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Fluid Mechanics

Updated: Dec 29, 2020


Ideal Fluid and Real Fluid

Specific Weight,Specific volume,Specific Gravity

Newton's Law of Viscocity

Dinemic Viscosity/Kinemetic Viscosity

Type of fluid

Compressibility (β),Isothermal Bulk modulus (KT),Adiabatic

Surface Tension/Pressure Inside Drop ,Bubble and Jet

Capillary Action


Pascal's Law

Absolute Pressure

Hydrostatic Law

Conversion of one Fluid column to another Fluid column

Hydrostatic Forces

Hydrostatic Forces on Submerged Surface

Hydrostatic Forces on Curved Surface

Depth of Center of Pressure for some vertical Plane surfaces from liquid Surface

Buoyancy and floation

Archimedes Principle

Principle of floation

Condition for equilibrium for floating /Submerged Body

Time Period of Oscillation

Metacentric height (Gm)

Fluid Kinematics

Steady and Unsteady flow

Uniform and Non Uniform flow

Laminar and Turbulent flow




Euation of stream line

Continuity Equation (Conservation of Mass)

Genral Continuity Equation

Total Acceleration of fluid

Rotational Component/Vorticity/Circulation

Velocity Potential Function (ф)

Streamline Function (Ψ)

Cauchy Reimann equation

Fluid Dynamic & Flow Measurement

Different type of force Acting on Fluid Particle

Euler's Equation

Bernoulli's Equation


Orfice meter

Pitot tube

Hydraulic Coefficients

Devices and there uses

Viscous Flow of Incompressible Fluid

Reynold's Number (Re)

Nture of flow According to Reynolds Number for pipe and open channel flow

Entrance Length (Le

Laminar flow through circular pipe

(Hagen-Poiseulle Flow)

Laminar flow between two fixed Parallel plate

Momentum Correction factor (β)

Kinetic energy correction factor (α)

Flow Through Pipes

Friction loss/Darcy Weisbatch Equation

Chezy's Formula

Series and parallel combination of pipes

Different type of minor losses in pipe

Hydraulic Gradiant Line (HGL) and Total Energy Line (TEL)

Power tranmission Through pipe (P)

Siphon Action Pipe

Vortex Motion

Free Vortex Flow

Forced Vortex Flow

Variation of Pressure

Boundary Layer Theory

Development of Boundary Layer Region

Various Terms Associated With Boundry Layer Theory

General velocity profile for laminar and turbulent flow

Reynold number for different types of flow over flat plat

Blassius Experiment Results/When velocity profile is not given


Condition for boundary layer Sepration

Method of Preventing Sepration

Turbulent flow

Shear Stress in Turbulent flow

Hydro Dynamically Smooth and Rough Pipes

Velocity distribution for Turbulent flow in Pipes

Friction Factor

Dimensional Analysis

Reynolds Model Law

Froude's Model law

Distorted model law

Impact of jets

Force Exerted jet on a Stationary plate

Force Exerted jet on a Moving plate

Force Exerted by a jet on Hinged plate

Concept of tangential flow Runners

Concept of radial flow runners


Velocity Triangle

Francis Turbine


Design Parameter of francis turbine

pelton Wheel Turbine

Keplon and propeller turbine (Axial flow reaction turbine)

Hydraulic pump

Centrifugal pump

Reciprocating pump

Open Channel Flow


Sudhanshu Civil

Ayachigram Road No-5 (W) ,Near Bariya Bus Stand, Muzaffarpur,Bihar 842001

LandMark- Little Feet Play School


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