161. If the depth of flow in a channel is 1 m and velocity of flow is 2 m/sec. then the
velocity with which an elementary wave can travel upstream is 1.132 m/sec
162. The height of hydraulic jump is equal to difference in conjugate depths
163. If the conjugate depths before and after the jump are 0.5 m and 2.5 m respectively, then the loss of energy in the hydraulic jump will be 1.6 m
164. The specific energy in m kg/kg for the flow expressed by V=2.22 m/sec and y = l m is 1.25
165. The value of Froude number can be Any no
166. The pressure coefficient is the ratio of pressure forces to inertial forces
167. Select the non-dimensional parameter of the following specific gravity
168. Which of the following is not a non dimensional parameter ? Chezy's coefficient
169. The dimensions of pressure gradient dp/dx in a fluid are M¹L⁻²T⁻²
170. Which of the following quantities is dimensionless ?

where F is force, p is density and u is dynamic viscosity and the dimensions of
dynamic viscosity are M¹ L⁻¹ T⁻¹ .
I71. Froude number is the ratio of inertia force to gravity force
172. If the physical quantities involved in a fluid flow phenomenon are discharge 0.
diameter D, acceleration due to gravity g, dynamic viscosity μ. and density p, then
the number of n parameters needed to express the function F (Q, D, g, μ, p) = 0 2
173. In a 1 : 100 scale model of a harbour, the time which will correspond to the
prototype tidal period of 12 hours will be 1.2 hours
174. If the resistance R to the motion of a sphere through a fluid is a function of the density p, viscosity η of the fluid, radius r and velocity v of the sphere, the number of π-parameters needed to express the
function F (R, p, η, r, v) = 0 is 2
175. The dimensions of surface tension are M¹L⁰T²
176. Which of the following is a dimensionally homogeneous equation ?

177. Apart from inertia force, which of the following forces is most important in
motion of submarines under water ? viscous force
178. In which of the following situations, the viscous force is unimportant ?
capillary waves in channels
179. The ratio of volume flow rates in two dynamical similar systems governed by
Froude modelling is equal to (assume gᵣ=1 )

180. Which of the following could be a n parameter of the function (Φ (F, V, ρ, μ,
L)= 0 when V, ρ and L are taken as repeating variables ?
