ===> Highway Engineering

0615. Biturnen tests ===> Highway Engineering

0616. Biturninous rnacadarn ===> Highway Engineering

0617. Biturninous rnix design ===> Highway Engineering

0618. Biturninous roads , ===> Highway Engineering

0619. Biturninous stabilization ===> Highway Engineering

0620. Biturninous surfaces ===> Highway Engineering

0621. Black cotton soil ===> Building Construction

0622. Black cotton soil ===> Soil Mechanics

0623. Blackbody ===> Physics XII

0624. Blackbody radiation ===> Physics XII

0625. Blackbody radiation spectral distribution ===> Physics XII

0626. Blaine Airpermeability ===> Concrete tecnology

0627. Blast Furnace slag ===> Concrete tecnology

0628. Bleeding ===> Concrete tecnology

0629. Blended cement ===> Concrete tecnology

0630. Blisters in plaster , ===> Building Construction

0631. Bloated clay ===> Concrete tecnology

0632. Blocking course ===> Building Construction

0633. Bluff body, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0634. Bogue’s compound ===> Concrete tecnology

0635. Bohr's model ===> Physics XII

0636. Bohr's model limitations ===> Physics XII

0637. Boiling paint ===> Physics XII

0638. Boiling water method ===> Concrete tecnology

0639. Bolometer ===> Physics XII

0640. Bolted connections, ===> Steel Structure

0641. Bolted connections, advantages, ===> Steel Structure

0642. Bolted connections, disadvantages, ===> Steel Structure

0643. Bolts ===> Building Construction

0644. Bolts, ===> Steel Structure

0645. Bolts, high strength, ===> Steel Structure

0646. Bolts, permissible stresses ===> Steel Structure

0647. Bolts, turned ===> Steel Structure

0648. Bolts, unfinished, ===> Steel Structure

0649. Boltzmann constant ===> Physics XII

0650. Boltzmann-Stefan law ===> Physics XII

0651. Bond strength ===> Concrete tecnology

0652. Bond stresses, ===> RCC

0653. bond stresses, ===> RCC

0654. Bond, ===> RCC

0655. Bonding admixture ===> Concrete tecnology

0656. Bonds in brick work ===> Building Construction

0657. Bonds, condition ===> Soil Mechanics

0658. Bonds, hydrogen -, molecular ===> Soil Mechanics

0659. Bonds, hydrogen -, primary valence ===> Soil Mechanics

0660. Bonds, hydrogen -, secondary valence ===> Soil Mechanics

0661. Bonds, hydrogen -, van der Waals ===> Soil Mechanics

0662. Bonds, hydrogen ===> Soil Mechanics

0663. Boning rod ===> Surveying

0664. Borda’s mouthpiece, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0665. Bore hole ===> Soil Mechanics

0666. Bornbay road plan ===> Highway Engineering

0667. Bottom rail ===> Building Construction

0668. Boundary classification ===> Soil Mechanics

0669. Boundary layer, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0670. Boundary layer, laminar, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0671. Boundary layer, separation, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0672. Boundary layer, thickness of, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0673. Boundary layer, turbulent, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0674. Boundary rough, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0675. Boundary smooth, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0676. Boundry aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology

0677. Bourden gauge, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0678. Boussinesq case ===> Soil Mechanics

0679. Boussinesq~s elastic theory ===> Highway Engineering

0680. Bowditch rule ===> Surveying

0681. Box caissons ===> Building Construction

0682. Boyle's law ===> Physics XII

0683. Bracing ===> Steel Structure

0684. Bracing roof trusses, ===> Steel Structure

0685. Bracket connections, ===> Steel Structure

0686. Bracket connections, riveted, ===> Steel Structure

0687. Bracket connections, welded ===> Steel Structure

0688. Bragg's law ===> Physics XII

0689. Braking distance , ===> Highway Engineering

0690. Branching pipes, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0691. Breakdown ===> Physics XII

0692. Breakdown avalanche ===> Physics XII

0693. Breakdown dielectrie ===> Physics XII

0694. Breakdown zener ===> Physics XII

0695. Breast wall ===> Building Construction

0696. Breast walls ===> Highway Engineering

0697. Breeze ===> Concrete tecnology

0698. Brewing industry, ===> Enviromental

0699. Brewster’s law ===> Physics XI

0700. Brick arches ===> Building Construction

0701. Brick lintels , ===> Building Construction

0702. Brick masonry ===> Building Construction

0703. Brick nogging ===> Building Construction

0704. Brick partitions ===> Building Construction

0705. Brick pavernent ===> Highway Engineering

0706. Brick, reinforced , ===> Building Construction

0707. Bridge ===> Highway Engineering

0708. Bridges ===> Highway Engineering

0709. Bridle joint ===> Building Construction

0710. Bridle paths ===> Highway Engineering

0711. British method of mix design ===> Concrete tecnology

0712. British rnethod of pavernent design ===> Highway Engineering

0713. Broad crested weir, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0714. broken ===> Surveying

0715. broken extension ===> Surveying

0716. broken interpolating ===> Surveying

0717. broken measurement problems ===> Surveying

0718. Broken back curve ===> Highway Engineering

0719. Brownian motion ===> Physics XII

0720. Brownian movement ===> Soil Mechanics

0721. Bubble tube ===> Surveying

0722. Buckingham’s p theorem, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0723. Buckling load, ===> Strenngth of Material

0724. Buckling, ===> Steel Structure

0725. Buckling, diagonal, ===> Steel Structure

0726. Buckling, local, ===> Steel Structure

0727. Buffer operation ===> Surveying

0728. Buffering ===> Surveying

0729. Building plans ===> Building Construction

0730. Buildings, ===> RCC

0731. Buildings, assembly, ===> RCC

0732. Buildings, business, ===> RCC

0733. Buildings, educational, ===> RCC

0734. Buildings, industrial, ===> RCC

0735. Buildings, institutional, ===> RCC

0736. Buildings, mercantile, ===> RCC

0737. Buildings, residential, ===> RCC

0738. Buildings, storage, ===> RCC

0739. Builtup spray grout (BUSG) ===> Highway Engineering

0740. Bulk density ===> Soil Mechanics

0741. Bulk density of aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology

0742. Bulk modulus ===> Physics XI

0743. Bulk modulus, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0744. Bulk modulus, ===> Strenngth of Material

0745. Bulk volume ===> Concrete tecnology

0746. Bulkhead ===> Soil Mechanics

0747. Bulking of sand ===> Concrete tecnology

0748. Bulldozer ===> Highway Engineering

0749. Buoyancy ===> Physics XI

0750. Buoyancy, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0751. Burmister rnethod of pavernent design ===> Highway Engineering

0752. Burmister's two-Iayer theory ===> Highway Engineering

0753. Burnp integrator ===> Highway Engineering

0754. Burnt clay ===> Concrete tecnology

0755. Bus priority signals ===> Highway Engineering

0756. Butt hinges ===> Building Construction

0757. Butt joint, – weld ===> Strenngth of Material

0758. Butt joint, ===> Strenngth of Material

0759. Butt joints , ===> Building Construction

0760. Butt weld ===> Steel Structure

0761. Buttresses , ===> Building Construction

0762. by flexible apparatus ===> Surveying

0763. by rigid apparatus ===> Surveying

0764. C/A code ===> Surveying

0765. Cadastral survey ===> Surveying

0766. Cadmium, ===> Enviromental

0767. Cairn ===> Surveying

0768. Caisson ===> Soil Mechanics

0769. Caissons ===> Building Construction

0770. Calcareous materials ===> Concrete tecnology

0771. Calcium aluminate hydrases ===> Concrete tecnology

0772. Calcium carbide method ===> Concrete tecnology

0773. Calcium carbide method ===> Soil Mechanics

0774. Calcium chloride ===> Concrete tecnology

0775. Calcium hydroxide ===> Concrete tecnology

0776. Calcium nitrite ===> Concrete tecnology

0777. Calcium silicate hydrates ===> Concrete tecnology

0778. Calcium sulphate ===> Concrete tecnology

0779. Calcium sulphoaluminates ===> Concrete tecnology

0780. Calgon ===> Soil Mechanics

0781. Calibration of hydrometer ===> Soil Mechanics

0782. California bearing ratio (CBR) test ===> Highway Engineering

0783. Calorie ===> Physics XII

0784. Calorimeter ===> Physics XII

0785. Calorimeter Joule's ===> Physics XII

0786. Calorimetry ===> Physics XII

0787. Camber , ===> Highway Engineering

0788. Canadian method of pavement design ===> Highway Engineering

0789. Canal rays ===> Physics XII

0790. Cant ===> Surveying

0791. Cant deficiency ===> Surveying

0792. Cantilever footing ===> Building Construction

0793. Cantilever, – propped, ===> Strenngth of Material

0794. Cantilever, – truss, ===> Strenngth of Material

0795. cantilever, ===> RCC

0796. cantilever, ===> RCC

0797. Cantilever, ===> Strenngth of Material

0798. Canyons ===> Surveying

0799. Capacitance ===> Physics XII

0800. Capacitance of isolated sphere ===> Physics XII

0801. Capacitance unit of ===> Physics XII

0802. Capacitive cirruit ===> Physics XII

0803. Capacitor ===> Physics XII

0804. Capacitor charging of ===> Physics XII

0805. Capacitor cylindrical ===> Physics XII

0806. Capacitor discharging of ===> Physics XII

0807. Capacitor energy stored ===> Physics XII

0808. Capacitor force between the plates ===> Physics XII

0809. Capacitor in parallel ===> Physics XII

0810. Capacitor in series ===> Physics XII

0811. Capacitor parallel-plate ===> Physics XII

0812. Capacitor spherical ===> Physics XII

0813. Capacitor with dieletric ===> Physics XII

0814. Capaeity of roads , ===> Highway Engineering

0815. Capillarity, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0816. Capillarity-permeability test ===> Soil Mechanics

0817. Capillary cavities , ===> Concrete tecnology

0818. Capillary forces -, head ===> Soil Mechanics

0819. Capillary forces -, water ===> Soil Mechanics

0820. Capillary forces ===> Soil Mechanics

0821. Capillary rise due to surface tension ===> Physics XI

0822. Capillary rise of water ===> Highway Engineering

0823. Capillary segmentation ===> Concrete tecnology

0824. Capillary-tube viscometer, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0825. Capping of cylinder ===> Concrete tecnology

0826. Captain G.T McCaw’s solution ===> Surveying

0827. Captured data ===> Surveying

0828. Car folowing theory ===> Highway Engineering

0829. Carbon cycle, ===> Enviromental

0830. Carbon dioxide ===> Concrete tecnology

0831. Carbon monoxide, ===> Enviromental

0832. Carbon tetrachloride, ===> Enviromental

0833. Carbonation ===> Concrete tecnology

0834. Carbonation depth , ===> Concrete tecnology

0835. Carbonation measurement , ===> Concrete tecnology

0836. Carbonation rate ===> Concrete tecnology

0837. Carbonation shrinkage ===> Concrete tecnology

0838. Carbonic acid ===> Concrete tecnology

0839. Carborundum powder ===> Concrete tecnology

0840. Carboxylated Acrylic Ester ===> Concrete tecnology

0841. Carnot engine ===> Physics XII

0842. Carnot theorem ===> Physics XII

0843. Carpentary ===> Building Construction

0844. Carriageway ===> Highway Engineering

0845. Carrier phase measurement technique ===> Surveying

0846. Cartographic ===> Surveying

0847. Cartographic generalization , ===> Surveying

0848. Cartographic surveying ===> Surveying

0849. Cartographic symbolization ===> Surveying

0850. Cartography ===> Surveying

0851. Casagrande’s phreatic line -, plasticity chart ===> Soil Mechanics

0852. Casagrande’s phreatic line ===> Soil Mechanics

0853. Case studies of pollution prevention at source, ===> Enviromental

0854. Cased ===> Steel Structure

0855. Cased beams, ===> Steel Structure

0856. Cased columns, ===> Steel Structure

0857. Casement window ===> Building Construction

0858. Cast-in-situ piles ===> Building Construction

0859. Catalytic combustion, ===> Enviromental

0860. Categorization of hazardous wastes, ===> Enviromental

0861. Cateh drain ===> Highway Engineering

0862. Cathode glow ===> Physics XII

0863. Cathode rays ===> Physics XII

0864. Cathodic Protection ===> Concrete tecnology

0865. Cation linkage ===> Soil Mechanics

0866. Cationie emulsion ===> Highway Engineering

0867. Cause of earthquake ===> Building Construction

0868. Causes of aeeidents ===> Highway Engineering

0869. Causeways , ===> Highway Engineering

0870. Cavitation ===> Concrete tecnology

0871. Cavitation ===> Fluid Mechanics

0872. Cavity walls ===> Building Construction

0873. CBR method of pavement design ===> Highway Engineering

0874. Celestial sphere ===> Surveying

0875. Cell Daniell ===> Physics XII

0876. Cell lead accumulator ===> Physics XII

0877. Cell Leclanche ===> Physics XII

0878. Cell primary ===> Physics XII

0879. Cell secondary ===> Physics XII

0880. Cellular coffer dams ===> Building Construction

0881. Cellular concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

0882. Cellular data structure ===> Surveying

0883. Cellulose paints ===> Building Construction

0884. Celsius ===> Physics XII

0885. Cement ===> Building Construction

0886. Cement ===> Highway Engineering

0887. Cement concrete ===> Building Construction

0888. Cement concrete piles ===> Building Construction

0889. Cement mortar , ===> Building Construction

0890. Cement plaster ===> Building Construction

0891. Cement stabilization ===> Highway Engineering

0892. Cement, ===> RCC

0893. cement, ===> RCC

0894. Cement, Bogue’s compounds, ===> RCC

0895. Cement, chemical requirements, ===> RCC

0896. Cement, compressive strength, ===> RCC

0897. Cement, fineness, ===> RCC

0898. Cement, heat of hydration, ===> RCC

0899. Cement, hydraulic, ===> RCC

0900. Cement, hydrolysis, ===> RCC

0901. Cement, mineral compounds, ===> RCC

0902. Cement, ordinary patiant, ===> RCC

0903. Cement, physical requirements, ===> RCC

0904. Cement, setting time, ===> RCC

0905. Cement, soundness, ===> RCC

0906. Cement, tests, ===> RCC

0907. Cem-Fil ===> Concrete tecnology

0908. Centering for arches ===> Building Construction

0909. Centigrade ===> Physics XII

0910. Centipoise, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0911. Centistoke, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0912. Central institute of road transport ===> Highway Engineering

0913. Central public works department , ===> Highway Engineering

0914. Central road fund ===> Highway Engineering

0915. Central Road Researeh Institute (CRRI) ===> Highway Engineering

0916. Central system ===> Surveying

0917. Centre of buoyancy, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0918. Centre of gravity, ===> Strenngth of Material

0919. Centre of mass ===> Physics XI

0920. Centre of mass definition ===> Physics XI

0921. Centre of mass motion of ===> Physics XI

0922. Centre of pressure, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0923. Centre-point loading ===> Concrete tecnology

0924. Centrifugal force ===> Physics XI

0925. Centrifugal pump, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0926. Centrifugal ratio ===> Surveying

0927. Centring ===> Surveying

0928. Centripetal acceleration ===> Physics XI

0929. Centripetal force ===> Physics XI

0930. Centroid, ===> Strenngth of Material

0931. Ceramic bond ===> Concrete tecnology

0932. Chain ===> Surveying

0933. Chain folding ===> Surveying

0934. Chain testing ===> Surveying

0935. Chain unfolding ===> Surveying

0936. Chain riveting, ===> Steel Structure

0937. Chain riveting, ===> Strenngth of Material

0938. Chainage , ===> Surveying

0939. Chaining , ===> Surveying

0940. Chaining , accessories ===> Surveying

0941. Chaining , errors ===> Surveying

0942. Chaining , obstacles ===> Surveying

0943. Chalcedony ===> Concrete tecnology

0944. Chamfering ===> Building Construction

0945. change of gravity ===> Surveying

0946. Change point ===> Surveying

0947. Changing face ===> Surveying

0948. Channelisation , ===> Highway Engineering

0949. Characteristic of corrosivity, ===> Enviromental

0950. Characteristic of extraction procedure toxicity, ===> Enviromental

0951. Characteristic of ignitability, ===> Enviromental

0952. Characteristic of reactivity, ===> Enviromental

0953. Characteristic strength ===> Concrete tecnology

0954. Characteristic values ===> RCC

0955. Characteristic values concrete, ===> RCC

0956. Characteristic values load, ===> RCC

0957. Characteristic values steel ===> RCC

0958. Characteristic values strength, ===> RCC

0959. Charaeteristies of road users ===> Highway Engineering

0960. Charaeteristies of slow vehicles ===> Highway Engineering

0961. Charge ===> Physics XII

0962. Charge conservation of ===> Physics XII

0963. Charge quantization of ===> Physics XII

0964. Charge unit of ===> Physics XII

0965. Chase mortise joint ===> Building Construction

0966. Check base ===> Surveying

0967. Check levelling ===> Surveying

0968. Check line ===> Surveying

0969. Chemical composition ===> Steel Structure

0970. Chemical composition high tensile steel ===> Steel Structure

0971. Chemical composition mild steel, ===> Steel Structure

0972. Chemical constituents of waste water ===> Enviromental

0973. Chemical precipitation of phosphorus, ===> Enviromental

0974. Chemical stabilization ===> Highway Engineering

0975. Chemical treatment, ===> Enviromental

0976. Chemically bound water ===> Concrete tecnology

0977. Chemistry of waste waters, ===> Enviromental

0978. Chert ===> Concrete tecnology

0979. Chevron ===> Highway Engineering

0980. Chezy’s formula, ===> Fluid Mechanics

0981. Chimneys ===> Steel Structure

0982. Chimneys architectural treatment, ===> Steel Structure

0983. Chimneys forces acting, ===> Steel Structure

0984. Chimneys lining, ===> Steel Structure

0985. Chimneys masonry, ===> Steel Structure

0986. Chimneys specifications, ===> Steel Structure

0987. Chimneys stability, ===> Steel Structure

0988. Chimneys, – wind pressure, ===> Strenngth of Material

0989. Chimneys, ===> Strenngth of Material

0990. Chisel ===> Building Construction

0991. Chi-squared test ===> Highway Engineering

0992. Chloride attack ===> Concrete tecnology

0993. Chloride content in concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

0994. Chloride in cement ===> Concrete tecnology

0995. Chlorides, ===> Enviromental

0996. Choice of triangulation figure ===> Surveying

0997. Choke coil ===> Physics XII

0998. Chromium, ===> Enviromental

0999. Cinder ===> Concrete tecnology

1000. Cipolletti weir, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1001. Circuit, electric ===> Physics XII

1002. Circuit, electric AC ===> Physics XII

1003. Circuit, electric CR ===> Physics XII

1004. Circuit, electric LCR ===> Physics XII

1005. Circuit, electric LR ===> Physics XII

1006. Circular brick work ===> Building Construction

1007. Circular curve ===> Surveying

1008. Circular curve designation of ===> Surveying

1009. Circular curve elements of ===> Surveying

1010. Circular curve setting out ===> Surveying

1011. Circular motion , ===> Physics XI

1012. Circular motion , nonuniform ===> Physics XI

1013. Circular slabs, ===> RCC

1014. Circular stairs ===> Building Construction

1015. circular, ===> RCC

1016. Circulation, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1017. Circulations ===> Building Construction

1018. Circumferential stress, ===> Strenngth of Material

1019. Circumpolar star ===> Surveying

1020. City survey ===> Surveying

1021. Clamp screws , ===> Surveying

1022. Clapeyron’s equation, ===> Strenngth of Material

1023. Classification ===> Surveying

1024. Classification of EDM instruments ===> Surveying

1025. Classification of interseetions ===> Highway Engineering

1026. Classification of roads , ===> Highway Engineering

1027. Classification of soil ===> Soil Mechanics

1028. Classification of soils ===> Highway Engineering

1029. Classification of survey ===> Surveying

1030. Classification of triangulation ===> Surveying

1031. Classifications of :models, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1032. Classifications of :mouthpieces, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1033. Classifications of :orifices, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1034. Classifications of :weirs and notch, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1035. Claussius statement of second law of thermodynamics ===> Physics XII

1036. Clay ===> Highway Engineering

1037. Clay ===> Soil Mechanics

1038. Clay block partitions ===> Building Construction

1039. Clay minerals ===> Soil Mechanics

1040. Cleanliness of aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology

1041. Cleat ===> Building Construction

1042. Clerestory window ===> Building Construction

1043. Cliff ===> Surveying

1044. Climatic faetors , ===> Highway Engineering

1045. Clinker ===> Concrete tecnology

1046. Clinometer , ===> Surveying

1047. Clock synchronization ===> Physics XII

1048. Closed traverse , ===> Surveying

1049. Closed traverse , area computation ===> Surveying

1050. Closer, king ===> Building Construction

1051. Closer, queen ===> Building Construction

1052. Closing error ===> Surveying

1053. Closing error graphical adjustment ===> Surveying

1054. Clothoid , ===> Surveying

1055. Cloverleaf interehange ===> Highway Engineering

1056. Coach screw ===> Building Construction

1057. Co-altitude ===> Surveying

1058. Coarse aggregate, ===> RCC

1059. Coarse aggregates ===> Highway Engineering

1060. Co-declination ===> Surveying

1061. codes, ===> RCC

1062. Coeffer dams ===> Building Construction

1063. Co-efficient of :contraction, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1064. Co-efficient of :discharge, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1065. Co-efficient of :drag ===> Fluid Mechanics

1066. Co-efficient of :friction, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1067. Co-efficient of :lift, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1068. Co-efficient of :velocity, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1069. Coefficient of ===> Physics XI

1070. Coefficient of absorption ===> Building Construction

1071. coefficient of creep, ===> RCC

1072. Coefficient of kinetic friction ===> Physics XI

1073. Coefficient of permeability ===> Concrete tecnology

1074. Coefficient of refraction ===> Surveying

1075. Coefficient of restitution ===> Physics XI

1076. Coefficient of static friction ===> Physics XI

1077. Coefficient of thermal expansion , ===> Concrete tecnology

1078. Coefficient of thermal expansion , of cement paste ===> Concrete tecnology

1079. Coefficient of thermal expansion , of concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

1080. Coefficient of thermal expansion , of light weight aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology

1081. Coefficient of thermal expansion , of Rocks ===> Concrete tecnology

1082. Coefficient of variation ===> Concrete tecnology

1083. Coefficient of viscosity , ===> Physics XI

1084. Coefficient or ===> RCC

1085. Coefficient or creep, ===> RCC

1086. Coefficient or thermal expansion, ===> RCC

1087. Co-efficient, active earth pressure -, at rest earth pressure ===> Soil Mechanics

1088. Co-efficient, active earth pressure -, compressibility ===> Soil Mechanics

1089. Co-efficient, active earth pressure -, consolidation ===> Soil Mechanics

1090. Co-efficient, active earth pressure -, curvature ===> Soil Mechanics

1091. Co-efficient, active earth pressure -, permeability ===> Soil Mechanics

1092. Co-efficient, active earth pressure -, uniformity ===> Soil Mechanics

1093. Co-efficient, active earth pressure -, volume change ===> Soil Mechanics

1094. Co-efficient, active earth pressure -, volume compressibility ===> Soil Mechanics

1095. Co-efficient, active earth pressure ===> Soil Mechanics

1096. Coeffieient of frietion ===> Highway Engineering

1097. Coffer dams ===> Soil Mechanics

1098. Cogged joint ===> Building Construction

1099. Coherent sources , ===> Physics XI

1100. Cohesion ===> Soil Mechanics

1101. cohesive soil, ===> RCC

1102. Coincidence bubble tube ===> Surveying

1103. Col ===> Surveying

1104. Co-latitude ===> Surveying

1105. Colby apparatus ===> Surveying

1106. Cold weather concreting ===> Concrete tecnology

1107. Colision diagram ===> Highway Engineering

1108. Collapsible steel door ===> Building Construction

1109. Collar bearing, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1110. Collection of special wastes, ===> Enviromental

1111. Collection routes, ===> Enviromental

1112. Collimation in azimuth test ===> Surveying

1113. Collimation marks ===> Surveying

1114. Collimation method ===> Surveying

1115. Collision ===> Physics XI

1116. Collision elastic – ===> Physics XI

1117. Collision inelastic , ===> Physics XI

1118. Collision-time ===> Physics XII

1119. Colloid ===> Soil Mechanics

1120. Colour ===> Physics XI

1121. Colour composites ===> Surveying

1122. Colour vision ===> Highway Engineering

1123. Colour washing ===> Building Construction

1124. Coloured cement ===> Concrete tecnology

1125. Column, ===> Steel Structure

1126. Column, axially loaded, ===> Steel Structure

1127. Column, bases, ===> Steel Structure

1128. Column, combined, ===> Steel Structure

1129. Column, eccentrically loaded ===> Steel Structure

1130. Column, end restraint conditions, ===> Steel Structure

1131. Column, footing ===> Steel Structure

1132. Column, independent ===> Steel Structure

1133. Column, laced ===> Steel Structure

1134. Column, solid wood, ===> Steel Structure

1135. Column, spaced (wooden), ===> Steel Structure

1136. Column, splice, ===> Steel Structure

1137. Column, trusses, ===> Steel Structure

1138. Columns and struts, – beams, ===> Strenngth of Material

1139. Columns and struts, – long, ===> Strenngth of Material

1140. Columns and struts, – with eccentric load, ===> Strenngth of Material

1141. Columns and struts, – with initial curvature, ===> Strenngth of Material

1142. Columns and struts, ===> Strenngth of Material

1143. Columns, ===> RCC

1144. Columns, ===> RCC

1145. Columns, additional moment, ===> RCC

1146. Columns, analysis ===> RCC

1147. Columns, arrangement of live loads, ===> RCC

1148. Columns, axial load plus bi-axial ===> RCC

1149. Columns, axially loaded behaviour, ===> RCC

1150. Columns, axially loaded, ===> RCC

1151. Columns, axially loaded, ===> RCC

1152. Columns, behaviour, ===> RCC

1153. Columns, bending, ===> RCC

1154. Columns, braced, ===> RCC

1155. Columns, circular column, ===> RCC

1156. Columns, clear cover, ===> RCC

1157. Columns, correction factor for ===> RCC

1158. Columns, double curvature, ===> RCC

1159. Columns, eccentrically loaded, ===> RCC

1160. Columns, effective length, ===> RCC

1161. Columns, elastic, ===> RCC

1162. Columns, equivalent uniaxial ===> RCC

1163. Columns, equivalent x-sectional area, ===> RCC

1164. Columns, exact method, ===> RCC

1165. Columns, failures, ===> RCC

1166. Columns, frame analysis approach, ===> RCC

1167. Columns, instability, ===> RCC

1168. Columns, interaction diagram, ===> RCC

1169. Columns, lateral ties ===> RCC

1170. Columns, load contour method, ===> RCC

1171. Columns, longitudinal reinforcement, ===> RCC

1172. Columns, material ===> RCC

1173. Columns, method of design ===> RCC

1174. Columns, minimum eccentricity, ===> RCC

1175. Columns, moment-magnifier, ===> RCC

1176. Columns, radius of gyration ===> RCC

1177. Columns, reciprocal load method, ===> RCC

1178. Columns, rectangular column, ===> RCC

1179. Columns, requirements, ===> RCC

1180. Columns, requirements, ===> RCC

1181. Columns, short columns, ===> RCC

1182. Columns, single curvature, ===> RCC

1183. Columns, slender (long) columns, ===> RCC

1184. Columns, slenderness ratio, ===> RCC

1185. Columns, spirals, ===> RCC

1186. Columns, super position method, ===> RCC

1187. Columns, transverse reinforcement, ===> RCC

1188. Columns, ultima, ===> RCC

1189. Columns, ultimate ===> RCC

1190. Columns, unbraced ===> RCC

1191. Columns, unsupported length ===> RCC

1192. Coma ===> Physics XI

1193. Combined bending and torsion, ===> Strenngth of Material

1194. Combined direct and bending, ===> Strenngth of Material

1195. combined effect, ===> RCC

1196. Combined footing ===> Building Construction

1197. combined footing, ===> RCC

1198. Combined footing, ===> Steel Structure

1199. Combined footing, bending and compression, ===> Steel Structure

1200. Combined footing, bending and tension, ===> Steel Structure

1201. Combined footing, welds, ===> Steel Structure

1202. combined, ===> RCC

1203. Combining aggregates ===> Concrete tecnology

1204. Commercial and household hazardous waste, ===> Enviromental

1205. Commercial vehicles , ===> Highway Engineering

1206. Common rafters ===> Building Construction

1207. Compackon ===> Concrete tecnology

1208. Compacting equipment ===> Highway Engineering

1209. Compacting factor , ===> Concrete tecnology

1210. Compacting factor and slump ===> Concrete tecnology

1211. Compaction piles ===> Building Construction

1212. Compaction tests Harvard miniature ===> Soil Mechanics

1213. Compaction tests -, Abbot ===> Soil Mechanics

1214. Compaction tests -, Dietert ===> Soil Mechanics

1215. Compaction tests -, Jodhpur mini-compactor ===> Soil Mechanics

1216. Compaction tests -, Modified AASHO ===> Soil Mechanics

1217. Compaction tests -, Modified Proctor ===> Soil Mechanics

1218. Compaction tests -, Standard Proctor ===> Soil Mechanics

1219. Compaction tests ===> Soil Mechanics

1220. Compaetion ===> Highway Engineering

1221. Comparision of pavements ===> Highway Engineering

1222. Compass ===> Surveying

1223. Compass prismatic ===> Surveying

1224. Compass surveyor ===> Surveying

1225. Compass temporary adjustments ===> Surveying

1226. Compass trough , ===> Surveying

1227. Compass tubular ===> Surveying

1228. Compatibility ===> Concrete tecnology

1229. Compensator ===> Surveying

1230. Compensator dual-axis ===> Surveying

1231. Compensator single-axis ===> Surveying

1232. Complementary shear stresses, ===> Strenngth of Material

1233. Complexities in SCC ===> Concrete tecnology

1234. Components of a pollution prevention plan, ===> Enviromental

1235. Composite analysis ===> Surveying

1236. Composite masonry ===> Building Construction

1237. Composite piles ===> Building Construction

1238. Composite roof truss ===> Building Construction

1239. Composite sections, ===> Strenngth of Material

1240. Composite shaft, ===> Strenngth of Material

1241. compositing ===> Surveying

1242. Composition of traffie ===> Highway Engineering

1243. Compound composition ===> Concrete tecnology

1244. Compound curve ===> Surveying

1245. Compound curve elements ===> Surveying

1246. Compound curve setting out ===> Surveying

1247. Compressibility ===> Physics XI

1248. Compressibility correction factor, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1249. Compressibility, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1250. Compressible flow ===> Fluid Mechanics

1251. Compression index ===> Soil Mechanics

1252. Compression members, ===> Steel Structure

1253. Compression members, allowable stress, ===> Steel Structure

1254. Compression members, axially loaded, ===> Steel Structure

1255. Compression members, built-up, ===> Steel Structure

1256. Compression members, common sections, ===> Steel Structure

1257. Compression members, design formula ===> Steel Structure

1258. Compression members, design, ===> Steel Structure

1259. Compression members, eccentrically loaded, ===> Steel Structure

1260. Compression members, effective length ===> Steel Structure

1261. Compression members, effective sectional area, ===> Steel Structure

1262. Compression members, radius of gyration, ===> Steel Structure

1263. Compression members, slenderness ratio, ===> Steel Structure

1264. Compression members, strength, ===> Steel Structure

1265. Compressive strength ===> Concrete tecnology

1266. Compressive stress, – strain, ===> Strenngth of Material

1267. Compressive stress, ===> Strenngth of Material

1268. Computer applications ===> Highway Engineering

1269. Computer softwares ===> Highway Engineering

1270. Conceptualization and development, ===> Enviromental

1271. Concrete arches ===> Building Construction

1272. Concrete chemicals ===> Concrete tecnology

1273. Concrete partitions ===> Building Construction

1274. Concrete piles ===> Building Construction

1275. Concrete reinforced with basalt fibre reinforcement ===> Concrete tecnology

1276. Concrete repair system ===> Concrete tecnology

1277. Concrete sheet piles ===> Building Construction

1278. Concrete stair ===> Building Construction

1279. concrete wall, ===> RCC

1280. Concrete, ===> RCC

1281. Concrete, ===> RCC

1282. concrete, ===> RCC

1283. Concrete, building frames ===> RCC

1284. Concrete, compression failure ===> RCC

1285. Concrete, compressive strength, ===> RCC

1286. Concrete, cover ===> RCC

1287. Concrete, creep ===> RCC

1288. Concrete, doubly reinforced, ===> RCC

1289. Concrete, durability ===> RCC

1290. Concrete, flexural, ===> RCC

1291. Concrete, grade ===> RCC

1292. Concrete, properties, ===> RCC

1293. Concrete, shrinkage ===> RCC

1294. Concrete, singly reinforced ===> RCC

1295. Concrete, split, ===> RCC

1296. Concrete, strength ===> RCC

1297. Concrete, tensile strength, ===> RCC

1298. Concrete, workability ===> RCC

1299. Concreting ===> Concrete tecnology

1300. Concreting in cold weather ===> Concrete tecnology

1301. Concreting in hot weather ===> Concrete tecnology

1302. Condensed silica fume ===> Concrete tecnology

1303. Condensers, ===> Enviromental

1304. Condition diagram ===> Highway Engineering

1305. conditions, ===> RCC

1306. Conduction band ===> Physics XII

1307. Conduction electric, in gases ===> Physics XII

1308. Conduction of heat ===> Physics XII

1309. Conductivity ===> Concrete tecnology

1310. Conductivity electrical ===> Physics XII

1311. Conductivity thermal ===> Physics XII

1312. Conductor ===> Physics XII

1313. Cone of depression ===> Soil Mechanics

1314. Conerete bloek pavements ===> Highway Engineering

1315. Conerete finishing maehine ===> Highway Engineering

1316. Conerete mixing plant ===> Highway Engineering

1317. Conerete overlays ===> Highway Engineering

1318. Conerete pavements , ===> Highway Engineering

1319. Confined acquifer ===> Soil Mechanics

1320. Confliet at interseetions ===> Highway Engineering

1321. Congestion ===> Highway Engineering

1322. Conjugate beam method, ===> Strenngth of Material

1323. Conjugate principle points ===> Surveying

1324. Connections ===> Steel Structure

1325. Connections beam, ===> Steel Structure

1326. Connections behaviour ===> Steel Structure

1327. Connections bolted, ===> Steel Structure

1328. Connections flexible, ===> Steel Structure

1329. Connections frame, ===> Steel Structure

1330. Connections rigid ===> Steel Structure

1331. Connections seated, ===> Steel Structure

1332. Connections semi-rigid, ===> Steel Structure

1333. Connections stiffened, ===> Steel Structure

1334. Connections unstiffened, ===> Steel Structure

1335. Consistency ===> Concrete tecnology

1336. Consistency limits ===> Soil Mechanics

1337. Consisteney limits , ===> Highway Engineering

1338. Consolidation -, primary ===> Soil Mechanics

1339. Consolidation -, secondary ===> Soil Mechanics

1340. Consolidation -, settlement ===> Soil Mechanics

1341. Consolidation -, Terzaghi theory of ===> Soil Mechanics

1342. Consolidation -, three dimensional ===> Soil Mechanics

1343. Consolidation ===> Soil Mechanics

1344. Consolidation test ===> Highway Engineering

1345. constants ===> RCC

1346. Constellation ===> Surveying

1347. Construction and demolition debris, ===> Enviromental

1348. Construction of ===> Highway Engineering

1349. Construction of flexible pavement ===> Highway Engineering

1350. Construction of hill roads ===> Highway Engineering

1351. Construction of rigid pavements ===> Highway Engineering

1352. Construetion equipment ===> Highway Engineering

1353. Construetion joints , ===> Highway Engineering

1354. Construetion management ===> Highway Engineering

1355. Construetion of embankments ===> Highway Engineering

1356. Construetion of roads ===> Highway Engineering

1357. Construetion teehnology ===> Highway Engineering

1358. Contact angle ===> Physics XI

1359. Contact apparatus ===> Surveying

1360. Contact moisture ===> Soil Mechanics

1361. Continuity equation ===> Fluid Mechanics

1362. Continuity equation ===> Soil Mechanics

1363. Continuous beams ===> RCC

1364. Continuous beams coefficients ===> RCC

1365. Continuous beams critical section (moment) ===> RCC

1366. Continuous beams design, ===> RCC

1367. Continuous beams effective span, ===> RCC

1368. Continuous beams extension of reinf., ===> RCC

1369. Continuous beams live load arrangement, ===> RCC

1370. Continuous beams moment, ===> RCC

1371. Continuous beams shear ===> RCC

1372. continuous beams, ===> RCC

1373. Continuous beams, ===> Strenngth of Material

1374. continuous beams, special requirements, ===> RCC

1375. Continuous footing ===> Building Construction

1376. Continuous levelling ===> Surveying

1377. continuous strip, ===> RCC

1378. Continuously reinforeed conerete pavements , ===> Highway Engineering

1379. Contour , ===> Surveying

1380. Contour , gradient ===> Surveying

1381. Contour , interval ===> Surveying

1382. Contour , map ===> Surveying

1383. Contour lines , ===> Surveying

1384. Contour lines , characteristics ===> Surveying

1385. Contouring ===> Surveying

1386. Contouring comparison of the methods ===> Surveying

1387. Contouring direct methods ===> Surveying

1388. Contouring indirect methods ===> Surveying

1389. Contouring methods ===> Surveying

1390. Contours ===> Surveying

1391. Contours interpolation ===> Surveying

1392. Contraction Joint ===> Concrete tecnology

1393. Contraetion joints , ===> Highway Engineering

1394. Contrast enhancement ===> Surveying

1395. Control devices for particulate contaminants, ===> Enviromental

1396. Control of aeeess ===> Highway Engineering

1397. Control of Alkali-aggregate reaction ===> Concrete tecnology

1398. Control stations ===> Surveying

1399. Control survey ===> Surveying

1400. Convection ===> Physics XII

1401. Convective acceleration, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1402. Conventional lighting system ===> Highway Engineering

1403. Conventional signs ===> Surveying

1404. Convergent-divergent mouthpiece, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1405. Conversion ===> Concrete tecnology

1406. Convolution filtering ===> Surveying

1407. Coolidge tube ===> Physics XII

1408. Cooling ===> Building Construction

1409. Co-ordinated signals ===> Highway Engineering

1410. Coordinates ===> Surveying

1411. Coordinates consecutive ===> Surveying

1412. Coordinates independent ===> Surveying

1413. Coordinates negative ===> Surveying

1414. Coordinates plotting by ===> Surveying

1415. Copal varnish ===> Building Construction

1416. Coping , ===> Building Construction

1417. Copper, ===> Enviromental

1418. Corbel ===> Building Construction

1419. Cordon line eount ===> Highway Engineering

1420. Core cutter ===> Soil Mechanics

1421. Corner window ===> Building Construction

1422. Cornice ===> Building Construction

1423. Corona discharge ===> Physics XII

1424. Correction ===> Surveying

1425. Correction factor :energy, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1426. Correction factor :momentum, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1427. Corrections for axis signal ===> Surveying

1428. Corrections tape ===> Surveying

1429. Corrections tape sag ===> Surveying

1430. Corrections tape slope ===> Surveying

1431. Corrections tape standard length ===> Surveying

1432. Corrections tape temperature ===> Surveying

1433. Corrections tape tension ===> Surveying

1434. Correlates, method of ===> Surveying

1435. Corrosion effect ===> Concrete tecnology

1436. Corrosion inhibitors ===> Concrete tecnology

1437. Corrosion reinforcement ===> Concrete tecnology

1438. Corrosion reinforcement of calcium chloride ===> Concrete tecnology

1439. Corrosion reinforcement of carbonation ===> Concrete tecnology

1440. Corrosion reinforcement of chlorides ===> Concrete tecnology

1441. Corrosion reinforcement of cover ===> Concrete tecnology

1442. Corrosion reinforcement of sea water ===> Concrete tecnology

1443. Corrugated sheets ===> Building Construction

1444. Corrugations , ===> Highway Engineering

1445. Cossiopea Crab ===> Surveying

1446. Cost eonsiderations ===> Highway Engineering

1447. Cost factor analysis of transfer operations, ===> Enviromental

1448. Coulomb law of electric force ===> Physics XII

1449. Coulomb unit of charge ===> Physics XII

1450. Coulomb’s equation for shear strength ===> Soil Mechanics

1451. Coulomb’s theory of earth pressure ===> Soil Mechanics

1452. Coulombmeter ===> Physics XII

1453. counter fort, ===> RCC

1454. Coupling, ===> Strenngth of Material

1455. Course ===> Building Construction

1456. Course agg. content SCC ===> Concrete tecnology

1457. Coursed rubble masonry ===> Building Construction

1458. Cover ===> Concrete tecnology

1459. Cover for reinforcement, ===> RCC

1460. Cover for reinforcement, clear, ===> RCC

1461. Cover for reinforcement, effective, ===> RCC

1462. Cover for reinforcement, slabs, ===> RCC

1463. Covering of roofs ===> Building Construction

1464. CPM , ===> Building Construction

1465. CR circuit with AC source ===> Physics XII

1466. Crack ===> RCC

1467. Crack ACI recommendations, ===> RCC

1468. Crack axial tension, ===> RCC

1469. Crack causes, ===> RCC

1470. Crack long-term, ===> RCC

1471. Crack machanism, ===> RCC

1472. Crack necessity of control, ===> RCC

1473. Crack control , ===> Concrete tecnology

1474. Crack propagation ===> Concrete tecnology

1475. Crack width ===> Concrete tecnology

1476. Crack width, ===> RCC

1477. Crack width, Gergely-Lute equation, ===> RCC

1478. Cracking of mass concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

1479. Cracks in concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

1480. Craeking of roads ===> Highway Engineering

1481. Crag ===> Surveying

1482. Cramped joint ===> Building Construction

1483. Crane ===> Highway Engineering

1484. Crane gantry girder, ===> Steel Structure

1485. Crane overhead, ===> Steel Structure

1486. creep, friction, ===> RCC

1487. Crest, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1488. Crippling load, ===> Strenngth of Material

1489. Criteria for siting transfer station, ===> Enviromental

1490. Criticai path method (CPM) ===> Highway Engineering

1491. Critical activities ===> Building Construction

1492. Critical angle, in refraction ===> Physics XI

1493. Critical depth, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1494. Critical hydraulic gradient ===> Soil Mechanics

1495. Critical load, ===> Strenngth of Material

1496. Critical path , ===> Building Construction

1497. Critical section, ===> RCC

1498. Critical section, shear force, ===> RCC

1499. critical sections, ===> RCC

1500. Critical velocity ===> Physics XI

1501. Critical velocity, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1502. Crookes dark space ===> Physics XII

1503. Cross drainage ===> Highway Engineering

1504. Cross head ===> Surveying

1505. Cross seetion elements , ===> Highway Engineering

1506. Cross-hair ring test ===> Surveying

1507. Cross-sectioning ===> Surveying

1508. Cross-staff ===> Surveying

1509. Cross-staff setting out right angles ===> Surveying

1510. Cross-staff taking offsets ===> Surveying

1511. Crushed aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology

1512. Crushed sand ===> Concrete tecnology

1513. Crusher ===> Concrete tecnology

1514. Crusher dust ===> Concrete tecnology

1515. Crushing strength ===> Concrete tecnology

1516. Crushing value ===> Concrete tecnology

1517. C-S-H ===> Concrete tecnology

1518. Cube test ===> Concrete tecnology

1519. cubic convolution method ===> Surveying

1520. Cubic parabola ===> Surveying

1521. Cubic spiral ===> Surveying

1522. Culmann method ===> Soil Mechanics

1523. Culmination ===> Surveying

1524. Culverts ===> Highway Engineering

1525. Cumulative percentage ===> Concrete tecnology

1526. Cunningham equation ===> Surveying

1527. Curb ===> Highway Engineering

1528. Curb parking ===> Highway Engineering

1529. Curie temperature ===> Physics XII

1530. Curie, Marie ===> Physics XII

1531. Curie, Piere ===> Physics XII

1532. Curie, unit of radicactivity ===> Physics XII

1533. Curie's law ===> Physics XII

1534. Curing compounds ===> Concrete tecnology

1535. Curing methods ===> Concrete tecnology

1536. Curing of concrete ===> Building Construction

1537. Curing period ===> Concrete tecnology

1538. Current alternating ===> Physics XII

1539. Current density ===> Physics XII

1540. Current electric ===> Physics XII

1541. Current growth and decay ===> Physics XII

1542. Current induced ===> Physics XII

1543. Current loop ===> Physics XII

1544. Current loop as a magnetic dipole ===> Physics XII

1545. Current loop magnetic field due to ===> Physics XII

1546. Current loop magnetic torque on ===> Physics XII

1547. Current Maxwell's displacement ===> Physics XII

1548. Current meter ===> Surveying

1549. Curtailment of ===> RCC

1550. Curtailment of flange plates, ===> Steel Structure

1551. Curtailment of reinforcement, ===> RCC

1552. curvature ===> Surveying

1553. Curvature area theorem, ===> RCC

1554. Curvature correction ===> Surveying

1555. Curvature correction levelling ===> Surveying

1556. Curvature correction volume ===> Surveying

1557. Curvature in images ===> Physics XI

1558. Curvature of beam, ===> RCC

1559. Curve ===> Surveying

1560. Curve broken-back ===> Surveying

1561. Curve combined ===> Surveying

1562. Curve compound ===> Surveying

1563. Curve easement ===> Surveying

1564. Curve horizontal ===> Surveying

1565. Curve lemniscate ===> Surveying

1566. Curve reverse ===> Surveying

1567. Curve serpentine ===> Surveying

1568. Curve simple circular ===> Surveying

1569. Curve transition ===> Surveying

1570. Curve vertical ===> Surveying

1571. Curved bars, – Circular, ===> Strenngth of Material

1572. Curved bars, – Rectangular, ===> Strenngth of Material

1573. Curved bars, – Trapezoidal, ===> Strenngth of Material

1574. Curved bars, – Triangular, ===> Strenngth of Material

1575. Curved bars, ===> Strenngth of Material

1576. Curved surface, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1577. Cut string of stairs ===> Building Construction

1578. Cut-baek bitumen ===> Highway Engineering

1579. Cyanide, ===> Enviromental

1580. Cycletraek ===> Highway Engineering

1581. Cyclic process ===> Physics XII

1582. Cyclist traffie management , ===> Highway Engineering

1583. Cyclones, ===> Enviromental

1584. Cyclotron frequency ===> Physics XII

1585. Cylinder strength and Cube strength ===> Concrete tecnology

1586. Cylinder test ===> Concrete tecnology

1587. Cylinders, thick, ===> Strenngth of Material

1588. Cylinders, thin, ===> Strenngth of Material

1589. D Deceleration lane , ===> Highway Engineering

1590. Dairy industry, ===> Enviromental

1591. Dalton's law ===> Physics XII

1592. Damp proofing , ===> Building Construction

1593. Damp-proofing ===> Concrete tecnology

1594. Dams, ===> Strenngth of Material

1595. Danger circle ===> Surveying

1596. Darcy Weisbach equation ===> Fluid Mechanics

1597. Darcy’s law ===> Soil Mechanics

1598. Darex ===> Concrete tecnology

1599. Data ===> Surveying

1600. Data acquisition ===> Surveying

1601. Data areal ===> Surveying

1602. Data attribute ===> Surveying

1603. Data encoded ===> Surveying

1604. Data format conversions ===> Surveying

1605. Data graphical ===> Surveying

1606. Data interpretation ===> Surveying

1607. Data line ===> Surveying

1608. Data models ===> Surveying

1609. Data point ===> Surveying

1610. Data reference ===> Surveying

1611. Data spatial ===> Surveying

1612. Data string ===> Surveying

1613. Data structure ===> Surveying

1614. Data structure raster ===> Surveying

1615. Data structure vector ===> Surveying

1616. Datum ===> Surveying

1617. DBMS ===> Surveying

1618. de Broglie ===> Physics XII

1619. de Broglie wavelength ===> Physics XII

1620. Dead load ===> Building Construction

1621. dead load, ===> RCC

1622. dead load, live loads, ===> RCC

1623. Dead loads deflection, ===> RCC

1624. Dead loads deflection, calculations, ===> RCC

1625. Dead shores ===> Building Construction

1626. Decibel ===> Physics XI

1627. Declination ===> Surveying

1628. Declination ===> Surveying

1629. Declination and hour angle system , ===> Surveying

1630. Declination and right ascension system , ===> Surveying

1631. Declination circle ===> Surveying

1632. Deep foundations ===> Building Construction

1633. Deep-well injection, ===> Enviromental

1634. Defects in flexible pavements ===> Highway Engineering

1635. Defects in rigid pavements ===> Highway Engineering

1636. Defence survey ===> Surveying

1637. Deffocculation ===> Concrete tecnology

1638. Definition ===> Highway Engineering

1639. Definition of hazardous waste, ===> Enviromental

1640. Deflection measurement , ===> Highway Engineering

1641. Deflection of beams, – in unsymmetrical bending, ===> Strenngth of Material

1642. Deflection of beams, – of cantilever, ===> Strenngth of Material

1643. Deflection of beams, ===> Strenngth of Material

1644. Deflection of flow lines ===> Soil Mechanics

1645. Deflections , ===> Steel Structure

1646. Deflections , ===> Steel Structure

1647. Deflections , allowable (steel), ===> Steel Structure

1648. Deflections , allowable (wooden), ===> Steel Structure

1649. Deflections , beams, ===> Steel Structure

1650. deflections, ===> RCC

1651. Deformation : ===> Fluid Mechanics

1652. Deformation : Angular, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1653. Deformation : Linear, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1654. Degree of compaction ===> Soil Mechanics

1655. Degree of curve ===> Surveying

1656. Degree of freedom ===> Physics XII

1657. Degree of reaction, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1658. Degree of saturation ===> Soil Mechanics

1659. Dehumidification ===> Building Construction

1660. De-icing ===> Concrete tecnology

1661. Delay , ===> Highway Engineering

1662. Delay studies ===> Highway Engineering

1663. Deleterious substance ===> Concrete tecnology

1664. Delhi Metro Project , ===> Concrete tecnology

1665. Delineator ===> Highway Engineering

1666. Delta-range ===> Surveying

1667. Densely packed system ===> Concrete tecnology

1668. Density ===> Highway Engineering

1669. Density bottle ===> Soil Mechanics

1670. Density index ===> Soil Mechanics

1671. Density of cellular concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

1672. Density of light weight concrete ===> Concrete tecnology

1673. Density slicing ===> Surveying

1674. Density, bulk -, dry ===> Soil Mechanics

1675. Density, bulk -, relative ===> Soil Mechanics

1676. Density, bulk -, saturated ===> Soil Mechanics

1677. Density, bulk -, submerged ===> Soil Mechanics

1678. Density, bulk ===> Soil Mechanics

1679. Departure ===> Surveying

1680. Depth factor ===> Soil Mechanics

1681. Depth of foundation ===> Soil Mechanics

1682. Depth of neutral axial ===> RCC

1683. depth of neutral axis, ===> RCC

1684. Derived quantity, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1685. Derriek crane ===> Highway Engineering

1686. Design aids, ===> RCC

1687. design aids, ===> RCC

1688. Design beam, ===> RCC

1689. Design beam, continuous beams, ===> RCC

1690. Design constants, ===> RCC

1691. Design eapaeity , ===> Highway Engineering

1692. Design hourly volume (DHV) , ===> Highway Engineering

1693. Design loads, ===> RCC

1694. Design measures in safety ===> Highway Engineering

1695. Design of ===> Highway Engineering

1696. Design of embankments ===> Highway Engineering

1697. Design of flexible pavements ===> Highway Engineering

1698. Design of Fr. connection, ===> Steel Structure

1699. Design of Fr. connection, Large moment resistant, ===> Steel Structure

1700. Design of Fr. connection, pin ===> Steel Structure

1701. Design of Fr. connection, semi-rigid, ===> Steel Structure

1702. Design of Fr. connection, small moment resistant, ===> Steel Structure

1703. Design of Fr. connection, stiffened, ===> Steel Structure

1704. Design of Fr. connection, unstiffened, ===> Steel Structure

1705. Design of Fr. connection, welded, ===> Steel Structure

1706. Design of Pelton wheel, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1707. Design of rigid pavements ===> Highway Engineering

1708. Design of road ===> Highway Engineering

1709. Design of traffic signals ===> Highway Engineering

1710. Design period ===> Highway Engineering

1711. Design speed , ===> Highway Engineering

1712. Design strength material, ===> RCC

1713. Design vehicle ===> Highway Engineering

1714. design, ===> RCC

1715. design, ===> RCC

1716. design, hoop compression, ===> RCC

1717. Desire line ===> Highway Engineering

1718. Desire line map ===> Highway Engineering

1719. De-stripping ===> Surveying

1720. Detailed project report (DPR) ===> Highway Engineering

1721. Detailed surveys ===> Highway Engineering

1722. Detector response calibration ===> Surveying

1723. Detraining agent ===> Concrete tecnology

1724. Deuteron ===> Physics XII

1725. Deval abrasion test ===> Highway Engineering

1726. Deval test ===> Concrete tecnology

1727. Developed traffie ===> Highway Engineering

1728. development length in ===> RCC

1729. development length in compression failures ===> RCC

1730. Development length, ===> RCC

1731. Development length, hysd steel, ===> RCC

1732. development, ===> RCC

1733. development, ===> RCC

1734. Deviator stress ===> Soil Mechanics

1735. Dew point ===> Physics XII

1736. Dewatering ===> Building Construction

1737. Di amagnetism ===> Physics XII

1738. Diagonal bond ===> Building Construction

1739. Diagonal buckling, ===> Steel Structure

1740. Diagonal eyepiece ===> Surveying

1741. Diagonal tension, ===> RCC

1742. Diagonal tension, torsional reinforcement, ===> RCC

1743. Diamond interehange , ===> Highway Engineering

1744. Diamond riveting, ===> Steel Structure

1745. Diamond riveting, ===> Strenngth of Material

1746. Diaphragm ring ===> Surveying

1747. Diathermic walls ===> Physics XII

1748. Diatomaceous earth ===> Concrete tecnology

1749. Dielectric ===> Physics XII

1750. Dielectric and Gauss's law ===> Physics XII

1751. Dielectric breakdown ===> Physics XII

1752. Dielectric constant ===> Physics XII

1753. Dielectric strength ===> Physics XII

1754. Diesel engine ===> Physics XII

1755. Differential corrections ===> Surveying

1756. Differential GPS ===> Surveying

1757. Differential GPS inverted ===> Surveying

1758. Differential GPS principle of ===> Surveying

1759. Differential GPS working with ===> Surveying

1760. Differential hydraulic accumulator, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1761. Differential levelling ===> Surveying

1762. Differential manometer, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1763. Differential parallax ===> Surveying

1764. Differential shrinkage ===> Concrete tecnology

1765. Diffraction ===> Physics XI

1766. Diffraction by circular aperture ===> Physics XI

1767. Diffraction by single slit ===> Physics XI

1768. Diffraction by straight edge ===> Physics XI

1769. Diffraction of light ===> Physics XI

1770. Diffraction of sound waves ===> Physics XI

1771. Diffuse double layer ===> Soil Mechanics

1772. Diffusion current in p-n junction ===> Physics XII

1773. Diffusion of chloride ===> Concrete tecnology

1774. Digital data ===> Surveying

1775. Digital data elevation model , ===> Surveying

1776. Digital data image ===> Surveying

1777. Digital data image processing , ===> Surveying

1778. Digital data terrain model ===> Surveying

1779. Digital level ===> Surveying

1780. Digital planimeter ===> Surveying

1781. Digitiser ===> Surveying

1782. Digitising table ===> Surveying

1783. Dilution of precision ===> Surveying

1784. Dimension ===> Physics XI

1785. Dimension coefficient of viscosity ===> Physics XI

1786. Dimension of vehicles ===> Highway Engineering

1787. Dimensional analysis, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1788. Dimensional homogeneity, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1789. Dimensionless number, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1790. Dimensions ===> Physics XI

1791. Diode ===> Physics XII

1792. Diode characteristics ===> Physics XII

1793. Diode dynamic plate resistance ===> Physics XII

1794. Diode plate current ===> Physics XII

1795. Diode plate voltage ===> Physics XII

1796. Diode semiconductor ===> Physics XII

1797. Diode space charge ===> Physics XII

1798. Diode valve ===> Physics XII

1799. Dip ===> Surveying

1800. Dip ===> Physics XII

1801. Dip circle ===> Physics XII

1802. Dip of horizon ===> Surveying

1803. Dipole ===> Soil Mechanics

1804. Dipole ===> Physics XII

1805. Dipole electric ===> Physics XII

1806. Dipole magnetic ===> Physics XII

1807. Direct and bending stress combined, ===> Strenngth of Material

1808. direct design method, ===> RCC

1809. Direct ranging ===> Surveying

1810. Direct reading tacheometer ===> Surveying

1811. Direction theodolite ===> Surveying

1812. Direct-load transfer stations, ===> Enviromental

1813. Direetion signs ===> Highway Engineering

1814. Disc of uniform strength, ===> Strenngth of Material

1815. Disc piles ===> Building Construction

1816. Discharge co-efficient, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1817. Discharge tube ===> Physics XII

1818. Discrepancy ===> Surveying

1819. Disinfection of effluents, ===> Enviromental

1820. Dispersing agent ===> Soil Mechanics

1821. Dispersion ===> Physics XI

1822. Dispersion angular ===> Physics XI

1823. Dispersion without deviation ===> Physics XI

1824. Dispersion of cement ===> Concrete tecnology

1825. Dispersive power ===> Physics XI

1826. Displacement ===> Physics XI

1827. Displacement ===> Surveying

1828. Displacement current ===> Physics XII

1829. Displacement due to ground relief ===> Surveying

1830. Displacement due to tilt ===> Surveying

1831. Displacement thickness, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1832. Displacement, electric ===> Physics XII

1833. Disposal methods for waste water concentrates, ===> Enviromental

1834. Disposal of solid waste, ===> Enviromental

1835. Disposal of toxic substances, ===> Enviromental

1836. Dissolved solid removal, ===> Enviromental

1837. Distance angles ===> Surveying

1838. Distance equation ===> Surveying

1839. Distempering ===> Building Construction

1840. Distillation test ===> Highway Engineering

1841. Distilled water ===> Concrete tecnology

1842. Distorted models, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1843. Distortion in images ===> Physics XI

1844. Distribution of angular error ===> Surveying

1845. distribution, ===> RCC

1846. Diurnal variation ===> Surveying

1847. Diverging ===> Highway Engineering

1848. Divided roads ===> Highway Engineering

1849. Dog-legged stairs ===> Building Construction

1850. Dog-spikes ===> Building Construction

1851. Domes, ===> RCC

1852. Domes, conical, ===> RCC

1853. Doors ===> Building Construction

1854. Doppler effect ===> Physics XI

1855. Doppler effect , ===> Surveying

1856. Doppler shift ===> Surveying

1857. Dormer window ===> Building Construction

1858. Dorry abrasion test ===> Concrete tecnology

1859. Dorry abrasion test ===> Highway Engineering

1860. Double flemish bond , ===> Building Construction

1861. Double image tacheometer ===> Surveying

1862. Double joist timber floors ===> Building Construction

1863. Double-acting pump, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1864. Doublet, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1865. doubly reinforced beam, ===> RCC

1866. doubly reinforced beam, singly reinforced beam, ===> RCC

1867. Doughnut buffer ===> Surveying

1868. Dovetailed joint ===> Building Construction

1869. Dowelled joints , ===> Building Construction

1870. dowels in footing, ===> RCC

1871. Draft-tube, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1872. Drag co-efficient, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1873. Drag line ===> Highway Engineering

1874. Drag on a cylinder, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1875. Drag, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1876. Drainage ===> Building Construction

1877. Drainage ===> Highway Engineering

1878. Drainage ===> Soil Mechanics

1879. Drainage by deep well ===> Soil Mechanics

1880. Drainage by ditches and sumps ===> Soil Mechanics

1881. Drainage by electro-osmosis ===> Soil Mechanics

1882. Drainage by shallow well ===> Soil Mechanics

1883. Drainage by well point ===> Soil Mechanics

1884. Drainage of hill roads ===> Highway Engineering

1885. Drains ===> Highway Engineering

1886. Drawdown ===> Soil Mechanics

1887. Drawings ===> Highway Engineering

1888. Dressing of stone - tools ===> Building Construction

1889. Dressing of stone ===> Building Construction

1890. Driers ===> Building Construction

1891. Drift ===> Surveying

1892. Drift angle ===> Surveying

1893. Drift current in p-n junction ===> Physics XII

1894. Drift speed ===> Physics XII

1895. Drilling methods ===> Soil Mechanics

1896. Driver behavior , ===> Highway Engineering

1897. Drowned weir, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1898. Dry bound macadam ===> Highway Engineering

1899. Dry Process ===> Concrete tecnology

1900. Dry rubble masonry ===> Building Construction

1901. Drying shrinkage ===> Concrete tecnology

1902. Duchemin’s formula, ===> Steel Structure

1903. Ductility in seismic design ===> Building Construction

1904. Ductility test ===> Highway Engineering

1905. Dumpy level ===> Surveying

1906. Dupuit theory ===> Soil Mechanics

1907. Durability ===> Concrete tecnology

1908. Durability Fly ash ===> Concrete tecnology

1909. Durability ggBS , ===> Concrete tecnology

1910. Durability Silica fume ===> Concrete tecnology

1911. Durability Thermal expansion ===> Concrete tecnology

1912. Dust in aggregate ===> Concrete tecnology

1913. Dutch bond ===> Building Construction

1914. Dwellings, ===> RCC

1915. Dynaflect deflectometer ===> Highway Engineering

1916. Dynamic cone. penetration test (DCPT) ===> Highway Engineering

1917. Dynamic effects, ===> RCC

1918. Dynamic formulae ===> Soil Mechanics

1919. Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity ===> Concrete tecnology

1920. Dynamic similarity, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1921. Dynamic survey technique ===> Surveying

1922. Dynamic viscosity, ===> Fluid Mechanics

1923. Dynamo ===> Physics XII


Sudhanshu Civil

Ayachigram Road No-5 (W) ,Near Bariya Bus Stand, Muzaffarpur,Bihar 842001

LandMark- Little Feet Play School


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